
Kono stepped under the scolding hot shower, not caring that her skin immediately reddened at the heat. Not having the strength to stay standing she slid down the wall and pulled up her knees wrapping her arms around herself in a protective gesture.

The heat of the shower on her shoulder helped release some of the tension but it didn't make her feel clean. All of a sudden she felt soiled. She could feel rough hands on her body trying to touch her, to get her to surrender to their power. A sob made it out and she quickly grabbed a sponge and started scrubbing. She scrubbed until her skin was raw. Then she fell into a heap into the shower stall and cried. Long sobs and hiccups that wracked her body with shivers and spasms. How had it come to this?


The team was enjoying some well deserved down time at a local bar, relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

'Did you see how that woman went down? I just hit him just like this and he went down like a sack of potatoes!'

Danny gestured wildly with his arms, forcing Kono to lean a little more into Steve's side, not that he minded. Danny had had a little more to drink than the others and was now in full on storytelling mode, which had placed amused grins on all their faces, watching their friend relive their afternoon chase of a suspect.

'You sure did Danny, now how about you drop the arms and cease trying to knock us out?'

Steve grinned at his friend, he hadn't felt this relaxed in a while and he was savoring it. It wasn't everyday you got off scot-free with stealing 10 million dollars then actually getting thanked for it. He was sure it was going to come up sometime, but for now they were free, there was no way they could trace it back to them now.

He looked around the bar, suddenly having the hairs on his neck sticking up. Kono felt him tense and followed his gaze, having learned rather fast that Steve's senses weren't often wrong. She looked towards the door and she broke out into a grin.

Chin knew something was up when he saw Steve tense and followed his gaze towards the entrance. He scowled when he saw who it was. Looking over at his cousin his scowl worsened as he saw her smile. 'Not again.' He thought. At the door was none other than Christopher Dunne.

Steve glanced over at Chin as he felt a sudden wave of annoyance coming his way. The scowl on Chin's face and his own defensiveness told him all he needed to know. That guy, whoever he was, was bad news. He startled when Kono suddenly moved up and over him and walked straight into said man's arms. The leering smile the man gave Kono sent shivers down his spine, and not the good kind.

Kono was so deep in thought she hadn't realized the shower had turned cold until she started shivering violently because of the cold. She quickly turned off the shower and got out. Getting a towel she quickly dried off and studied herself in the mirror. There was bruising everywhere, unfortunately also on her face. But what she hated the most were the finger shaped marks on her chest and thighs. She quickly covered up the evidence and grabbed some sweatpants and the biggest sweater she could find.

She climbed into bed, ignoring the protest of her muscles and fell into an uneasy sleep.



'Hey there sweetheart! Miss me?'

'Like a headache.' But her eyes gave her away.

From the other side of the bar the three men observed the couple. Danny had sobered upon sensing the less than jovial mood at the table.

'Who is he?'

Danny threw the question out there, wanting to know why he suddenly felt very protective of their rookie. Danny saw Steve leaning forward almost imperceptibly, curious to know more about the mystery man that had Kono smiling like that.

'He was a friend, a long time ago. When Kono was still in the surfing circuit he was her unofficial manager amongst other things if you know what I mean. He broke her heart when he left after she blew her knee. She never blamed him though. He left the island looking for the big bucks; I have no idea what he's doing here though.'

Steve frowned a little. The information Chin had given him didn't explain the warning bells going off in his head. Something wasn't right he was sure of it.

'Anything else?'

Steve knew he shouldn't interfere but she was on his team, thus his responsibility, he had to know.

'Spidey sense kicking in?'

Steve glanced at Danny ignoring his question, his eyes never really leaving the couple over at the bar. He was subconsciously saving every piece of information about their interaction for further investigation.

'No, as far as I know he's clean, but then again I haven't seen him in a few years.'

Steve didn't like it and it showed on his face.

Kono turned, feeling their eyes on them.

'Come on, I want you to meet some people.'

Chris smiled a little but he was uncomfortable. He had heard about 5-0 and he didn't like what he'd heard. Apparently they were close as family.

'Guys, meet Chris and old friend. Chris this is Steve McGarrett…'

'Commander McGarrett actually.' He interrupted Kono and shook the man's hand a little harder than was absolutely necessary.

Kono raised her eyebrows and delivered a threatening glare to her boss that he ignored, and then continued the introductions.

'This is Daniel Williams'

'Detective Williams actually.' Imitating Steve's introduction and complementary hard handshake.

'You know Chin.' Kono said after also glaring at Danny.

Chris stuck out his hand but Chin didn't take it just nodded and started up a conversation with Danny next to him.

'Don't mind them; they're a royal pain in the ass and a lot overprotective.'

Chris just smiled, slightly unnerved by the way the commander was studying him like a hunter studies a prey, never taking his eyes off of him, not even blinking.

Knowing he wasn't going to be able to execute his plans with three protective men around her, Chris decided it was time to go.

'It was good seeing you again Kono; can I ask you to dinner to catch up?'

'Sure, I'd like that. Call me ok?'

He nodded then kissed her on the cheek, lingering a little longer than he should, just to piss off the men. Knowing he succeeded as he saw the commanders eyes ablaze with anger. 'She mine.' Chris thought and telepathically sent the message to the man as he pulled away and left the bar.