This is my sequel to my epic saga, High School of Evil. Now, welcome to the evolution of evil as gorutovssageta presents the return of the High School of Evil team in High School of Evil: Degeneration. I still don't own Resident Evil or Highschool of the Dead. Please comment and review. Welcome to the evolution of fear!

It has been 3 years since the zombie infection that almost wiped out humanity had been neutralized. As humanity returned back to its normal state, the government was desperately searching for a cure to the dreaded T-Virus, which had been the cause of this worldwide massive infection. No cure had been found, until a certain company that was created during the time of Umbrella's reign had risen and claimed to have the cure for the T-Virus. This brought on much distrust, especially when a known crooked political diplomat decided to back the program, which brought much skepticism. The T-Virus was supposed to be destroyed after the government seized all remaining Umbrella articles and information containing to the T-Virus, but it was rumored that different countries had information on the T-Virus that Umbrella had hidden. This brought upon a secret task force that was sent around to gather all information on Umbrella that was spread around the world. It was said to be successful, but it was never confirmed if all the information was actually gathered. Today, the Earth is the way is once was before the infection, but nothing has changed. Humans are still as foolish as ever, still not thinking of their actions before they act. Will it be the end of them? Only God can tell.



Chapter 1: Reunion

It was a beautiful day at the Harvardville Airport. The planes were finally running properly again, and people were finally beginning to forget the events that occurred 3 years ago. A young woman arrived at the airport with a bright smile as she looked up at the planes in the air. She took a breath of fresh air as she went over into the airport, taking a seat and awaiting for her friends to arrive from Japan. She sat there and began to freshen up on her Japanese, trying to remember all of her letters and their pronunciations.

"Not bad at all," a voice said as the woman looked over her shoulder and seen a man wearing a cowboy hat smiling at her. "You waiting for someone that speaks Japanese?"

"Yes, my friends that live in Japan," the woman replied with a cheerful smile. "They should be arriving soon."

"Well, I'll leave you to it miss," the man said as he tipped his hat to her and walked away, whistling as he did. The woman smiled as she picked up a small magazine and began to read it.

"Hey Claire!" a voice screamed as the woman looked up and smiled widely as a 11 year old girl ran over to her.

"Alice!" Claire shouted as she got up and wrapped the girl in a hug, a big smile on her face. "I can't believe how big you have gotten! Where is everyone else?"

"Why, did you think we weren't coming?" a girl with pink hair and glasses asked as she walked up to Claire with a smile. "It's been a long time Claire."

"Saya, it's so good to see you," Claire replied as she walked over and wrapped Saya in a hug. "So who else came with you?"

"Shizuka, Rei, Saeko, and Kohta," Saya replied as Claire looked down with a sad look.

"So I'm guessing you haven't heard from Leon or Takashi either huh?" Saya asked as Claire shook her head no. "I thought they would at least get in contact with you since they are in America. I guess they must be busy or something."

"I hope they are OK," Claire said as Saya snickered.
"Do you think that Leon or Takashi will get killed?" Saya asked with a smile. "Those two are like cats. They each have nine lives and if they jump off a ledge, they land on their feet."

"You got that right!" a voice shouted as Claire, Saya, and Alice turned as three women and a man walked over, smiling as Claire screamed and gave them all hugs.

"It's so great that we are having this reunion," Alice said as everyone nodded. "I just wish Big Brother Leon and Takashi were here."

"Don't even mention that idiot to me," a girl with orange hair said. "He hasn't called me or even came to see me after we were supposed to be going out!"

"It's not that big of a issue," a girl with purple hair replied, looking up at the ceiling. "Stop making a scene in the airport."

"Let's all go get something to eat, I'm starving!" the boy said as everyone groaned. As Claire led her friends to go get something to eat, a man passed her and his face was so familiar.

"Is that...?" Claire wondered as she looked at the man's face. She stopped as she watched a man come walk towards another man, stumbling a bit. Everyone turned quickly as they seen the man, looking at him with widened eyes.

"Is that a...?" Saya started as Claire looked at the man with a dark look. She walked over to him and pulled of the mask he was wearing.
"Some of us don't think that is funny!" Claire shouted as the man looked at her with a grin.

"Why, did I scare you little girl?" the man asked as suddenly the purple haired girl was in front of him, holding a sharp sword to his neck.

"How did you get that on the plane Saeko?" Claire wondered as Saeko didn't answer. She just looked at the man with a dark look as the man put his hands in the air in protest.

"Look, I'm sorry!" the man exclaimed as he looked at Saeko with a fearful look. "All I was doing is protesting the new virus they are working on the counter the T-Virus! It's wrong man! That senator dud has no right to back it up! He's supposed to be here, that's why I was dressed like that, I swear!"

"The next time I catch you wearing a costume like that," Saeko began as she looked at the man with a cold look. "I will make sure to dismember you just like I did to Them. Am I making myself clear? Dressing up like that isn't protesting, it is just foolish."

"I promise you I won't!" the man screamed as he ran away from Saeko, Saeko sheathing her sword and looking at Claire with a smile.

"Shall we go eat?" Saeko asked as she walked over back to the group. Claire looked at her in surprise as she just smiled and followed her to the others.

That was the first chapter! No action yes, but there will be next chapter! So stick along and subscribe to the evolution of fear!
