Disclaimer: I do not own any of the superstars in this story. They are owned by the WWE. This is a work of fiction.

"Father you called." Crown Prince Wade said while entering his father's office.

"Yes Wade come sit down." King William Regal said. Wade sat across from his parents.

"What's up?"

"Well your mother and I were thinking-."

"No your father was thinking." Queen Layla cuts him off. William looks at her.

"I was thinking it was time for you to get married."

"But-." Wade starts.

"I know you are only 26 but I married your mother when I was 23 and look at us." William hugs Layla. "And besides you need to produce at least one heir to the throne."


"And yes I know your young but you never know what could happen down there."

"Will, shut up and let the boy speak." Layla says playfully hitting Wade.

"Dad, I don't have a girlfriend. Who am I suppose to marry."

"I'm glad you asked. You will be marrying the Duke David McCool's daughter."

"Michelle?" Wade says, slightly annoyed. He can't stand that girl. She thinks she is better than everyone else, including him.

"I know her…attitude is not up to par but-."

"Mum, I'm going to kill that girl."

"Look." Layla starts. "This isn't a for sure thing right now but it probably will be so you should try and spend some time with her. Now come, lets leave your father to his business." Layla and Wade walk out of William's office. Once they get far enough away, they begin to talk.

"Mum, how could you let this happen? You know I'm gay."

"I'm sorry. It couldn't be stopped." Layla says truthfully. "And I couldn't just tell your father because someone won't let me."

"I don't want to disappoint dad."

"Your dad will not be disappointed." Wade gives his mother a look.

"Look it doesn't matter that you are gay but since you don't wan to 'disappoint' your father. You will get married and you will have at least one child. You can have men on the side if you want and I will help you sneak around, if need be, but you will get married and you will be happy." Layla finishes. "Unless-."

"I'm not coming out to dad, mum."

"Fine. Lets talk about something else."


"How is your plan going to get that Justin boy in your arms."

"Harder than expected." Wade said.

About a month ago, the royal family hired a new lot of servants. Justin was one of them. Wade had fallen in love with the site of Justin Gabriel. Justin was six feet of sexiness. Justin was everything that Wade would ever need, if only he could Justin to accept his advances.

"All good things come to those who wait."

"I'm Impatient."

"You're too much like me." Layla shakes her head. "I have to go talk to one of the advisors. Don't worry about this situation."

Wade walks into his bedroom and is met by a wonderful site. Justin was putting his clothes in his closet. Justin was reaching up to put his shoes on the top shelf so his shirt rose up, revealing a little of his pure skin.

Wade reached out and touches Justin's exposed skin. "Hey lover." Justin jumps away from Wade's touch, knocking down one of Wade's shoes in the process.

"Majesty." Justin says and then reaches down to pick the shoe up but Wade beats him to it and puts it back on the shelf.

"What have I been telling you Justin, please call me by my first name." Wade says and then cups Justin's cheek, basking in the warmth of Justin's skin. Justin pulls away from the intimate touch.

"You know that is against the rules, Majesty." Justin replies.

"I make the rules lover."

"No your father makes the rules, and I am not your lover Majesty." Justin says and tries to leave the room but Wade puts his arm out.

"I would like you to be."

Justin sighs. "We have been through this before, I am your servant. Your father would never allow such a thing, even if I were a girl. Besides, you are in an arranged marriage."

Wade's eyes widen. "How did you-"?

"Your father's voice carries when he is excited about something." Justin exits the room and closes it behind him.

"MUM!" Wade screams then burst into his mother's office.

"Honey why are you screaming?" Layla asked, taken back by this sudden outburst.

"Mum." Wade says again, letting his mother know they needed privacy.

"Everyone leave." Layla commands and all of the servants leave. Layla gets up from her chair and sits on the couch next to her son.

"What's wrong?"

"He knows."

"Who knows what?" Layla says confused.

"Justin knows I'm in an arranged marriage, now he will never want to be with me."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do mum." Wade lays his head on his mum's lap. "My life is over." Layla smiles.

"Honey your life is not over, just put on hold until you can convince Justin."

"It is over. No Justin means no happiness, no happiness means no life." Wade says.

"Wade look at me." Wade sits up and looks at his mother. "All you need to do is convince him that you love him and not that girl your father is making you marry. If you want me to help, I will. I just want you to be happy at all cost. Now fix yourself up and come up with something to say and so."

Wade's face lights up. "I know what I have to do."

A/N: So tell me what you think. Be honest.

Also I don't really know how old Wade is but for the purposes of this story he is 26.

Thanks 4 reading
