Isamu smiled happily at her reflection in the shiny clear water below her. Her wavy peachy blonde hair was tied back in two low pony tails. Each one tied with a black ribbon. She grinned with an evil glint to herself, she felt today was going to be interesting.

The girl suddenly jerked her head to the left, after noticing incredibly high chakras near her. The grin on her face melted into a mischievous smile and her eyes sparkled in delight. Fully turning her body to face the east, she laughed in a high devious voice as pranks popped into her mind. Oh this is going to be awesome she thought happily. Her dark green eyes suddenly flashed to a dull purple-black as she dashed off straight ahead. Her kekkei genkai allowing her to morph into the shadows, becoming one herself . As a shadow she glided along every shady spot in the forest to get to an area about a mile from where she was.

As she slid next to the treeless space, two figures appeared to be walking. One had blonde hair in a high pony tail and the other had a swirly orange mask, both sharing a black and red cloak. Jackpot she thought. Isamu looked at them with her once dull eyes, now glowing an eery yellow. She was about to move but the blonde just so happened to look over at where she was, noticing the creepy glowing eyes in the shadow of the bush near him.

"What the hell, yeah!", the blonde screamed with a freaked out face.

"What! What! Let Tobi see!", the lollipop masked one yelled, running over to the ponytailed guy.

Isamu had to refrain from laughing, these guys where just too funny. Slowly she stood up. Her body one black shadow. Her glowing eyes sparkled as she grinned showing straight white teeth. The blonde freaked out throwing a beige bird looking thing at her. The roundish blob passed right through her black covered body. He made a sign and it blew up all the plant life by her. The girl shrieked sinking into the ground, trying to get away from the light made by the bomb. She moved super fast toward him and slowly climbed up his body unseen.

" Woo, what the hell was that thing, un", the blonde shouted in a relived voice.

Isamu slowly rose her head from the man's shoulder looking at the orange masked man in front of her. She rose her dark index finger up to her lips and grinned. The man shook his he'd spastically getting what she was doing.

"…What was what?", Isamu said trying to make the creepiest voice she could.

"Ahhhhhhh!", the blonde looked at her and jumped screaming like a girl.

Isamu bursted out laughing. Jumping off him to the orange masked man. While in the air she deactivated her kekkei genkai, turning back to her regular form. Giggling, she wrapped her arms around the masked man neck and her legs around his waist.

"Hi i'm Isamu, but I go by Amu!", she grinned, looking into mask's face.

"My names Tobi and I'm a good boy! That's Deidara-sempai!", pointing to the enraged blonde.

The blonde glared at the girl named Isamu. She grinned feeling the rage ripple off of him. His eyes narrowed taking in her appearance, then he wondered where she was from. There was no ninja headbands on her. Deidara sighed, as much as he didn't want to he knew the leader was gonna want to take a look at this girl and her weird abilities.

"You're coming with us girl, un", Deidara sighed irritably.

"Yayyyyy!, Tobi shouted.

The blonde man got in a fighting stature, ready to fight the devious girl that was hanging on Tobi. Isamu smiled and jumped off of Tobi, landing right before Deidara on her feet ready to ponce. The blonde jumped back slightly, but was not fast enough for the girl. She grinned and launched herself, tackling him to the ground. The tanned girl crawled her way up the blonde and sat on his hips.

"Okay, i'll go with you guys!" the girl giggled, wrapping her arms the man's neck.

The blonde man's eye widened as she leaned her head down by his ear. Deidara got a smug perverted look on his face, 'this girl was pretty hot, un' he thought. Opening her mouth she leaned forward and bit his ear, hard.

"Oww! what the fuck, yeah!"

"Bwahahahaha! Okay let's go Tobi and Dei-Dei!" the girl giggled jumping away from the blonde man's rage.

The girl latched her arm with Tobi. She smiled up into the man's mask. It seemed the masked man was smiling back at her. She had never traveled with anyone before, this was going to be so much fun! 'Hmmm I wonder if they have good food…'

"Amu-chan and Tobi are going to be best friends!"

"You got that right To-kun!"

Deidara's eye twitched as he watched the two crazies walk on ahead. Reductively he followed keeping his eye on the weird girl. He took in her appearance. She really wasn't wearing very much. The tanned girl had super short pitch black skin tight black spandex like shorts, that showed of her toned sun kissed legs. Then he looked up from her butt to her tanned back. A black tube top wrapped around her chest stopping right below her breasts. Under that she had tight black ninja fishnets that went from the top of her shorts the end of her wrists. Then looking over her full body, he noticed she had no weapons or bags with her. 'Weird….'

After about two hours of walking Isamu had already tripped Deidara twice, jumped on the blonde man's back trying to braid his golden hair, and slapped the artist's butt plenty of times. Finally she mellowed down and crawled up onto Tobi's back and fell asleep. Then the rest of the way Tobi kept rambling on how he and 'Amu-chan' where going to be best friends forever. Deidara almost cried from happiness when they got back to the Akatsuki base.

Isamu slowly opened her eyes, still on Tobi's back. Looking over the cloaked shoulder she noticed she was in a dark cave like home with lots of hallways lit by torches. The girls eyes widened.

"So much shadow!" Isamu's energetic voice echoed down the hallways.

The tanned girl jumped off Tobi activating her kekkei genkai. Her body turned black and her eyes turned a haunting glowing yellow. Deidara's eye twitched. She blended into the wall's shadows and moved down the hallway.

"Hey! Get back here, un!", Deidara shouted annoyed after losing sight of her.

"Im right here", Isamu's mischievous voice echoed.

"We need to go to Leader-sama, so quit messing around, yeah!"

Isamu pouted deactivating her kekkei genkai. She morphed to her regular self and fell from the ceiling landing on her butt. 'Oww, oww, owww.' Quietly she got up, rubbing her throbbing backside, and followed the irritated blonde through the twisting hallways, finally reaching huge wooden doors. Deidara walked up to the doors and was about to slam them open, when a deep powerful voice rang out "Just the girl will come in, Deidara, Tobi, you are dismissed."

"Yay Tobi will have a picnic with Deidara-sempai!, Tobi shouted chasing the blonde man as he walked quickly away cursing.

Isamu smiled at the two loud men running down the hallway to her left. Walking up to the giant doors, Isamu grinned. I get to meet a leader of something! Sneakily, the peach blonde haired girl slipped into the dark room.