"Make sure the tent is by the second set of carnations." Layla says to one of her workers. They were getting ready for the annual mid summer night festival that the royal family held. It was a tradition that hand been going on for thousands of years.

"Why do we have so many carnations this year?" Layla asks herself and Justin blushes.

"I have no idea." Justin answers.

"Hmm I'll talk to the Gardner about it. So are you taking notes?" Layla asks Justin. Layla wanted Justin to follow her around because he was going to have to do this one-day. Justin nods.

"He hasn't been paying attention." Justin's mother, Jewel, says.

"Yes I have."

"No he hasn't when he nods, that means he's not paying attention." She says jokingly.


"Don't worry." Layla starts. "I never paid attention to William's mother when she taught me stuff. I just winged t." Layla says and puts her arm around Justin's waist.

"Oh. You're gaining a little weight." Layla says.

"Yeah I noticed that too."

Justin pokes at his stomach. "I noticed last night when I was in the shower. Wade hasn't said anything about it but I know he notices." Justin explains.

"And he will never say anything if he's smart." Jewel says. "The joys of love weight."

"Love weight?" Justin questions.

"Love weights kind of like the freshman fifteen." Layla starts. "The first few months of marriage are so, what's the word."

"Blissful." Jewel answers.

"Yes blissful that you forget about everything and you are solely focus on your partner. One of the things you forget is exercise."

"So you gain weight but don't worry you'll loose it later." Jewel says, finishing Layla's thoughts.

"Lets go inside before Wade sends out a search party." The trio turned around to go back inside the house but Justin feels kind of dizzy. He stumbles and falls on his mother but she catches him.

"Are you ok?" Jewel asks.

"Yeah I'm just dizzy ma."

"Probably because of the heat." Layla starts. "We are having a very hot summer this year."

"Yeah come on lets get you back in the house." The two ladies manage to pull Justin up onto his feet but not for long. Justin faints and falls to the ground.

"Mmm." Justin moans.

"He's waking up." Wade says to his two sets of parents.

Justin opens his eyes to be greeted by the bright shining faces of his entire family.

"Where am I? What's going on? And why are all of you looking at me like that?" Justin asks. The whole family looks at Wade and Wade starts to answer all of the questions.

"You're in our room because you fainted outside."

"Oh, I remember now but that doesn't explain all the Cheshire cat-like grins." Justin says while pointing to his parents and in-laws.

"Well, You're pregnant."

"Hahahaha." Justin starts laughing. "That was a really good joke baby." Justin looks around the room and sees the serious expressions on everyone's faces. "He's not joking is he?"

"Nope." They all say.

"How?" Justin asks.

"I can answer that." The royal doctor says as he walks into the room. "Pregnancy among men isn't likely but it can happen. It all depends on your DNA genetic make up. Most likely someone in your family had the gene and it got passed down to you. Probably every male member of your family has the gene but they do not know it because-."

"They're straight." Justin answers.


"So we're going to have a baby." Wade says to Justin.

"We're going to have a baby."


Wade was pacing outside of the delivery room inside the palace like a madman. Justin had been in there for hours and the baby still wasn't here. He didn't know what the hold up was. Was something wrong? Was the baby in trouble? Was Justin in trouble?

"If you don't sit down right now Wade." The king takes a deep breath. "You are never too old for a beating."

"But Dad It's taking a long time."

"It's called labor." Dave interjects. "Did you pay attention in biology and besides Heath is in there if something was wrong he'd tell us."

Wade sighs. They didn't understand what he was going through. Wade was about to get up again but his father stopped him.

"If you get up one more time." Justin's father starts but Wade leaned back in seat. He knew Justin's dad would have no problem taking him out.

Wade sighs again. "It's taking too lo-." Wade stops himself when he hears a cry. The doctor and all of the attendants come out. Wade and everyone else stands up.

"It's a healthy baby boy."

"Looks like we'll be smoking cigars tonight." William says.

"Congrats man." Dave says and clasps his shoulder.

"What are we waiting for, lets see my grandson."

The four men enter the room. Wade see's Justin on the bed, holding their son. Justin looks up with a smile on his face.

"Come meet your son Wade." Wade walks toward Justin and Justin hands him his son.

"He looks like you." Wade says to Justin.

"That's just for right now. He may grow out of it."

"What are you guys going to name him?" Heath asks.

"Michael." Justin says.

"Michael. Where did that come from?" Layla asks.

"Well Justin's an angel so we thought we'd keep the angels coming."

"So you guys are going to have six more kids?" Dave asks.

"We didn't say that." Justin retorts quickly. "We just like angel names."

"Well whatever let me hold my grandson." Layla takes the baby from Wade's arms and looks the baby over. "Yep this defiantly Wade's baby, not that I had any type of doubt." Layla says.

The nurses walk back into the room. "The princess needs his rest, everyone." One of the attentants was going to take the baby but Wade stopped her.

"I'll take the baby." Wade takes the baby from Layla. "Michael and I need to talk."

"Don't talk him to death." Justin says and yawns.

"I won't now rest." Everyone leaves the room and goes downstairs, except Wade who goes to the nursery. He sits down in the rocking chair and looks at Michael. He thinks about all of the stuff they had to over come for him to even be here. Wade smiles and shakes his head.

"Boy wont we have some stories to tell you when you get older."

A/N: Alright so its done. Who knew an Ipod shuffle challenge on this couple would give me some much inspiration.

Tell me what you think.

Thanks 4 reading
