With the US/Europe release of Pokemon Black and White on it's way I decided I'd do a short story dedicated to my favorite starter of the new generation. Which starter? I'm talking about Oshawott, the ever so adorable little Sea Otter Pokemon and my absolute favorite Water type starter. Basically it's the story of one Oshawott's miserable life just hoping to someday get chosen as a new trainer's first Pokemon, however he's about to get lucky! Well here is that Oshawott's story! Upon a few requests this story has transformed from a one shot, all the way to a full journey fic all about this adorable little Oshawott!

Chapter 1: An Oshawott's Misery

It was another peaceful day in Nuvema Town, and as usual bright and sunny. Trainers often paid a visit to the local laboratory where Professor Juniper was currently doing some research. The phone suddenly rang prompting Professor Juniper to get up from her seat and answer the phone. She had brown swirled hair and she wore a lab coat over her white tank top and green skirt. "Professor Juniper speaking, how may I help you?" she answered the phone.

"Hi Professor it's me Phoebe! Me and Blake are ready to come pick up our starter Pokemon. Are you available right now?" The girl on the other line answered.

"I would really appreciate it if you could come to the lab within fifteen minutes. I'm just finishing up some important research and I'll be ready in time for you by then."

As the conversation went a small orange and black pig like Pokemon observed the professor. "Oh boy! New trainers!" It said, though Professor Juniper would've only heard it speak it's name, Tepig. The young Tepig ran out Professor Juniper's office space and down the hall

Tepig ran into the lab's lounge where a snake-like Pokemon and an otter-like Pokemon relaxed in the room. "Hey guys I just heard from the Professor that two new trainers are coming to the lab to choose their starter Pokemon!" Tepig announced to the two.

"Really?" Asked the Sea Otter Pokemon, Oshawott.

"Yeah Oshawott! They're coming in about fifteen minutes!"

Oshawott had always wanted to go out on a journey, though sadly he's been stuck at the lab for quite some time. "I hope they choose me! I've been waiting so..." He said with a high spirited attitude, though he was interupted by the arrogant Grass Snake Pokemon, Snivy.

"Oh please! Like anyone would ever wanna choose you!" Snivy blurted out.

Oshawott held a positive attitude. "I know I've been here for awhile now, but I know deep down that there's a trainer out there who'll pick me as their starter!" Oshawott admitted.

"Oh please! Open your eyes and stop day dreaming Oshawott. Haven't you ever thought about why nobody has ever chosen you."

"Come on, Snivy. Lay off him. He has much of a chance of getting chosen just as much as you and me do." Tepig said, trying to keep Snivy from saying anything too hurtful.

"Ahahaha! Just as much as you and me?," Snivy laughed. He then turned his attention to Tepig. "Okay first thing, I have a far greater chance than you do, Tepig. And second of all, there is not a chance in hell that they'll choose Oshawott."

"What do you mean, Snivy?" Oshawott asked, sounding a bit naive.

"What do I mean? I mean you're probably the saddest and most pathetic excuse for a starter I ever heard of, otter boy!"

"T-That's not very nice!" Oshawott muttered.

"Okay that's enough now Snivy…" Tepig once again tried to stop Snivy.

"Zip it Tepig!" Snivy barked out, whacking Tepig away with his tail and then turning his attention back to Oshawott. "Seriously Oshawott your species can be summed up in three words: ugly, stupid, and worthless! You could go talk to any of the local Pokemon and most will tell you the same thing!"

Oshawott was about to cry now. He wondered if what Snivy said was what others truly thought about his species, though it only made him more upset. "I'm not ugly, stupid, or worthless…" He muttered to Snivy.

"You so are, and you can't keep denying it forever. I mean do I have to spell it out for you...Oh wait, that's right! You're so dumb you can't even read!"

"Stop it Snivy!" Oshawott pleaded in a whiny tone.

"Stop what? Speaking the truth, clown-face? Seriously, you're about as dumb as a rock, you're so weak, and you look like the mutant retard baby of a Bidoof that screwed a Piplup, or in other words horrendously ugly!" Snivy continued to insult Oshawott's species

Oshawott began to get all teary-eyed. "What did I ever do to you? I don't deserve to be insulted like this…" He sniveled, lowering his head and feeling increasingly upset.

"Oh, that's such a desperate plea, clown-face! Just give up the water works and face reality!"

Tears rolled down Oshawott's face as Snivy continued to mock him and his species. "Why won't you leave me alone..." He asked between crying softly.

"Leave him alone, Snivy!" Tepig demanded.

Snivy ignored Oshawott and Tepig. "Now look at me! I'm quite the specimen! Snivy are the superior race. We are quite handsome creatures, we're intelligent, our abilites far surpass that of yours, and not to mention grass types are super effective to water types!" Snivy bragged about himself.

As Snivy continued to brag, Tepig approached Oshawott. "Don't listen to Snivy, Oshawott. Besides, I'm sure today will be your day. I'm sure there's a trainer out there who'd love to take you along with them and help you get stronger!" He consoled him.

"Thanks, Tepig..." Oshawott replied, wiping away tears and snot that dribbled from his nose.

Professor Juniper walked in after finishing her. "Hello Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott. There are some trainers waiting for you. I hope you're all ready for them." She announced to the three starters. She suddenly noticed that Oshawott seemed a bit upset. "Huh? Is something wrong, Oshawott?" She asked the young Oshawott.

"Osha..." (I'm alright...) He lied to her.

"Hmm you don't sound alright, but if you're truly alright then let's get you three ready to meet the trainers.

The three starters were returned to their poke balls and Professor Juniper walked out into the lobby where two trainers about 13 years old waited. Both had brown hair and wore a hat, one hat red and the other pink. The girl wore a white tank top with a black vest over it and short jean shorts while the boy wore a blue jacket and black pants.

"Hello there Phoebe and Blake, I have the Pokemon right here and I bet you're dying to meet them." Professor Juniper greeted them.

"I know I am! I've been waiting for this day for a while now!" Blake replied.

"I know, Blake! I'm so glad we finally get to choose our starters." Phoebe agreed.

Professor Juniper grabbed one of the three poke balls. "Well alright then. So let me introduce you to the first starter. Up first is the grass type: Snivy!" She said, throwing the ball up in the air.

The grass snake emerged from his poke ball standing tall and proud. "Sniiiiivy." (Hello there.) He greeted them.

Blake seemed fairly impressed by the snake-like Pokemon. "Hey that Pokemon looks pretty cool! Snivy really looks like he could pack a punch!" He said as he observed Snivy.

"You're right! Snivy looks so handsome!" Phoebe agreed.

Snivy grinned at the compliments. 'That's right! I know you want me!' He thought to himself.

Professor Juniper grabbed the next poke ball. "Next up is the fire type starter: Tepig!" She said, throwing the poke ball and unleashing the Fire Pig Pokemon.

Tepig smiled at them and snorted embers from it's nostrils.

"Awwwww Tepig looks so cute!" Phoebe said in awe.

"Tepig looks alright. I would consider choosing Tepig, however, I'm still pretty interested in Snivy." Blake said as he observed Tepig.

Professor Juniper pulled out the last poke ball. "And last but not least, the water starter: Oshawott." She said, throwing the pokeball and it unleashed the adorable otter-like Pokemon.

'Nows the time to focus, Oshawott. I gotta look extra cute if I wanna even impress them a little bit.' He though to himself. He did his best to look as cute as possible, smiling at them with a sparkle in his eyes.

Phoebe wasn't impressed by Oshawott. "Wow...Oshawott is uhh...Well, not that impressive." She proclaimed.

Oshawott began to dance, hoping it would change her mind. Blake watched, clearly not interested. "You know...You're right Phoebe. He actually kinda looks ugly to." He said as he watched Oshawott.

'Not ugly…' The remark struck Oshawott like a bullet and he stopped what he was doing immediately. He wasn't going to give up that easily though. "Osha! Oshaaaa!" (C'mon! Please pick me!) He begged them, seeming a bit desperate now.

"Definatley not as cute as Tepig!" Phoebe said, looking at all three starters again. "I mean this Pokemon is trying too hard to get our attention!"

"Yeah, and he doesn't even look that strong and it seems like he's more of the type that would rather screw around than fight!" Blake agreed with Phoebe. "Well anyways, I figure I'm gonna go with Snivy!"

I'll go with Tepig cause he's just so cute! I don't even see who would want this show off." Phoebe said, choosing her starter.

Oshawott was shocked and heartbroken to hear that they pretty much hated him, and chose Snivy and Tepig. Snivy glanced over at Oshawott, smirking at him.

Oshawott lowered his head in disappointment as Professor Juniper gave Blake and Phoebe their pokeballs, a pokedex for each of them, and their badge cases. The comments really upset him. 'Nobody's ever said anything that mean before….' He thought to himself.

"Sorry Oshawott…" Tepig said to Oshawott, feeling sorry for him.

Oshawott looked at Tepig before the pig-like Pokemon left with his new trainer. "Thank you for at least being a good friend to me in the past couple days…" He thanked him, sadly watching as Tepig and Snivy happily left the building with their new trainers. "Goodbye Tepig..." He sadly waved good bye.

Professor Juniper got down and up close to Oshawott "I'm sorry little guy. Maybe next time you'll get lucky." She apologized, walking away after patting him on the back. "I just don't understand why people rarely choose Oshawotts. Maybe it's time I contemplated changing the water starter…" She proposed to herself.

Oshawott couldn't believe he had been rejected once again, only this time the trainers were more harsh with their criticism. He began to softly cry to himself as he sat on the blue tile floor. "I don't get it…I'm not ugly, stupid, or worthless…or lazy…but why can't anyone see that?" He cried. The more the insults Snivy and the two trainers made played through his mind, the worse he felt.

Oshawott never heard the door open and he never noticed a trainer walk in. He appeared to be 15 years old and he was about 5'6" along with a slender build. He had green eyes and short blond hair and he wore a pair of brown cargo shorts and a red tshirt with white sleeves and black trims. He was also accompanied by a Quilava who wore a red neckerchief and red wristbands.

"Hello? Anybody here?" The boy called out.

Professor Juniper walked out into the lobby and noticed the trainer. "Oh hello there, my names Professor Juniper. How may I assist you?" She asked the teenager.

"Hi, my name's Justin Gaines!" The boy introduced himself. "And this is my good buddy, Ty!" He introduced his Quilava as well.

"Quilava!" (Hi there!) His Quilava waved and greeted Professor Juniper with a smile.

"I'm here to register for the Unova League!" Justin told Professor Juniper as he handed the Professor his Pokedex.

"I'll take that and I'll have you registered in no time. I'll also take the liberty of upgrading your Pokedex to the new model." Professor Juniper told Justin. She took his pokedex and began to walk towards a computer she used to register trainers and transfer Pokemon.

Justin and Ty noticed the crying Oshawott. "Uh, Professor Juniper? What's that Pokemon over there? It actually looks adorable!" Justin asked.

Professor Juniper turned around and looked at Oshawott. "Oh, that is the Water type starter for this region. It's called an Oshawott." She explained to Justin. She walked over to Oshawott who looked up at her. "This Oshawott has been rejected quite a few times and he's been here for a month now. The last couple trainers really must've hurt his feelings with the rude remarks they made."

"That's so sad…"

"People can be so cruel sometimes, it just breaks my heart. Well I should register you right away. I will be back momentarily." Professor Juniper stated as she left the room.

"Lavaaa…" (Man, I feel so bad for Oshawott…)Ty said, looking at the Oshawott.

Justin nodded and got down on the floor getting close to Oshawott. He felt like he should at least try and cheer up the young Pokemon and waved at him greeting him, "Hello Oshawott!"

Oshawott looked at Justin wiping tears from his eyes. "Osha..." (Uhhh hello...) He murmured. He could tell Justin was only trying to be friendly, liking the fact that Justin was speaking to him as if he was a friend.

"I've heard about how you've been here for a little while now, and how harsh some of the trainers have been." Justin said, trying to cheer him up.

Oshawott nodded and mumbled to Justin, "Oshaaawott…" (They were very mean to me…)

"You don't deserve any of this."

"Osha..." (You're right...) Oshawott muttered to Justin.

Ty wanted to help cheer up Oshawott as well. He thought for a moment, thinking about his tragic past. "Quilava...Lavaaaaa. Lava! Quilava!" (I had a rough life too Oshawott...Though I haven't been in the same situation, I can say I was abused and nearly killed by this real jerk of a trainer I used to have, but I never gave up hope that somebody would rescue me. Surely enough, Justin saved my life like right after I was nearly killed, and we've been buddies ever since! The point is, just never give up hope!) He told Oshawott smiling at him.

Justin patted Oshawott on the back. "Just never give up hope little guy! I know that somewhere out there there's a trainer who wants an Oshawott for his or her first Pokemon!" He said, letting him know someday things could change for him.

Oshawott felt somewhat comforted by the words of Justin and his Quilava. "Oshawott…" (Thanks for trying to cheer me up a little...) He thanked them. 'A trainer like him is something I need.' He thought.

Professor Juniper returned with the latest model of the Pokedex and a badge case for Justin. "Alright Justin, you're all registered for the Unova League. Good luck on your journey." She announced to him, wishing him luck.

"Thanks Professor!" He thanked her, taking both items. "Alright Ty, you ready for some adventure!" He asked his Quilava.

"Lavaaaa! Quilava!" (Yahooo! Time for another exciting adventure!) He exclaimed.

Oshawott noticed Justin began to walk out of the lab,after saying goodbye to him. 'No human has treated me the way he's treated me in a while…besides the Professor. Maybe he could be my trainer?' He thought to himself. He suddenly ran after Justin and grabbed onto his leg.

Justin noticed Oshawott was latched onto his leg. "Huh? Oshawott?" He said, wondering what Oshawott was doing.

"Oshaaaaa! Oshaaaawott..." (Pleeeeaaaasee take me with you! I'm sick of being stuck in this lab and being rejected...) The young Oshawott begged to Justin.

Professor Juniper observed the actions of the water type starter. "Hmm, it seems that Oshawott has developed a liking to you and it seems like he doesn't want you to leave." She said.

"You don't want me to leave you?" Justin asked Oshawott, noticing the Oshawott nodded. "Hmm…I know! Oshawott, would you like to come with me?" Justin suggested to Oshawott.

That glimmer of hope returned to Oshawott's eyes "Oshawott!" (Yes please take me with you!) He squealed for joy.

Justin picked up Oshawott and smiled. "Alright Oshawott, if coming along with me is what you really want then I'll let you join!" He said, hugging the Oshawott. "If it's a friend you want so bad, then it's a friend you'll get!"

Oshawott nearly bursted into tears of joy. "Oshaaaa!" (Thank you so much!) He happily squealed.

"Lava!" (Welcome to the team, Oshawott!) Ty told the young Oshawott.

"I haven't seen him this happy in a while. You can take him along with him, just promise you'll take extra care of him." Professor Juniper said to Justin, handing him Oshawott's Pokeball.

"Leave it to me Professor!" Justin promised Professor Juniper. "And before we go, I'm no doubt gonna have to give you an awesome nickname!" He said to Oshawott thinking for a moment. "I know, I'll call you Oliver! I think its a cute name for a cute Pokemon!"

"Osha Osha!" (I love it!) He chirped. He absolutely loved the name Oliver, and he was even more happy to even be given a nickname, and actually being called cute.

"I'm glad you like it, Oliver!" Justin said to his new Pokemon. He then turned to Professor Juniper. "Thanks Professor Juniper! I'll be headed off right now!"

"Good bye, and take care! You to Osha-I mean Oliver!" Professor Juniper waved goodbye to Justin, Ty, and Oliver. She was happy to see the young Oshawott leaving her lab with a new trainer.

"I know I sure won't regret taking you along Oliver! I know we'll be great friends!" Justin said to his new Oshawott, who watched as they left the lab.

"Quilava!" (Yeah Oliver, we'll be buds to!) Ty threw in.

"Oshawott. Osha!" (If it hadn't been for you, I'd still be lonely and miserable. Thank you so much!) Oliver smiled at his new friends and admitted. He knew not only he'd finally get to travel the world, he'd have someone to help him get stronger as well as something he's always wanted: a friend. Oliver had never been this happy in his entire life.

I still don't see why people hate Oshawott so much. I mean c'mon! Oshawott is fricken adorable, especially Ash's every so entertaining Oshawott. Man I just love that little brat! And of course you can always count of me to use my fan character who's appeared in like 5 stories now and his Quilava has finally been named Ty. I like how I did this and yeah I like how I portrayed the Pokemon in this story: especially Snivy/Smugleaf! I know I do love the name Oliver for Oshawott also cause it's just such a cute name for a cute pokemon. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and be sure to continue reading!

Next chapter: Justin, Ty, and Oliver begin their adventure. Along the way, Justin runs into Blake and Phoebe; realizing that they're the ones that had previously upset Oliver. Most important point is Oliver's first battle.