Disclaimer: No owning.

Rated for my vulgar A/Ns and general profanity and girls kissing and sex and booze and drugs, etc. I don't know how much of that will actually appear in this, but I like to cover my bases.

A/N: What are Savannah and Marti being called? Savarti? Martannah? Don't care - this show is a cocktease. If they don't make out, it is crap. It's some of the most blatant sexual tension I have ever seen (it is more subtexy than Xena and Gabrielle), and Marti is very clearly having a straight girl identity crisis because she's crushing on a girl who is obviously very straight and a religious, homeschooled nut (look at me spoiling my own fanfiction). I don't like to write fics about shows that are still on the air, especially during the first season, but I have to. I have to write this because I have been fascinated with people from the Disney channel making out for almost a decade, and this show...if/when they make out, I will have a spontaneous Disney orgasm. I will probably die. This story is going to begin after episode 12, "Papa, Oh Papa." Anything happening in subsequent episodes is to be disregarded. This will hopefully be short and to the point...but I'm known for lengthy fics, so...I don't know! Whatevs! Marti's POV, go! Oh, and the title has nothing to do with anything really - just a Tori Amos/Sylvia Plath reference. No animal abuse will happen.

Kittens Wrapped in Cement

Bolting upright in bed, I blinked in the darkness. My eyes adjusted and I glanced to my left. Savannah still slept soundly - thank God. I didn't want to deal with her trying to pry my nightmares out of me...not nightmares so much, just dreams. Weird. Fucking. Dreams. Fucking dreams, literally. I couldn't tell her what they were about. I'm such a liar...well, more of a with-holder, less a liar, I guess. I let out a sigh of relief and wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead. I wouldn't be sleeping anymore tonight, so I crept quietly from the room, through the common area and into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

3:46am. Jesus. I'd drink a cup or two of coffee and go workout then be out of Cheertown before anyone else woke up. I had a packed day ahead with class and visiting prison. I hit the light switch and began executing my plan quietly.

I rapped my fingers on the countertop. The dreams started out about Lewis and Dan. Dan and all of his fucking feelings, and Lewis and all of his morals. After we got back from sectionals, the dreams got...weirder. Lewis and Dan and…Savannah? I mean, Savannah was always sort of there because of Dan, but everything just kept coming back to her. It would circle right back and end with her. With us.

Lewis was just my base, but at least he was speaking to me. Dan Patch, on the other hand, still hadn't returned any of my calls - this shit was just like in high school. We did something stupid and he disappeared, and there went my best friend. Again. The second time. Boyfriends come and go and so do friends, apparently. It wasn't so bad the second time around. I figured he'd come back and we'd pretend it didn't happen and go back to being friends again. He'd realize he was being a woman. Savannah was the only person to completely forgive me. Playing Uno with her on the bus ride back to Memphis took a huge weight off my shoulders. We'd even worked back up to hugging.

I slammed my palm into my forehead - I had skipped lawyering for her. I had never put my career second to any boy, not Dan, not anyone. Now Dan was gone again and this time because I picked her over him with his stupid ultimatum. Now I had no one to talk to about her because he was gone. I couldn't talk to Lewis...couldn't talk to Alice...not any of the bobbleheads...definitely couldn't talk to Wanda. Not Morgan either, and there was no one else in my life. Fuck.

The coffee finished percolating and I poured myself a cup.

Savannah actually wanted me to talk to her. She bugged the shit out of me when I woke her up and then stayed up with me, which really didn't help. I couldn't talk to her though. No way in hell. I word-vomited everywhere and told her about Dan and I – that turned into a shitshow and me being miserable. I could've kept that to myself, but I felt so terrible, so fucking guilty. I don't know why everyone was so mad at me. It's not my fault that her boyfriend decided he was in love with me out of the blue. I told everyone, including him, that I didn't like him as more than a friend, not anymore. I liked him when I was sixteen because I had hormones and everyone is a dumbass in high school. The only thing I was guilty of was getting drunk in my car with him and proceeding to be a skank because he was a boy and he was there, and...

"What are you doing up?"

Epic rambling thoughts: interrupted. Thankfully. I looked over my shoulder at Alice, "Can't sleep. What're you doing?"

"Jake's being unappreciative again, so I left. I have no plans to reward his negative behavior. Did you not hear me come in?"

I shook my head.

She shrugged, "Hm. Whatever."

Then she disappeared down the hall into the darkness. I was glad Alice didn't ask a lot of questions.

A/N (part deux): I have a severe problem with this show in that Aly Michalka is 5'8" so it is completely inconceivable that she would be a flyer in cheerleading or even a competitive gymnast, but I'm going to pretend that isn't true for sake of her making out with Ashley Tisdale.