A/N: As with last chapter, it has taken me so long to add this chapter because I have a lot going on. However, it is finally here! Without any further ado, let's get started!

Tales of the Abyss

Looking into the Future

Chapter 11: Draven Curtiss, Affections Expressed and Asch II fon Fabre

A few months after Jade got back to Malkuth, he was at a meeting with Peony, Florian and some of their top advisors concerning recent events in the Order of Lorelei. Things had been rather unstable lately thanks to the Black Score's influence, and the people were clamoring for a new way of doing things. As they broke for lunch, he received a summons from the top staff person at his residence, stating that Anise was going into labor and that he come home as soon as possible. He told her, "I will be there as soon as I can. Make sure you get one of the top midwives in Malkuth. I won't lose Anise, or our son." He glanced over, to see Peony looking questioningly at him.

The servant noticed Peony's gaze and bowed respectfully to the Emperor, then turned and walked away, heading back to Jade's place.

Peony stated, "Anise is having your child now? You should go to her, Jade. She needs you now more than ever. I'll find some way of keeping these wet blankets from finding out you're gone."

Jade responded, "...Thank you, Your Majesty. But...I think I will deal with it better if I'm doing something productive as well. Sitting around to hear Anise screaming is not something I will bear well."

Peony sighed, "You've taken countless lives, yet the sound of one girl screaming is too much? You're strange, Jade."

Jade answered, "She's not just any girl, Peony. She's-"

The man cut him off, "I know, but if you're not there, Anise might doubt your feelings. Take the day off to be with her and the boy, when he gets here. I'll find some way of holding down the fort. Just go." He smirked at Jade, giving the man a grin that said that he wasn't going to relent.

Jade sighed, "All right, I'm going." He went the same direction the servant had gone.

When he reached his home, he saw Luke and the others inside the foyer, looking worried. He sighed, trying not to sound too stressed and said, "It's going to be a bit before Draven gets here."

Luke nodded, "I know, but...we wanted to be here for you. Since you were there for me when Tear had Elaine, I thought I'd repay the favor by being here for you when Anise has your son." When he stopped, the sound of Anise screaming from the next room echoed out the cracked bedroom door.

Jade flinched at the sound, and sat down in a chair. He put his head in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees. It was going to be quite a long day if he had to hear that the whole time the boy was being delivered. He said, "I need to go in there."

Guy responded, "No, Jade. Stay out here. Knowing you, you'll try to tell the midwife what to do, and she knows more about this kind of thing than you do. Just wait."

In the other room, the midwife told Anise, "That's the way. Keep dilating like this and you should be ready deliver in no time. You can do this, Mrs. Curtiss."

Anise told her, panting and sweating profusely, " 'Over in no time' you say. But how do you...know? Aah!" She winced as another contraction came and yelled, "DAMN YOU JADE CURTISS! I'm NOT EVER TOUCHING YOU AGAIN!"

Luke and the others flinched and looked at Jade, who was shaking with bottled up stress from the meeting and the fact that Anise was going through a difficult labor, "IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO, ANISE!" He yelled back, pounding his fist against the wall and lunging at the door.

Guy held him back, "Whoa, Jade! Stay here! I know this is hard for you but Anise didn't mean what she said! Believe me, Natalia said some things I didn't like either. Just hang in there."

After a difficult 12 hours, the midwife came out carrying a small blue bundle. She said, "Congratulations, Daddy." She said, giving an exhausted smile to Jade as she handed the child to him.

Jade studied the boy intently for a moment, scrutinizing every detail and making sure all ten fingers and all ten toes were accounted for. He then turned to the midwife and asked, "How's Anise? Please tell me she made it through this okay?" Despite his earlier words, the Necromancer really was worried about her.

The midwife said, "She's sleeping, Colonel, but yes. She's fine. She'll be sore for a few days, but apart from that, I'm not noticing anything out of the ordinary. If she has any other trouble, get a normal doctor. My specialty is delivering babies. Farewell." She walked away after Jade paid her for her services.

Jade said, "I'm going in to see Anise, alone. You all can join us after a few minutes if you'd like." He went into the room where Anise slept and smiled at her, setting the baby boy gently on the bed beside her. He whispered, "Here he is, Anise."

Anise muttered back, only half-asleep, "He's beautiful Jade."

Jade responded, "Yes he is; he tends to favor you in most respects."

Anise told him, "Yeah, but he's got your hair color. That counts for something, I hope." She grinned and leaned up a bit so she was on her elbows. She then kissed him on the cheek and said, "I'm sorry for saying what I did earlier. You didn't deserve that. I'm willing to touch you whenever and wherever you want me to." She grinned.

Jade shook his head, "It's okay. Guy explained to me that women in labor often say things they don't mean." He hugged her and kissed her on the lips, "So I didn't take it personally." He looked at Draven again and said, "Well, he certainly complicates things, doesn't he?"

Anise grinned and said, "He gets that from his father."

Jade rolled his eyes, "Yeah, right. More like from you." He picked up the baby again, and placed him in Anise's arms.

Anise spoke softly to Draven, then giggled as he pulled at her top, hungry. She replied, "Okay, I'll feed you, little man." She unbuttoned her top, fed Draven, and then closed it back. She then told Jade, "I don't know about you, but I'm getting really sleepy from everything; so I'm going to sleep now."

Jade nodded, "I am too. Good night, my love." He kissed her on the lips and lay in bed beside her, positioning himself in such a way that his arm was wrapped securely around the new mother and their new son; he didn't want anything to happen to them while he was asleep. He'd rather receive an injury than see either of them get hurt. As the couple fell asleep, other things were happening at the Fabre estate in Baticul.

Luke and Tear arrived safely back at the mansion, escorted by a few guards because of all the political tension. Once they got inside, Luke turned to a soldier and ordered him, "Thank you. You may go back to your normal duties now. We can take it from here." The soldier nodded and walked outside, patrolling the grounds. He wasn't going to leave the Duke and Duchess of Kimlasca unprotected when there was a chance the Black Score might try to strike again. However, he would let them have their privacy. He had been informed that the two were going to try for a younger sibling for their daughter and he didn't have any right to have his nose in that. The other guards did the same, staying near the manor and protecting it.

Once they were alone in the master bedroom, Luke kissed Tear passionately and pushed her against the wall. He had been longing for this for such a length of time...he couldn't wait to feel her soft skin under his. It felt so...right when they made love. He kissed her neck and sucked on it, leaving a hickey after he finished this. He panted and asked, "Are you ready for something more?" He reached under her dress and began to rub her nipple softly, trying to get her aroused also.

Tear let out a soft gasp and then a slight moan. She answered his question before she got too turned on to answer, "Definitely, my love. Show me how good you are." She kissed him on the lips again, pulling him close and sliding her tongue into his mouth.

Luke moaned at feeling her tongue and panted. His erection pressed against Tear's thigh as he picked her up. The friction caused him to shiver, pleasure running through his veins. He placed her on the bed and began to undress her. After he was done doing that, he took off his clothes and rubbed Tear's breasts, trying to arouse her more so that she would be good and wet. He didn't want to hurt her when he entered.

Tear moaned loudly and bucked her hips, very turned on by the attention lavished on her by her husband. She told him softly, in a broken whisper, "Luke...please..."

Luke needed no further persuasion. He helped Tear sit up and thrust hard into her pussy, letting out a loud moan as he entered. He then pulled out and thrust back in, trying to make this as enjoyable as possible for both of them.

Tear moaned and placed her strong legs around Luke's waist and her arms around his broad, strong shoulders, wanting to feel all of him against her. She bucked her hips in time with his thrusts, helping him go deep inside her, "Oh Luke!"

Luke allowed Tear to hold him and moaned even louder, the deep penetration more than likely feeling wonderful to the redheaded nobleman. He smiled too, glad that he was pleasing Tear so much that she had to cry out his name. He then picked up the pace, rocking his hips at a faster rate and giving his thrusts more power as well.

Tear gasped and moaned, doing her best to keep up with him. She half-screamed, "Oh, Luke! I'm SO CLOSE!"

Luke leaned over and whispered into her ear, "Me too." He continued to thrust as fast and hard as he could into her pussy.

Tear orgasmed and moaned very loudly, screaming Luke's name. She then muttered, panting, "If you're going to cum, do it inside me."

Luke nodded and came inside Tear, moaning her name. He then pulled out and lay beside her, spent. He told her, "That was amazing, Tear. I guess it'll be a while before we know if you're pregnant though."

Tear panted and nodded her head, very worn out from their activities. She heard a knock on the door and blushed, moving to cover herself with the coverlet, "Uhh...Luke, will you get that?"

Luke hugged her and kissed her cheek, then nodded, "Okay, love. I'll be right back." He put a robe on, then went to answer the door. He cracked it open so Tear wouldn't feel awkward and asked, "Hello?"

Standing there was Elaine, looking very confused. She asked, "What were you and Mommy doing? It was very loud, whatever it was. You woke me up."

Luke blushed, looking a little abashed. He didn't think they had been that loud, but he guessed he was wrong. He told her, "We were doing things that only consenting adults should do, Elaine. I'm sorry we woke you up. Why don't you go back to your room and let me read you a bedtime story?"

Elaine grinned and nodded, "Okay, Daddy. See you in a little bit." She hugged him around the waist, glad he was okay. She was worried that he might have been hurt.

Luke replied, "Okay, later." He turned around to see Tear fast asleep on the bed. He guessed she really had worn herself out. Between raising Elaine and making sure his decisions as Duke made sense, it was no wonder that sex was the thing that put her to sleep. He went over to the bed and kissed her on the cheek, muttering, "Good night, my love. I will be back. I have to read our daughter a bedtime story again."

Tear smiled, as if on some subconscious level, she heard and understood.

Luke went to Elaine's room. He picked out a storybook and began to read to her, yawning and accidentally interrupting himself. He then picked back up with the story and finished reading it. By the time he had finished, Elaine was fast asleep again. He grinned and bent over his daughter, kissing her forehead. He told her, "Sleep well, my treasure." He tucked her in, placed the book back on her shelf, then closed the door and left the room.

Luke then went back to the room where Tear was asleep, getting into bed beside her and holding her close. He had longed to do that for hours, but due to being busy getting their daughter back to sleep, he couldn't. After about 30 minutes, he fell asleep with a smile on his face, just happy to have the family he did. Another child would be great. Maybe this one would be a boy. There was no bond like that of a father and his son, he had always heard. He hoped that would be true in his and his son's case.

A few more days passed, and Tear began to experience morning sickness, a symptom of pregnancy she recognized. She was also often tired and having to relieve herself more often than usual. She also attributed it to being pregnant. However, there was a symptom she hadn't counted on or experienced with her pregnancy with Elaine. Deep-seated pain in her lower back that kept her from moving like she wanted to. Worried, Luke called in a doctor, who came to see Tear right away. He said that the searing pain in Tear's back was likely the result of pressure on her lower spinal cord by the placenta. She wasn't in any serious danger until delivery though. If she had any pain, or pushed too hard while having the baby, she could herniate a disc or rupture the bottom part of her spinal cord, leaving her totally paralyzed.

Luke held Tear close and asked, "Is there any other serious risk to her that I should know about?"

The doctor said, "Well, because of her low iron levels, we'll have to keep a close eye on her and make sure she doesn't bleed too much. If she hemorrages, there is a chance she could die as well. However, I'm sure she'll be fine. She had a complicated first pregnancy from what I hear, but she survived that and recovered. Based on that, she should be able to do so with this baby as well, but there is no saying for sure."

Luke teared up and hugged his wife, not willing to accept the fact she could very well die from this. He was not going to lose her. If he had to, he would help her have the baby himself if it meant keeping her alive.

Tear hugged back and muttered, "Luke, even if I do die, know that I love you and want you to keep going for our kids. They need a parent and if something does happen to me, you'll be all they have. I know you can take care of them." She turned to the doctor and asked, "Do you recommend I stay in the hospital or...?"

The doctor shook his head, "No, but I do need you to stay on total bedrest. No getting out of bed unless it's necessary."

Luke sighed and nodded, "She can still get up to use the restroom right? There was nothing wrong with her legs..."

The doctor replied, "That's what I meant. She can get up to do that, but anything else is off-limits."

Luke responded, "Okay, thanks doctor." He dismissed him and turned back to Tear, "I'm so sorry, Tear. If I had known this would happen..."

Tear laughed and said, "It's not your fault, you couldn't have known." She kissed his cheek, "Relax. Everything will go okay."
And so her pregnancy progressed, all nine months going by in a breeze.

When the day came for her to deliver, Tear let out a scream as she felt pain in her abdomen and the lower back pain intensified. She knew it was the day and yelled, "Luke, hurry up and get in here!"

Luke ran into the room and asked, "Oh! Is it time?!" He sounded very excited, but with an undertone of concern.

Tear nodded, "Yes...please, go and get the midwife...hurry! Aah!" She closed her eyes and panted, the pain intensifying. Her water broke and soaked the sheets. She needed someone here...now.

Not two seconds later, Luke returned, the midwife close at hand as well. He told her, "I'm back, Tear. Sorry I had to leave you for a second." He sat down next to the bed and held Tear's hand, not willing to leave her for anything.

The midwife checked Tear and told her, "Okay, things are looking good. Your water's broken and you're 5 centimeters dilated. When you get to 10, I am going to ask you to push hard, okay?"

Remembering the doctor's words earlier, Luke told Tear, "But not too hard. We don't need you paralyzed."

Tear nodded and winced as she felt another contraction, stronger than the last had been.

After the pain subsided, the midwife told her, "You're now at 8 centimeters. You're moving right along with this."

Luke added, "I know. It took longer during her pregnancy with Elaine. What's so different about this one?"

The midwife told him, "Each pregnancy is different." She continued to keep an eye on Tear's progress.

Feeling another contraction, the brunette screamed loudly in pain and squeezed Luke's hand as hard as she could manage.

The midwife added, "Wow, you're at 10 already." She moved Tear's legs so they were very spread apart to allow room for the baby and told her, "Okay, I need you to start pushing. Push hard, Tear."

Tear nodded and sat up on her elbows, inhaling deeply and holding her breath. She then pushed hard, wishing with everything in her for this baby to come quickly and be healthy. That was all she cared about.

As the baby came out headfirst, the midwife smiled and nodded, "Beautiful, there's the head! Just keep it up, Tear!"

At that moment, Tear started to feel very weak. However, she felt Luke squeeze her hand and tell her, "You can do this, Tear, come on!"

Tear nodded and pushed again, screaming as pain surged through her back.

The second push was enough to push the baby out to his knees. One more push on Tear's part would see their son, Asch the Second, out of her and into the world.

Luke rubbed Tear's back and told her, "Come on, one more. You can do this." He kissed her cheek.

Tear squeezed Luke's hand and pushed the rest of Asch the Second out, then told him quietly, "Welcome to...Auldrant, my son...Asch the Second." She delivered the placenta, but after that, she was beginning to bleed out.

The midwife quickly handed Asch II to Luke and told him, "Sir, I need you out of here while I get her bleeding under control."

Luke shook his head, "No, I'm staying here. I promised I would be here for her no matter what!"

The midwife sighed and nodded, "Fine." She did everything she could to get Tear's hemorraging under control, but nothing was working. She told Luke finally, "It looks like she's not going to make it, son. She's lost too much blood. Her heart can't take it."

Luke teared up, both happy and sad at the same time. He was happy to have his son...but sad that Tear had to die for it. She wouldn't get to enjoy their little boy.,.and what was he going to tell Elaine? He yelled, "Noooo! I won't have this! Fix her now!" He shifted Asch II slightly, then shoved the midwife with one arm, causing her to land against the wall.

The midwife said, "Sir, I've done everything I can. I'm sorry, but it's in the hands of fate now."

Luke shook his head, "No...no, it's not! Fate wouldn't have Tear die so young and..." He turned around, hearing Tear weakly trying to talk to him. He went over to the bed and sat down on it, taking her hand, "Tear, please...don't leave me! I need you!"

Downstairs, the whole crew was gathered, having heard that Tear's pregnancy was once again difficult. At hearing Luke's outburst, Anise sniffled and cuddled baby Draven close, sad that they were losing their friend. It wasn't fair to Luke...and what about their children? Would they still be able to lead happy and healthy lives with a broken father?

Tear told Luke softly, her voice barely audible as she faded, "Luke...please, don't grieve for me for the rest of your life. These...these kids need you to be happy, and I want you to enjoy your life with them. I know the grieving process is a long one...but you have Guy, Jade, Natalia, and the others. I'm...so sorry to leave you, my love...but fate is fickle sometimes. We never can...predict...what will...happen." She wiped his tears, then stroked his jaw before disappearing, reassuring him that he could do this.

Luke touched the side of his face and sniffled, then broke down crying quietly, "But Tear...didn't you know you touched the lives of our friends, too? They won't take this any easier than me." Wiping his tears, the young father kissed Asch II on the forehead, telling him softly, "Your mommy really loved you, son. She was willing to die to have you come into the world. Repay that by living a good life." He hugged the brunette baby close, knowing there had to be something special about this boy. Otherwise, Tear wouldn't have gone through with all of this.

Reassured but still grieving, the redheaded nobleman came out of the room and went to his friends. He wanted to show them Asch II, the special child that Tear had died for. Although it wouldn't be easy to tell them that Tear didn't make it, they were her friends too and deserved to know. Luke told everyone, "Here...here he is." His voice was choked up with unshed tears, but he didn't realize it.

Guy nodded, "He's adorable, Luke."

Jade spoke up and added, "I take it that Tear didn't make it, based on your tone of voice."

Luke nodded and began to cry anew, fresh pain from his lost love brimming to the surface.

Natalia hugged Luke and told him, "Shh, Luke. It's okay. We're here for you, Elaine, and Asch II. We know it won't be easy. Life never is, but I know if anyone can handle being a single father and a Duke, it's you. You're the strongest guy I know."

With that, Luke calmed down and let everyone get a chance to hold his young son, just so they could get a good look at the boy that Tear had given her life up for. He went over to the window and looked out at the sky, getting the feeling that Tear was smiling down on him for taking so much on himself. That feeling was reassured when a ray of sunshine shone through the window and landed on him. He then went back to the others and said, "Okay, guys, that's enough. Asch II needs his sleep."

Guy smiled, "Asch the Second, huh?"

Luke replied, "Yep, that's what we picked. After all, if not for Asch's sacrifice, none of us would be here."

Anise nodded, "That's true, in a way. I bet he would be super honored if he was alive."

Luke laughed in spite of his pain and nodded, "Yeah, that or very annoyed. Either way, I'm glad to have you guys in my life." He hugged Anise tightly, but was also careful not to hurt baby Draven. He knew just how delicate very small children were.

After everyone left with promises to visit the very next day and every day for the next three weeks to make sure he made it through the grieving process all right, Luke put Asch II in Elaine's old crib. Although now it had blue sheets instead of pink ones, it would still work. He stroked his infant son's cheek, and sniffled slightly. His skin was just as soft as Tear's, and he shared her facial features. He cried out, "I'm so sorry, Tear!" Then collapsed onto the bed, crying. He essentially cried himself to sleep, releasing some of his inner pain.