A/N: Alright, I figured about an updating schedule. Twice every week until I decide otherwise. Once on Wednesday and once on Saturday.
Thank you Cerulean-Guava for beta-ing~
Chapter 3
"Aizen." He whispered between the bars. "I think I found him."
Aizen glanced upwards, a low smile etching onto his face. He had been locked for about a month already, but that had made no change to his calm demeanor. "Bring him to me."
"Do you want him alive or dead," he asked. "Because if you don't mind, I'd like to play around for a little while."
"Physically alive." Aizen said. "His mentality state is, if not already destroyed by this point, unimportant to my upbringing. Waste no time. I am growing impatient."
"I understand." He said. "But what are you going to do with him?"
"Don't play dumb." Aizen said. "You know how long my body will last in its current state. It's pathetic, the sins of men. Get Ulquiorra here tomorrow, at exactly this time."
He nodded. It felt weird, pressing his face into the cold steel bars to get a good hear of Aizen's voice. It almost reminded him of the brief time he spent in there. "Understood." He breathed. "I can bring the doll here by next week."
"You are too confident in your abilities, Gin." Aizen noted. "You already have people littering your trails. It will be dangerous for even someone of your caliber."
Gin shook his head. He evened his nails on the bars. "Don't look down at me like that, Captain. I can smell him every morning."
"Hm." Aizen said. "Your speech has improved. Why are you nervous, Gin?"
Gin was unlike the regular person. In nerve wrecking moments, his Japanese became near perfect. "I dunno. It's mostly my body." His hands clawed into the bars. Aizen had not been wrong.
"Fair enough." Aizen said. "I will put my faith into you. One week, Gin, one week. Ulquiorra will help me get out of here in that time."
"Alright," Gin said. "The people are coming. I need to leave now. See you tomorrow, Captain." He smiled, and with a sweep of his robes, he left. "They should treat you well."
"I don't get why I have to do this shit." Grimmjow groaned, seated opposite to Ichigo. A pile of papers was shared between them, scorning numbers and equations.
"You're surprisingly good at it." Ichigo said.
"I don't give a fuck about this." He snarled. "I just want to fuck you." Grimmjow threw his pencil across the room and crossed his arms. "Now." He crept towards Ichigo and grabbed the orange head's hands. "Please?"
"Get off." Ichigo muttered. He pushed Grimmjow away with his free hand. "I'm trying to do work here."
"So am I." Grimmjow objected. He walked behind Ichigo and picked him from his chair. The orange head turned around to protest, but Grimmjow put a finger to his lips. He carefully seated himself under his lover and placed Ichigo on his lap.
"You're distracting me!" Ichigo cried. He could feel Grimmjow's member under his rear and could tell that it was starting to throb. The pencil shook in his finger; his own organ was starting to swell.
"Not my problem." Grimmjow said. His hands crawled over Ichigo's lap and played with his zipper, his fingers applying pressure to Ichigo's crotch. "Face it. Being fucked senseless is better than getting mind fucked by these stupid numbers."
Ichigo continued trying to study when Grimmjow started blabbering in his ears. The doll could never shut up sometimes, for instance, now. When he realized that Ichigo was ignoring him, he nudged the orange head's hips. Ichigo continued to work, his free hand balled into a fist and a tent was being formed in his jeans.
"Hey, talk to me!" Grimmjow's anger was starting to arise. He tugged Ichigo's hair. "Stop ignoring me, you bastard!"
"Shut the fuck up already!" Ichigo cried. He spun himself around and distanced his lower body from Grimmjow's lap. The orange head took his stuff to the other side of the table. "Go argue with the bathroom or something. I'm trying to do work here!"
"Stop mocking me!" Grimmjow shouted. "You're doing this crap all day long. You won't even talk to me because of it. Get your head out of the gutter, you only get to live once."
Ichigo scowled. "You're an exception to that rule." Grimmjow growled. "Jeez, calm down, it was only a joke."
"You're a bastard." Grimmjow commented. He pulled his chair closer to Ichigo. "Fine, if you're not going to fuck me, at least talk to me. I'm getting horny and bored."
"Jack off and argue to it." Ichigo suggested. "If you're going to say another useless thing, I'm going to ignore you for the entire week."
"You can't do that!" Grimmjow cried. He hit his fist onto the table. The impact shook everything. "You're supposed to care about me! Didn't you say that? Yeah, you did; what happened to all those things you promised? Don't give a fuck about them anymore, right? Don't give a fuck about me anymore? I don't give – no, you know what, Ichigo, fuck you. I think – !"
Ichigo couldn't take it anymore. "You want to fuck right?" He dropped his textbook. The orange head's hands flew to Grimmjow's shirt. "Answer me, you bastard!"
Grimmjow's hands were already at Ichigo's hips, tearing away his pants like a tornado that rips away everything in sight. "You have to ask a question like that?" With a final pull, Ichigo's pants came off.
The orange head grinned. He grabbed Grimmjow's face in his hands and crushed their lips together. Grimmjow started to struggle, finally catching onto what was going on, but it was too late; as soon as Grimmjow ripped away and threw out his fist, he was a miniscule little doll, lying shirtless on the ground. Ichigo heaved a sigh and pulled up his pants. "Sorry, Grimm, you were overdoing it yet again. I just can't believe you fell for the same trick three times already. I'll turn you back as soon as I'm done." He placed the little Grimmjow on the table, seated upwards, as Grimmjow had once complained that he couldn't see anything while lying down.
Ichigo continued his math homework. He almost fell asleep in the middle. It turned out – Grimmjow's constant whining and annoyance helped Ichigo study. The orange head yawned. He put his head in his arms and sighed. "I'm fucking screwed for tomorrow. Grimmjow, are you listening? It's all because of you, that I want to sleep now."
He stretched his arms and pulled his head back into sight, but Grimmjow was no longer there. "What the fuck?" Ichigo cried. His arms swept through the table, papers flying everywhere. "Grimmjow? Grimmjow?" Panic seized his chest. How could he misplace a doll of that size? And Grimmjow – Grimmjow was there a moment ago. Did someone take him? Did he just disappear? What the fuck was happening?
"Hey." Holy – ! It was Grimmjow's voice, soft and feeble and minimized. Did Ichigo kiss him unknowingly?
"Grimmjow, where the fuck are you? Grimmjow?" Ichigo cried desperately. A small hand tugged his pants, and Ichigo spun around. Grimmjow was on the ground, trying to strip him. Quickly, he took the doll into his arms.
"Let me go, you bastard!" Grimmjow cried, his small arms flailing around. There were identical, cartoonish pink dots on his face to signify a blush. His eyes were huge and round and his small chin was stuck out. "Stop looking at me!" Even his voice had changed.
Ichigo's finger flew across Grimmjow's face making the doll's head reel to the other side. "Since when could you move like that?"
Grimmjow grinned. "Since I last fucked you. Which is about three days ago, seeing how much you neglect me." He said. "But I haven't been able to move this much yet. Want to change me back?" He stuck out his lips and leaned towards Ichigo's face. "Please?"
Ichigo pushed Grimmjow away with his index finger. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me?"
"Why the fuck would I have to tell you?" Grimmjow snarled. "You'll probably use it to your advantage, like always. Stop staring at me like that. Hurry up and change me back!"
Ichigo dropped Grimmjow onto the table. "No. Yuzu bought a hamster a few days ago. His name is Fluffy. If you go downstairs – !"
Grimmjow grabbed Ichigo's collar. His blue eyes were angry. He stared at Ichigo like a porcelain doll.
"Quit it, Grimm." Ichigo said after about thirty seconds. "It's getting stupid now. Stop looking at me like that."
Grimmjow kept on staring, his body not moving at all. A slow tear trailed down his cheek. "Ichi … go." He said slowly. His lips were hardly moving. "I … can't move."
Ichigo's worry jerked forward. His hands swept to Grimmjow's smaller frame. "What the hell? Are you serious?" The doll did not look as if he was joking and he probably wasn't smart enough to lie anyways. "Grimmjow, do you know why this is happening? Tell me – !" Grimmjow was quiet and Ichigo's worry rose. The orange head grabbed the doll's face and crushed their lips together again. Something did not feel right. The doll's lips were moving, and his hands were caressing Ichigo's face. Suddenly, a six feet man stood, crouched on the table.
Shock marked Ichigo's features. "Fuck you Grimmjow!"
"Fuck you too." Grimmjow sneered. "This is how I feel, every fuckin' time you decide to do something like this to me." He kicked Ichigo's textbook onto the ground and ripped his shirt away. "You're going to fuck me now, whether you like it or not."
Ichigo sighed. There was a smile hidden beneath that. "Make it quick."
Thirty minutes later, Ichigo found himself moaning on top of Grimmjow's chest.
They were both naked. Ichigo's arms encircled his lover's neck. Grimmjow purred. He wanted more. So, Grimmjow flipped Ichigo towards the side and grabbed his waist. His cock was pressed against Ichigo's opening.
"Grimmjow," Ichigo began, "If you can't control yourself, we're going to spend the entire day in bed, again."
"That was fun." Grimmjow said in his defense. "I want to do it again. Come on, one more time. Please?"
"That's what you said the last four times." Ichigo groaned. "We still have stuff to do today. I was going to show you around."
Grimmjow groaned. Reluctantly, and with his entire strength, he let his member leave Ichigo. "You promise that when we do get dressed, you will actually be showing me around the city and not just your math book?"
Ichigo laughed lightly. "Yeah, of course. Let go of me now, will ya?"
Grimmjow sighed and watched as Ichigo climbed to his feet, marveling at his lover's excellent physique. He grinned while watching Ichigo getting dressed. And got up to join him.
Ichigo threw the doll some clothes. "Remember what I told you the buttons and zippers were for – to prevent destruction. Don't pull them out again."
"Yeah, yeah." Grimmjow said. He threw the shirt over his head. "Where are we going today?"
Ichigo shrugged. "Let's go eat somewhere. What do you like?" Grimmjow didn't say anything. "Let's go for something western. You ever heard of pizza? Or, poutine?" Grimmjow shrugged. Ichigo continued to talk. "This brings me to another point. You used to be a human right, right?"
Grimmjow nodded. "Yeah." The memories were very skeptical and seemed artificial at times. Everything back then was a blur.
"Do you remember when that was?"
Grimmjow tried to recall his memories for Ichigo's sake. He remembered that he had a badass cat … And a strange neighbor who liked to invite him for afternoon tea. His memories had faded through the years, and he only managed to remember the rudimentary bits. Then, suddenly, Grimmjow recalled and shuddered at his memory of being a doll. The scars of the near past burned deep in his flesh. They overrode any memories from the very beginning. He could have been a doll for two hundred years and he would not have known. "No, I actually don't."
Ichigo didn't bug him about it anymore. "Alright, let's go."
When they were a few feet from the bus stop, Grimmjow refused to move. He started sniffing around.
"What are you doing?" Ichigo sighed.
"It … smells good."
Ichigo looked around. There was a coffee shop nearby. "Not a good idea." Ichigo decided. "The last thing you need is caffeine."
Grimmjow refused to move. "It smells really good, like fucking heaven."
"Well, it tastes like dirt." Ichigo said. "Tell you what, we'll fuck when we get back. Just, go already!"
Grimmjow glared. He doubted Ichigo would keep his word. And this caffeine thing was really intriguing him. "I'll go by myself then." He started walking ahead, knowing the orange head would follow.
"Wait!" Ichigo cried. He caught up to Grimmjow and shoved him across the side walk. "I really hate your stubbornness sometimes."
Grimmjow's arm fell along Ichigo's waist. The two quickly settled in over some coffee and donuts and Ichigo had purchased a newspaper to read from.
"What the fuck are you reading?" Grimmjow asked. He tried to look over Ichigo's shoulders.
"The news." Ichigo said. "There's this criminal who just settled into prison. His first name isn't given, but his last name is Sousuke. He's related to Aizen Sousuke, the freak who died days before his trial." He showed Grimmjow the picture.
Grimmjow froze. Sousuke looked familiar and reminded him of someone in his wayward past. "Does he like to make tea?" Grimmjow asked.
Ichigo shrugged. "That's a very stupid question, Grimmjow."
Grimmjow growled. "Fuck you, Ichigo." Ichigo wouldn't believe him, but he knew, somehow, that this Aizen fellow was involved with his becoming of an artificial doll. "Can we visit him?"
"What?" Ichigo asked. "He's a leader in the underworld. I don't think that will be a great idea."
Grimmjow sighed. "Ichigo, I swear, I know him. I need to clarify."
Ichigo glared. "This isn't a joke? You are absolutely serious?" The blue haired man nodded. Ichigo's head fell in his hands. "Why the fuck do these things happen? Tell you what, Grimm, I'll do some research on him. We'll see how it goes and, if absolutely necessary, we'll pay him a visit. And maybe you can help by shutting the fuck up for once when I do that."
Grimmjow growled. He took a huge sip of his coffee. He reeled back in surprise. "Fuck, this is hot!"
Ichigo laughed to himself. "No shit, Einstein. Take smaller sips next time."
Grimmjow stuck out his tongue. "Lick it off for me." He grinned.
Ichigo scowled. "Public premises. I'm not going anywhere near your lips."
Grimmjow wailed and stuck his tongue close to Ichigo's ear. "Come on, Ichi, lick it off." Ichigo pushed his head away, Grimmjow laughing at his own joke. "I didn't quite get the taste." He muttered, taking another gulp and almost spat it out this time. "Tastes like crap!"
"That was what I was trying to tell you the entire time." Ichigo sighed. "Here, add some sugar." Grimmjow dipped one finger in the white substance. It had been a long time since he had seen any of this. He carefully licked it off and found Immediately that he liked it. "Don't put in too much."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Grimmjow took a spoonful and dumped it onto the table, then took the rest of the package and dumped it into his drink.
"Fuck." Ichigo swore. "You might be up all night."
Ichigo was surprised when, half an hour later, Grimmjow asked Ichigo when they would go back. "I thought you hated being in a confined space."
"I do." Grimmjow said. "But I really want you to look up Sousuke." He grabbed Ichigo's face in his hands. "It feels good being a head taller than you are."
Ichigo growled. He had enjoyed being taller than most of his friends. He felt Grimmjow's fingers tighten around his face. Grimmjow leaned forward, lips brushing against Ichigo's.
"Catch me when I fall." Grimmjow said before he crumpled down, lividly into Ichigo's hands. "Ouch."
Ichigo grinned. "Damn, you can still talk."
Grimmjow steadied himself in Ichigo's grip. "Of course. And I'm enjoying every minute of it."
Ichigo's thumb swabbed by Grimmjow's nose. "This is strange." He mused. "I swear you looked different in your regular form." Grimmjow scowled. Ichigo reworded his sentence. "Your features, I don't know, they don't seem to match."
"You want to just shut up and keep walking?"
Back in Ichigo's room, the orange head booted his computer. Grimmjow was lying on the ground, frowning. "What's bothering you this time?" Ichigo asked in annoyance.
"Nothing. I want to fuck again."
"No." Ichigo said firmly. His member winced. "You lost your chance before we went into the coffee shop."
Grimmjow sighed. "I really want to remember what I forgot."
"Grow up Grimmjow." Ichigo rolled his eyes, not really paying attention. "Wait, what did you just say? Sorry, I thought you were complaining about not having sex again." Ichigo logged into his user. He didn't say anything for a while, and his eyes widened as he digested the information. At long last, he turned back towards Grimmjow.
"What did you find?" Grimmjow asked. "You look all serious."
"You were right." Ichigo said. "Sousuke Aizen has very much to do with you. Aizen was born very weak. He suffered from several non life-threatening conditions and was ridiculed by it. At a very early age, he began to obsess over immortality. He was accused five years ago for the disappearance of a high school student, whom he tried to test 'immortality' on. He did like to make tea." Ichigo said solemnly. "Because, it was with tea, he managed to trick you."
Grimmjow's eyes widened. He strutted towards Ichigo and read the police report. "Jeagerjaques, Grimmjow." There was a picture of a crying man and woman. They were holding the picture of their deceased son in their hands. Grimmjow saw his own face reflected from the screen. He looked very much like his father. The same jutted, handsome jaw, the same nose, and twinkling blue eyes. The only difference was his hair. His father was blonde and his mother was a brunette, but he carried a head full of blue.
A few memories peaked, they were painful, and tender and Grimmjow did not know what to do with them. He sighed heavily and grabbed Ichigo's shoulders and gazed into the orange head's eyes. "Please kiss me." Was all he said.