A/N: It has been awhile has it not? Well, wait no longer, here is the should-have-been-final-chapter-but-isn't-anymore chapter three.

Following their meeting several more, some a little more unceremonious than others, transpired. Some examples would be either of their offices, the elevators, neither was complaining though.

The euphoria ended as fast as it had started back up again, Harry had returned home from "working late" and was going to jump in the shower to wash Draco off of him.

When his shower was finished he stepped out of the tub and sat down on his bed. Ginny came in a minute later, and crawled onto the bed behind him. "Long day?" she asked rubbing his shoulders.

"Yeah, it really was dear," Harry told her if only just to satisfy her.

"Well why don't we go out for dinner, I can ask Mum to watch L— what is that?" she asked abruptly.

"What is what?" Harry asked.

"That there, "she pointed to the mark on Harry's collar bone.

"Ah shit," Harry groaned, he had forgotten to cover up Draco's love bite, "Its nothing, just a bruise.

"Harry James Potter, that isn't a bruise you lying arse, who is she, who is this slut?" Ginny yelled.

"No one, I told you that it's nothing," Harry shouted at her.

"You're cheating on me? You're cheating on me? Why would you do that?"

"You really want to know?"

"Yes, enlighten me."

"You are a naggy whiny bitch, you always have been. You complain and belittle everyone, you are just a bitch and I can't believe I've stayed with you this long," Harry couldn't help it, all his anger toward his wife just spilled out.

"Go to Hell Harry Potter, I'm leaving and I'm taking Lily with me. I'll be sending the divorce papers," she finished before storming out of the room to grab their daughter.

"Good riddance you fucking bitch," Harry shouted at her.

For a second she came back, "Oh and I cheated on you too, Dean is a good lover."

And with that she left.

And in another part of Britain Draco's marriage was on the rocks as well.

"You pig!" Astoria Malfoy screamed and hurled a book at her husband Draco, he dodged it and it hit the wall with a loud thud.

"Astoria calm down," Draco said.

"Calm down? Calm down? You're cheating on me and our marriage!" she shouted hurling yet another book at him.

"You know nothing," he shouted.

"What kills me the most is that you have not forsaken my bed and our marriage for another woman but for the company of another man. That's what kills me the most."

"I wasn't even aware that we even still had a marriage, you run off to Paris every chance you get and when you are home we don't even share a bed. As far as I'm concerned this marriage was over a very long time ago," Draco said.

"Oh! Fine if that's how you want it then we'll end it," Astoria screamed.

"Fine with me," Draco concluded and watched her storm from the parlor to another part of the huge manor.

The next few days were spent in silence, Harry and Draco didn't meet each other and Ginny didn't come back to hers and Harry's house.

After work ended Harry left the Ministry and apparated back to his home.

When he entered he walked into the kitchen to read the Evening Prophet

"Marriage's in Mayhem: Story by Rita Skeeter: was displayed across the headline.

Harry groaned and steeled himself to read the article.

"If one were to take a look at the marriages of Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass compared to the that of Harry Potter's and Ginny Weasley's that person might notice that they are far from an ideal marriage. This reporter asks the question why both marriages are abruptly coming to an end after many years, and children. One might assume that these are linked, (in more ways than one) to each other. Who am I to assume, judge for yourselves my devoted readers."'

Harry's eyes met the end of the article and he instantly felt rage, "That old bat will never die," he muttered.

Thoroughly irate Harry slammed the Prophet down and sifted through the rest of his mail, nothing caught his eye except the large manila envelope at the bottom. He opened the envelope and dumped its contents onto the table.

What was in there was a light stack of papers that read "The Dissolution of the Marriage of Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Potter."

He didn't bother reading the fine print and instead just skipped to the bottom where the document asked for his signature, he signed it and shoved the papers away from him.

Sighing he went back to the front room of his house and found a book to read.

Draco stood alone in his home, his wife had run off to Paris again, not that he could be bothered to care though. More importantly it had been two weeks since he and Harry had spoken and moreover since they last touched each other.

He had, however, recently been privy to some information pertaining to Harry and the bint's marriage and he wanted to see if it was truly ending. His only problem was the fact that he couldn't just show up at his lover's home if there was the possibility that his wife was indeed home.

After giving it much deliberation he decided to go, to Hell with the Weaselette. Draco walked to the hearth and stepped inside, Floo Powder ensconced in his clenched fist.

One deep breath and the stating of Harry's address and he was engulfed in emerald flames. Seconds later he was standing in the fireplace of Harry's home.

Harry looked up from his book at Draco and took in his form.

"Hey Draco," Harry said offering up a lackluster smile.

"Hello Harry," Draco returned before grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him into a kiss.

Harry moaned into the kiss but broke it off a second later, "I'm getting divorced Draco," he said.

Draco looked at him, trying not to smile, "Since when?"

"Since my wife spotted one of your love bites and called me out on it."

"Does she know whom you're cheating with?"

"No, she thinks it's with another woman and I really didn't believe that telling her I'm cheating with another man, let alone you, would go over well. She also told me she was cheating on me too," Harry said.

"With whom," Draco was now fully intrigued.

"Dean Thomas and others I assume, both genders too, I believe. I kind of expected that, we haven't lain together since conceiving our last child."

"Really, I thought she would have clung to the prestige that came along with being married to the Boy Who Lived," Draco joked.

Harry scowled at his old claim to fame and rolled his eyes.

"I'm divorcing my wife too," Draco admitted. "She too found out that I was cheating on her, she knows it's with another man just not you."

"How did she find out?"

"She never did tell me, I can't even guess, you and I were careful not to leave any evidence. Anyway despite my cheating on her I knew she never would have left me, without me she would have nothing and I was more or less her benefactor."

"What will you do about Scorpious, Draco?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"I don't know. What are you going to do about your children?"

"I don't know either, we haven't even told them yet, Lily would know but she's too young to understand, Al and James won't take to it very well I know for a fact," Harry said.

"Scorpious I think knew something was going to happen, Astoria and I had been fighting every minute she wasn't in Paris, still though," Draco was getting tired of the conversation, he wanted something else.

"Draco," Harry breathed pulling Draco in for another kiss, "Let's go upstairs."

"You read my mind Harry," Draco growled seductively and following Harry up the stairs.

When they got to Harry's bedroom Draco shoved Harry to the wall and pressed his body to his lovers, and his thigh in between Harry's legs. They kissed passionately as though they would die if they did not.

Harry ran his hands through Draco's preternatural blond hair and down his neck. They roamed down his chest where his fingers started to undo the button-down shirt. His lust overpowered his perception and he couldn't quite get his fingers to unbutton the shirt.

"Harry, there's a simple solution to this," Draco said and ripped the shirt off of his body causing buttons to go everywhere. To make them equal Draco, who was much more dexterous, fluidly undid the buttons on Harry's shirt.

They went back to kissing, which turned into one of their perpetual battles, Draco always won though, not that Harry minded.

Draco pulled away and stared at Harry through glazed eyes then looked down to their trousers, "Off, now."

Harry was quick to undo his belt and his zipper and shove his trousers down his legs. In turn he did the same for Draco and when that was finished they resumed their embrace.

Now the only thing keeping them from each other was their boxers, they didn't bother with those at that point in time though; instead Draco grasped Harry's shoulders and turned him so that his chest rested against the wall.

Harry groaned as Draco molded himself into his back kissing and biting his neck and in between his shoulder blades. Draco's hand ran down Harry's side and slid into the hem of his boxers across his pelvic bone to his arousal where he pulled it and rolled Harry's balls in his hand.

All of this happened so slowly Harry wondered whether or not he'd go mad at the pace Draco was going. If the erection at his arse was anything to do by Draco wouldn't be continuing this much longer and would give in to what they both desperately desired.

Ginny walked into the house she had left but two weeks previous with her daughter in tow after discovering her husband had been having an affair. True she had vowed divorce and sent him the papers to confirm it but once she really thought about it she came to the conclusion that she drove Harry into the arms of another. With her nagging and whining as Harry had put it.

She came back to see if they might patch things up with each other, that this was just a rift in their marriage that they could get over. Well actually her mother had suggested that they try and work things out and spent several hours trying to convince her youngest to do just that.

So here she was, Harry was nowhere to be found so she thought she should check the bedroom. As she neared the door nothing could prepare her for what she was about to see.

She opened the door and found Harry half-naked against the wall with a familiar stranger kissing and rubbing him.

A second glance made Ginny see who the other person was, Draco Malfoy. To say that she was shocked would have been an understatement.

"Harry," a shriek sounded, one that could only be from his wife. It was enough to stop Draco from ravaging him any further and enough to quell his erection still lying in Draco's hand.

A/N: Okay loyal readers, I had originally intended this story to only be three chapters but with the direction it took I will have to make it longer than three. I am pretty sure no one minds though. Sorry for the cliffy but this is the result of almost a month and a half writing this chapter, I have several others you see and this wasn't exactly at the top of my to-do list.

Anyway, the fourth should be out sometime in the future, not sure when but yeah. I love all the love this story has received and I can only hope that it continues to get that love. LOVE it will nom on your face for how many times it was said in one sentence.

Finally, please continue with the reviews and the favorites and all of that good stuff, it makes me happy and it makes chapters come out faster.