Ch.2 – Work Ties

Jakotsu couldn't believe his luck when his brother spoke up with an interest in Kagome. "I knew you'd like her! Just remember everything I've told you and you'll have her in your arms!"

"Don't break out the decorations yet Jakotsu. I might know almost everything about her, but she doesn't know me."

"But in your letter you said she was perfect!"

"She definitely is. But I'm not gonna rush into it. We can be friends first if she's more comfortable that way."

"She works at The House of Moon. Her shift starts in an hour and its across town so we better go get you dressed!" Jakotsu claps his hands excitedly as he drags his brother down the road.


Bankotsu was finally able to relax as he made his way to the club, having pried Jakotsu away from him. It wasn't that he didn't like his brother, they got along incredibly well. But sometimes his bro was just overwhelming. Apparently he was to mostly match Kagome, with black pants and a red button-down shirt with a black tank underneath. His hair had been washed and re-braided, which he nearly had to beat Jakotsu about as the other male tried to braid in a ribbon. Much to his disappointment as soon as he entered the blub he was surrounded by loud females. It seemed like forever before he was able to make his way to the bar. "What can I get you sir?" Kagome greeted as she cleaned a glass.

"Jakotsu didn't say you were a bartender."

"… Oh hey… you must be Bankotsu right? Sorry I didn't really introduce myself before, I was in a rush."

"Yes… you seemed quite distracted –"

"I would looove to have sex on the beach." A male with long wavy black hair in black leather attire cuts in as he sits one seat over.

"Would you like that in a frosted glass or not Sir?" Kagome moves to get the cocktail mixings.

"If that's too inconvenient, I prefer the one at my place."


"What about this table then? Although I'd prefer a more private setting…"

"Sir either order a drink or please leave. I am not here to be harassed nor do I appreciate such a rude gesture from a total stranger."

"My apologie, being smarter then most women here, You I would be more delicate with. I would spend a much longer time getting to know you… I'd like to offer you a better job, as an escort."

"Get out of my club Naraku." Sesshomaru growls from behind the man. "You are not welcome here."

"Your brother –"


"Let me in. He would like Kikyo to work here so I offered to take Kagome off your hands."

"I own this club. I make the rules. I hold her contract. Now get out."