Kyle: Here's the second one. It's a bit sad.

Emily: He tried making it that way.

Kyle: I hope I made you cry!

Emily: He's a cruel, cruel person. I liked Alice better.

Kyle: She's dead so shut up!

Emily: Fine. This one is dedicated to Crystal of Heart. This is for you, girl!

Fine Line between Love and Hate

Haou stared at his classmate, Jehu, with a blank expression. In all honesty, he came nowhere close to the emotion of being shocked when Jehu confessed to him. Just seconds ago, Jehu admitted his so-called love for him. Jehu, one of the hottest guys in the school and the one all the girls wanted, loved him of all people. Most people would be happy, but Haou really could care less. He carried no interest for the blue haired boy. Instead, he felt annoyance towards the older boy. He hated how Jehu constantly made jokes in the middle of class like a clown. He hated how his teal eyes stole the hearts of everyone around him in seconds. He especially hated how when he walked past him in the hallways, he always winked at Haou. Yes, you could say that Haou saw this confession coming. Jehu always showed hints of liking the smaller boy. Jehu tried flirting with Haou, he tried leaving him notes in his locker, and he even bothered trying to become friends with him. To Haou, these signs seemed completely obvious to him.

"You love me?" Haou asked.

"Yes," Jehu nodded. His face color rivaled Haou's dark red shirt. Haou smirked at the failed confession. He slowly walked over to Jehu and grabbed his cheeks, pulling him down to a kiss. Jehu's eyes widened before he slowly started kissing back with more passion than Haou could ever master up. Just from this kiss, Haou could tell Jehu seriously loved him. Once they broke the kiss, Haou's lips curved into a smirk.

"Is that how you expected me to react? That I would just unconditionally love you back? Don't be stupid. I love no one." Haou smirked at him.

"W-what?" Jehu blinked. Haou clenched his hand into a fist and slammed it into Jehu's cut. Jehu gasped and fell to the floor slowly. Haou rolled him over and placed his foot on Jehu's chest.

"You are a pathetic little mutt. How could I possibly love someone as foolish as you?" Haou let out a harsh laugh. "You are naïve."

"P-please," Jehu whispered softly, "I love you."

"Well guess what? I hate you," Haou smirked. He removed his foot from Jehu's chest and slowly walked off of the school roof. He smirked as he walked away from the idiot. How much he enjoyed that little performance.

"Where am I?" Haou blinked as he walked around the cold place. Nothing remained there. Just darkness. No floor, walls, or sky existed in this strange place. Mirrors floated everywhere around him yet none held his reflection. He looked around until he finally spotted a familiar face in one of the mirrors. Jehu's reflection stood still in the mirror. A single tear ran down his face.

"Jehu?" Haou whispered in confusion.

Jehu's lips curved into a sad smile, "I love you, Haou."

"Didn't I already tell you I hate you?" Haou growled at him.

"I know… but something as simple as that doesn't prevent me from loving you. I love your badass personality."

"Shut it, Anderson," Haou hissed at him. Hearing why this idiot loved him never appealed to him at all.

"I love the way you don't fall for any tricks," Jehu continued on. "I love your beautiful voice. I love how you don't take anyone's crap. I love how you do what you want to do, regardless of anyone else."

"Shut up," Haou growled out. Why did he continue? Didn't Haou tell him to stop?

"I love the way you don't care what everyone else thinks," Jehu whispered. "I love how you are just you. No mask, no made up personality, and no lies. You are straight forward, and that's why I love you."

"Shut up!" Haou screamed. Why did he still speech? Why did Haou start feeling guilty? He did nothing wrong. Memories of the day before rushed back to him, and a pit of guilt crawled its way into his stomach. Maybe… punching Jehu and calling him names went a little too far. All the boy did was love him, after all. Nothing could change about that. He needed to apologize, and he would say he just never felt that way for the boy. That's right. Haou opened his mouth to speak, but he gasped when he saw the mirror Jehu hid in explode. Blood dripped down to the floor from where the mirror used to be.

"Jehu!" Haou screamed.

Haou woke up in cold sweat. He panted and looked around his small room. No mirrors, not darkness, and, most importantly, no Jehu. He slowly stood up with shaky legs. He made his way downstairs to each breakfast, thanking whatever force lived up there that today was the weekend, and he wouldn't see Jehu at all today. He blinked when he looked around at the kitchen. His parents had wide eyes while his brother just stared at his food, poking it. That rarely happened unless something either bad happened or the food looked awful. Judai loved his mother's cooking though.

"What happened?" Haou asked. Judai bit his lip while his mother sighed and held up the newspaper. Haou squinted at it to read the fine print. Something about a boy dying in a car crash.

"That boy… he was Jehu Anderson. You know Judai's best friend, Johan? That was his brother," his father explained. Haou froze up and stared at them with wide gold eyes. Jehu…. Died? No, they just happen to read the newspaper wrong. Haou reached out with a shaky hand and ripped the paper out of his mother's weak hands. He began to read the paper. Apparently, Jehu stayed at the school late on the roof. By the time he decided to go home, the sky already turned a dark shade of black. The only thing that lit the night sky was the stars and full moon. As he walked across the street, a car speeded and couldn't see him. As a result, Jehu died right on impact.

That's a stupid way to die, Haou thought. His hands began to shake. Why would that idiot stay on the school roof long after school? Was he thinking about Haou's rejection? Was his death his fault? Haou's eyes widened. It was… his fault that Jehu died. No… it couldn't be.

"I… I have to go to school," Haou whispered as he ran out the door.

"Um… Haou," Jehu whispered over to Haou, who just sat there, staring at the blackboard.

"What?" Haou snapped a little at him. It was the middle of class. What could Jehu possibly want form him? Money?

"Can you meet me on the school roof after class ends?" he whispered.

Haou glared at him a bit before whispering back, "Why should I? What do I get out of it?"

"Please?" Jehu begged using puppy dog eyes. Haou groaned at him and just sighed.


Haou walked out on the school roof the moment class ended. He couldn't concentrate on anything. How could he? Jehu… he died. The confession wouldn't stop replaying in his head the whole class period.

"Why did you ask me to meet you up here?" Haou demanded.

"I just wanted to talk," Jehu shrugged a bit.

"If that's it, I'm leaving," Haou grumbled. Jehu reached out and grabbed Haou's arm, pulling him back.

"I love you," Jehu confessed. "I always have since I laid eyes on you."

"Jehu…" Haou whispered. He stared out at the sky and slowly closed his eyes, letting the breeze blow through his brown hair. He slowly reached out and gripped the fence that prevented any student or adult from falling off the roof. Why… why did Jehu have to die of all people? Haou blinked and stared at his hand. Why did he care so much? Didn't he hate Jehu? No, he didn't hate Jehu. In fact, Haou just realized he felt the exact opposite for the boy. That kiss… Haou slowly reached out and touched his lips. Jehu poured his heart into that joke kiss. Haou sighed as he stared at the sky. Even though it was too late, he still wanted to tell the boy how he felt. Maybe at the funeral.

After the funeral for Jehu, they all crowded around his grave. He patiently waited for everyone to leave. Slowly, people started to depart from the grave. The only people let were Jehu's family and his own. Johan and Judai held hands in comfort as they stared at the grave, giving their final goodbyes. Slowly Judai released Johan's hand and smiled sadly at him.

"He's with the angels now." Judai whispered with tears in his eyes. Johan nodded, wiping away his own tears.

"Haou, let's go," his mother whispered.

"I'm not done yet. I'll walk home later," Haou whispered. His family nodded and walked away with Jehu's family trailing behind. Haou sighed and waited until they left his sight. He turned to the grave, and slowly, he traced the name on the gravestone.

He gave a sad smile, "You know… I lied. I always loved the way you made jokes in class. They always made me giggle a bit after everyone left the room. I loved how your teal eyes caught the attention of everyone, including me. I especially love how you used to wink at me and made my heart flutter. I always loved you. I'm sorry I told you otherwise. Please, have fun in Heaven and wait for me."

Slowly, Haou leaned down and kissed Jehu's name on the gravestone. He placed down the rose he held in his hand and slowly stood up. He allowed one tear to escape his eyes, but refused to let any others fall. He wanted to show Jehu he was strong.

"We'll meet again, my love."

Kyle: Hoped you liked it.

Emily: It's kinda… not sad.

Kyle: it isn't? I tried to make it sad.

Emily: But it isn't.

Kyle: Aw, too bad. Review please!