Chapter 14

The Marauders and Lily were all demanding the Potters to tell why the curses bounced off of them harmlessly. After sharing a look, Harry said, "We need to make sure of something first. Okay?" Without waiting for an answer, he pulled the rest of his family into a nearby room.

Harry quickly put up a silencing charm.

"Should we?" James II didn't have to finish the question for the others to know what he was referring to.

"Are we even able to get pass this, without telling? We could always obliviate them, but I kind of want them to know… I don't know why…" Harry trailed off. "Remember when I said I wanted to call him dad sometime before we left?"

"We don't have to tell them that they died when they did, just tell them our parentage." Ginny said.

"And, like I said before, it's not like I want them to die, but if they didn't, I might not have this wonderful family. Besides, without the thirteen year break from killings and torturings, Voldemort would be much stronger. In that thirteen year break, more people would be killed." Harry said.

"So we tell that we're they're children and grandchildren from the future. That's all?" Lily II asked.

"We could tell Remus of his wife and his son, too. To freak him out… A wife young enough to be his daughter… Haha." Ginny said.

So they went back into the room containing the others.

"Hi all." Al said, somewhat lamely. "Our explanation, you guys probably won't believe… But it's true!"

"Okay. We're uhh, from the future." James II said.

"But, to our credit, we kept our names and didn't change at all, someone others would probably do! From our names, would anyone care to guess who we are? We'll supply our middle names." Lily II said.

"We're Harry James Potter, Ginny Weasley Potter, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, and Lily Luna Potter." Harry said.

"James? Your middle name is James?" James said to Harry.

"Yeah." He said cheerfully. "So do you know who I am now?" he said.

"If your stuff about the future is true, then you're supposed to be… my son?" he asked.

"Uh huh. So, any guesses on my mum?" Harry said to him.

"Lily, right? It has to be, or else I'll commit suicide." James said, his face hopeful and pleading.

"Happy Birthday, dad! It is Lily. Hi mum." Harry said to James and Lily. "Why do you think she, (he tilted his head toward Lily II) is named Lily?"

"How can you prove that you're from the future? Did you five get here by accident, or on purpose for a visit?" Lily asked.

"On purpose. We wanted to see our family near our age. And, I can prove it, because I know lots of things about your five, that most wouldn't know. The Marauders are Padfoot, Moony, Wormtail, and Prongs. You guys became animagi for Remus, because of his… condition. You guys also created the Marauders' Map. The password is "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Lily, you have a sister named Petunia, who greatly dislikes anything to do with wizardry, because she is jealous. She wrote a letter to Dumbledore begging to accept her."

As Lily heard the last statement, she believed them right away. No one ever knew about that letter, except for Severus.

"Are you five all our children?" she asked.

"No, just me. All the others except for Ginny our my children. Ginny is my wife." Harry said.

"Your children? How come they're the same age as you?" Peter said thickly.

"We aged ourselves older and younger. I'm 39, she's 38, and our children our 16, 14, and 12." Harry said, as if it were very obvious.

"So… Ginny Weasley Potter? You were a Weasley before you married? Wow, the first female in that family is finally born!" Sirius said.

"Yeah. I'm the youngest of seven, though. I have six older brothers." Ginny said.

"And, your James has the middle name of Sirius! He is your oldest, I trust?" Sirius said.

"Of course. James is my oldest child, and you, as my godfather, definitely rightly deserve to have my oldest child names after." Harry said, knowing that Sirius would like that.

"How come Albus here has the middle name Severus? Did he do something important in the future?" Lily questioned.

"He proved himself worthy," was all Harry said.

Lily, seeing that he wouldn't say anymore, thought of Lily II's middle name. "Who's Luna?" she asked,

"A friend," Ginny said simply.

"Am I married? Do I have and kids?" Sirius asked.

"Not you. Out of the people in the room, only James, Lily, and Remus are married and have a kid."

"Moony's married? Who?" Sirius asked excitedly.

"Sirius, you know your cousin Andromeda? Her daughter, just born this year?"

"Yeah, why?" he asked, not exactly catching on.

"It's her! She the wife!" Harry said, waiting for the horrified look on the others' faces.

It immediately came. "Nymphadora? Moony married her, and had a kid too! Oh, wow! Sixteen years apart!" Sirius said.

"She prefers Tonks, and says never to call her by Nymphadora or else." Harry announced.

"And the kid?" Remus asked.

"Oh, Teddy? He's a great kid. He's 22 already. Born when I was 17. I'm the godfather!" Harry said proudly. "And, like his mum, he's also a metamorphagus. That was able to cover up his werewolf gene to make it recessive, so he's not a werewolf at all."

"Yeah, I heard about how little Nymphadora's a metamorphagus. Andromeda told us about how her hair kept changing from purple to blue, then pink. Moony, congrats, you got a worthy wife! One that even enabled your son to be freed of the fate of a werewolf!" Sirius said.

"There's not much more that you need to know…. And the year's coming to an end. There's, like, less than one week left. School year, I mean. We're going to be leaving, to go back home. Let's spend the remainder of the time well, okay?"

During the last week of school the 10 were constantly together. Peter was part of the group, too, because they couldn't get rid of him. He always hung around the rest of the Marauders. They had animated talks, and were surrounded by happiness. That only meant that time was passing quickly, too quickly for their liking.

Before they knew it, the end of the year was here. The Potters got all their belongings and, for measures, went with the others to the train station having the Hogwarts Express, with everyone else. Upon leaving, they all said goodbyes to the Marauders and Lily, except for Peter.

"Bye, mum. It feels great to call you that, and odd, because I appear your age. So, you'll be able to see me in four years, because that's when I'm born. You too, dad. Bye. We'll be meeting again soon, though I will be just born."

"Goodbye to you too, Harry. I see that we have a great son and grandchildren. We love you."

It was weird, how finding out that they'd have children, that they started referring to themselves as 'we.' Their last statement sounded just as a parent would say.

"Bye, Sirius and Remus. You both turn out to be great people. Remus, you were my favorite and only worthy DADA professor." Harry had waited for that to be his going-away message. "Sirius, I thought of you as both a father and brother, as you thought of me as both a son and brother. I needed you in my life. Goodbye, both of you."

"Bye, Harry! It's a shame that I won't have a wife, but at least we know that Moony does! That was great news!" Sirius said. Trust Sirius to mention that as his last words.

"You five were a pleasure to be with at school. So, I'll become your DADA professor? I don't see how that'll happen, considering what I am, but I'm happy that you think of me well. Bye-bye, you five." Remus said.

The other four Potters also said they farewells. As they got into the train, the five went into a compartment and locked it. Saying the spells that they used to get here in the first place, except changing the years to go back, they arrived home, at the place that they loved. Then, they all went through the aging process, the exact opposite of what had occurred the first time.

"Wasn't that the best trip ever?" Lily II asked. "We got to see them, alive and well!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, and few have ever had that experience. We should be thankful." Ginny said to them.

Indeed, they were. It was the best trip anyone could hope for, considering their situations. It was also a once in a lifetime experience, in which others could only hope to dream of.

[end story]

How do you like it? I don't like my part with the Death Eater attack, because there wasn't much. It was only, like three paragraphs? I was trying to stress that defeating them wasn't anything hard, but still. Thanks for the reviews that I have received. I loved reading them.
