This is my first Boondock Saints story and I've been doing alot of research, trying to get all the facts and such straight. Please tell me if I get something wrong. Hope you all enjoy the story.

A week before the first movie takes place:

"Nicola! You... you ma-ma-made it, fuck! Ass!" Da greeted me when I entered the pub. I snickered to myself when his Tourette's took over. "Of course Da, you asked me to come I wouldn't miss it for da world." I said hanging my coat up at the door and meeting my father behind the bar.

"How was school la-lassie?" He asked, giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek. "I told you Da, I dropped out about a five years ago. Lousy fuckers wern't teachin' me nothing." He wasn't even phased when I told him, he had dropped out of school in the fourth grade, I went all the way to the tenth grade before I dropped it.

Conversations with me Da were a little one sided, meaning I was usually the only one talking. He had called me a week ago and asked me to come to the pub and help him out. He never told me why, and I don't plan on asking, he has his reasons and I never doubt them.

"Imma get to work, wash the floors and such." Was all I said, he gave no answers, just got back to cleaning the glasses and talking to the few customers he had at noon. I moved my bags into the back before grabbing the mop and bucket out of the 'supply room' as Da likes to call it.

I got to work washing the floors and wiping down the tables that were all sticky and covered in god only knows what.

As I wiped down the tables I fingered the new tattoo on my wrist. It was a rosary, I was a little if-y about getting it at first, but now I'm glad I did. I felt more stable knowing that its was inked into my skin, instead of just hanging about my neck. "Lassie, I'm gonna ta-take a break now. If anyone comes in that ain't lookin' for a drink, wake me. Fuck! Ass!" He said before going to his room, which was above the bar.

Everyone was out of the bar now, it was around three so people would be coming by in a few hours. I was humming a tune from the homeland when I heard the bell above the door go off, fallowed by three big men.

"Can I get ya something to drink, boys?" I asked, flinging the rag that I was using to wipe down glasses over my shoulder. "I am Ivan Checkov, nothing to drink. Where is the old man I spoke to last week?" The big guy in the middle asked, his accent coming out on every word he spoke. Filthy Russian. "I'm afraid he ain't here right now, but I could leave a message if you'd like?" I asked, joking. The big guy took me seriously. "Just tell him I was here." I nodded my head and watched as he left.

"Intrestin'" I said to myself.

"Hey, Da. Da, get up! It's almost seven and were packed, DA!" I screamed from the other side of his bedroom door, about three hours later. He would be down soon so I left to go back to the bar.

"Hey lass! I need another beer!" An old man called to me one I had come back behind the bar. "Oh, hold yer horses, you'll get it when I give it to ya!" I said, serving to other men before finally getting to him. "Here." I slammed his beer down on the bar, half of it splashing all over me and the table. "Bitch." He mumbled under his breath.

"Excuse me, I didn't quite hear that! Mind speakin' up?" I asked, my accent coming out like water from a fosset. "Bitch." He slurred. "Listen 'ere you dope, I ain't got time for yer shit, so get da hell out before I throw your mouldy arse out!" He slowly tumbled off his seat and made his way to the door. When he was gone the pub erupted in cheers and cat calls, Da came around and patted me on the back. Everyone obviously did not like the guy I had just kicked out.

"Sorry 'bout that Da, won't happen again." I said, wiping the beer of the counter and going to take orders from the tables.

"What can I get for you wankers today?" I asked, joking. "You're funny lass, We'll have a pint of the black stuff." A scruffy man said. "'Aye, an some chips too!" Another fella called as I was leaving. I returned later with a pint of beer and some fries, or chips, they were both the same to me.

For the most of it, the rest of the night went as good as I could hope for it to go. That is until a bunch of rowdy men cam into the pub and sat at the counter. Da was using the bog, I assumed since he wasn't at the counter. Almost everyone had left, the tabled were scattered and dirty, and the counter was covered in a thick coating of beer and spilt whiskey.

"Can I get ya boys anything to drink?" I asked, coming around to the other side of the bar and stopping infront of the group of six or seven. "Wheres Doc at?" A man with darkish brown hair and blue eyes asked, there was a man sitting right next to him that looked just the same. "Can't say I rightly know. He should be back soon," I trailed off.

"Ya, I need a Guinness." The guy that looked like the one I had just talked to said. "'Aye!" Came a chorus of agreements, all except for the guy I had talked to, he stayed quiet until I finished passing out beer.

"Give me some Jack." He said, as Da came back in from the lue. "Sure," I poured him a shot of whiskey and left the bottle on the counter. "Da, you got a fag, I'm drowning in plonkers here!" I asked him for a cigarette when he joined me at the counter.

"By the re-re-re, by the re-re-re..." He stammered. "By the register, I got ya Da, fancy one?" I asked taking a pack from the draw next to the register. He shook his head and started to stammer at the men at the counter.

"Since when you got a daughter, Doc?" One of the guys asked as I lit up. Everyone turned to me as Da started to mumble incoherently. "Since the day I was born ya tool. Gosh if you lot ain't the dumbest I ever seen." I took a long drag on my fag as a guy with wild hair and beard to match came in threw the front door and sat down between the two men that looked alike.

"Doc, give me a beer!" He called out. "I got it Da, relax. Go to sleep or something I can take it from here." I grabbed a chilled glass from the cooler and filled it to the brim with beer before sliding down the bar where the plonker was supposed to catch it but missed and it slid all the way to the end of the bar and fell off, crashing to the ground. "Smooth," I poured him another beer and walked it over to him, putting a straw in it just to make fun of him.

"Who's the lovely lady you've been hiding from us all along, Doc?" The plonker asked. "Me daughter, Fuck! Ass!" He screamed, and I laughed. "I've been on the main land for a couple of years, staying with me family. Got a call from Da, said he could use me help, so here I am. I lived 'ere before but I left when I stopped going to school. Dropped that bloody waste of time about five year ago. Anyways, I'm Nicola, is nice to meet some of you." I joked, putting out my spent cigarette.

"Well, I'm Rocco, and these two shit heads are the MacManus brothers, Connor and Murphy." Rocco flung his arms around his two friends and squeezed their shoulders. "Nice to meet you, Rocco." I laughed at his name but stuck my hand out for a shake anyways. He didn't try anything like I thought he would. "Connor MacManus, nice to meet you," Connor said taking my hand and shaking it.

His brother was still drowning himself in whiskey and wasn't paying any attention to anything. "Murph, Murph!" Connor had gotten out of his seat and started to push on his brother. "It's okay, he's drowning himself. He ain't good for nothing right now," I took out another fag and stared at Murphy while he poured himself drink after drink.

"Nicola, how old are you? You don't look nearly old enough to be working at a place like this." Connor asked me, while I pushed my dad to the door that lead to his apartment, my fag was hanging from my lips and I felt like I was gonna fall over I was so tired. "Uh, I'm nineteen, but I'll be twenty in a while. As for a place like this, I grew up in a place like this, I live in a place like this. If I weren't in a place like this then it just wouldn't be home. Another?" I asked, taking every ones glasses and filling them up again.

"When did you get here?" Rocco asked, sipping his beer threw the straw. "Haha," I laughed at him. "I got here around noonish, I'll be staying for as long as Da needs me to, as for ye next question."

The night continued on like that, Rocco and Connor would ask me questions and Murphy would drown himself in whiskey while I watched him, he didn't notice but I could tell something was off in him, probably had a bad day.

"You lot come back again tomorrow night, but earlier. I can't stand staying up this late!" I called to them as they left and I locked up the pub. They'd be back tomorrow, and the next day and the next day, they would keep coming back.

Every time I learned more about Rocco and Connor, and they learned more about me. Murphy didn't drink whole bottles of Jack anymore, just beer. But, he still wouldn't talk to me as much as the other guys. Since the week I had met him, I had become mesmerized by him. He was loud when needed, but got rowdy-er when he was drunk.

The weather in Boston was cold, but I welcomed it each morning when I would open the pub and goto the bay to buy grocery's. Soon enough Da and I fell into a steady rhythm that would only be broken when the Russians came back, but that, that happens in the next chapter.

What do you guys think? Most of you might be confused with the slang terms I used so I'm gonna give you the website I used for most of the slang: beer-bytch{.}com

Just take out the { and }, and you should be good. Review and tell me what you think! I know its short but the next chapter will be longer! Promise!