We were all gathered in the gym. Dimitri, Alberta, and Stan were gathered on a make-shift stage. All of us were sitting down, very aware of everyone else. If someone got Lissa, they knew I wouldn't hesitate to rip them apart.

"Mason Ashford!" Stan called.

Mason stood up, running a hand through his ginger hair, and stepped in front of Alberta, who handed him a large manila envelope.

"Is assigned to Natalie Dashkov!"

At least he could still sit with us at lunch.

"Eddie Castile!" Eddie took Mason's place a minute later. "Camille Conta!" I honestly felt bad for poor Eddie.

"Alice Cullen!" "Mia Rinaldi!" Ok, so she would be sitting with us as well. After her and Jesse broke up, him for Rose, she was with us and welcomed with open arms. Well, after Rose left, of course.

"Edward Cullen!"

There was a dangerous pause and Stan looked at me in apology.

"Vasilisa Dragomir."

All eyes snapped to me and I glared at Edward. "Fuck you." I mouthed to him, my eyes narrowing dangerously. He gulped and took the packet before sitting down. His hand clutched the stake that fell out of it.

There was a few more names called before it was my turn.

"Isabella Hathaway!"

"I'm coming," I grumbled. I walked in front of Alberta and glared at her.

"We have to broaden your horizons," she told me. "But you'll still see her."

I froze when I saw the name on the packet.

"Christian Ozera!"

"Oh hell no!" I cried. I refused to take the packet.

"Bella, don't be difficult. You'll see Lissa every day."

I glared at her, thrusting the packet from her hands and walking furiously back to her seats, grumbling under my breath, "When Christian's dead and I'm on the run, don't come looking for me."

I sat back down and absolutely avoided everyone's gazes. Not only would I have to spend the day with Lissa, but with Christian, and the CULLEN's! Ugh! My day could not get any worse.

"You will all, as you know, be with your assignments twenty-four seven. Anyone that is not will have points taken off their final grade. This includes sleeping in the room."

As soon as we were dismissed, I saw Christian walking towards us. "Fuck you, flameboy," I hissed.

"Ouch. Now where's my Guardian so I can get to lunch."

"You're looking at her," I snapped. "Let's go."

We barely even made it into the courtyard before we were attacked. I kept Christian behind me.

"You move, flameboy, and I'll kill you myself," I hissed.

He nodded out of my peripheral vision and I counted the numbers against me. Two. I can do two. I lunged for the first masked person, but made my way to the second. As soon as I had one down, which was in a matter of minutes, I went for the next one. He was tougher than I was used to, that's for sure, and he certainly didn't hold back. He punched my face and I knew it wasn't Dimitri.

"Oh, fuck you," I hissed. "You did not go for the face."

My kicks and punches came harder and as soon as he was down, I staked him with my practice stake.

"Let's go," I snapped at Christian.

He was staring at the two Strigoi down. "Holy shit! Bella, that was amazing."

"Thanks," I muttered, grabbing his arm. I dragged him towards the cafeteria. "I didn't ask for you," I began. "I don't want you. I absolutely can't stand you but I put up with you for Lissa's sake. So, you do nothing that I don't want and I'll do nothing you don't want."

"Double negative," Christian smirked.

I cried out in frustration and shoved him in line for lunch. I walked up to Lissa, Edward sitting next to her.

"I'm going to kill your boyfriend, Lissa. I swear to you. He's dead."

"I'm sorry, Bella," Lissa sighed.

Mason sat down next to Lissa, Natalie on his otherside.

"But at least you got your boyfriend over here," Lissa smiled.

I smiled in a dreamy way, walking over to Mason, "Thank god, Mase."

He gripped my wrist and pulled me towards him, his lips descending on mine. I pulled away after a moment, "More where that came from, Mase, but I gotta eat or I'm going to eat you."

"Not that I would object," he winked.

I rolled my eyes and got in line. When I came back, there was only an empty spot near Christian. Alice was on the other side of that spot. I grimmaced, but sat down. I didn't lean to anyside. I didn't want to touch either one of them. So I ignored them.

"We were attacked on our way here," Christian smirked. "Bella kicked their asses."

Ok, so maybe Christian knew how to interest me in a conversation.

"Please, Stan and Alberta were a piece of cake," I snorted.

"How did you know it was them?"

"Stan punched me in the face," I shrugged. "Stan always goes for my face because he's jealous."

"Jealous of what?" Christian smirked. "You're tits?"

I glared at him, "Perhaps. Why don't you ask him yourself?"

I looked up over his shoulder, "Hey, Stan. How's that black eye going?"

Christian paled and turned around, "Uh, Guardian Alto-"

"Here's your scores for that attack, Bella. Good job."

He handed me a little envelope and then turned to walk off.

"Hey, Alto!" I called. "Christian has a question for you!"

"You trying to kill me!" Christian whispered furiously.

"It will save a lot of time for me," I shrugged simply, opening the envelope. "Let's see. . . Oh hell no!"

"What'd you get?" Mase asked. "Anything better than twenty's good!"

"I got a nineteen!" I cried.

"On what?"

"On technique! Oh my effing god! I'm going to kill Stan!"

"Bella, relax!" Mase laughed. "It's fine!"

"Look at this!" I cried, throwing the letter at him. He rolled his eyes but read it over. He laughed.

"Don't you laugh!" I cried. "Can you believe this?"

"What's it say?" Christian asked.

"Nothing, Ozera," I muttered at the same time that Mase handed it to him.

"Good job on lighting their ass on fire, Christian," Mason congratulated. "Just added a nice twist."

"It's because of you, Christian, that I'm going to fail this feild training," I muttered angrily. "And when I do, you better sleep with one eye open."

"Or just with a ring of fire around me," he shrugged.

"I'm not Strigoi. I don't go up like a match, Ozera. I can still get to you."

He gulped, "Oh."

"Now, Mia," I said, turning to look at her, "How's Jesse doing?"

"Same ass as ever," she muttered, playing with her food.

"Good," I nodded. "Now, how do you feel about a little revenge?" I grinned evilly. And she got a glint in her eyes. Oh yes, this will be good.

Oh, chicks before dicks! Just thought y'all should know that because some people don't know. And its driving me crazy because he's not even good for her! Ugh! Anyways, review! And tell me what you thought of this chapter!
