I'm not doing Reward challenge notes. DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED...

Episode 11

-Mint joins Limberg and Cyrano's alliance, but both are weary on keeping her around. But Cousteau and Woolio agree to keep her around and vote out Tangy and Freya.

-Tangy makes herself a strategy of flirting with the jocks to further her own game.

-Freya ends up winning the immunity challenge, and forces Tangy onto the chopping block.

-However, Cyrano and Cousteau are approached by Freya and Tangy about voting for Mint and taking her out. When they brought this up to Limberg, he agreed to it.

-At tribal council, everyone in the tribe minus Woolio voted for Mint. Mint ended up going home that night as the fourth member of the jury

-Woolio was a tad peeved that his alliance didn't tell him about the vote, but shrugged it off. Limberg told his alliance that now was the time to get Ace and Sprocket out.

-But they made a terrible mistake when they told Freya and Tangy about this. The girls decided to tell Ace and Sprocket, and this time, they believed them.

-Ace was able to win the immunity challenge, but it placed Sprocket in the hot seat.

-Ace confronted Limberg about the vote, but Limberg continued to lie to him.

-Ace and Sprocket hoped that Freya and Tangy voted with them to take Limberg out.

-But at tribal council, the girls sided with Limberg's alliance to vote Sprocket out. Sprocket ended up going home as the fifth member of the jury.

Episode 12

-Ace and Limberg exploded in a huge fight of 'aces' and 'squinkies'. Cyrano broke the fight off, and calmed Limberg down.

-Seeing no other option, Ace aligned with Freya and Tangy. He knew that he was the next to go, and he needed to get numbers.

-Woolio and Cousteau talked about the game, and they decided to make a 'Final 2' alliance, in the case that there would be a Final 2 rather than a Final 3.

-Ace yet again won the immunity challenge, ticking Limberg off.

-Ace, Freya, and Tangy tried to scramble to get rid of Woolio, since he was a popular player, and he could win the jury votes.

-Limberg's alliance discussed the vote, and made a decision.

-At tribal council, the scrambling failed, and Limberg's alliance took out Tangy over Freya, for being a slightly stronger competitor. Tangy was sent home as the sixth member of the jury.

Episode 13

-With Tangy gone, Freya and Ace needed to find a way to get around Limberg's strong alliance.

-However, Limberg was talking with Cyrano and Cousteau about blindsiding Woolio. He was worried that he could win the final immunity challenge, and end up winning the whole game.

-Cousteau was slightly worried about sending home Woolio, as he was his good friend. But he kept this a secret from him.

-But it didn't stay secret for long, as Ace spied on them from afar. Ace told Freya about their plan, and Freya told Ace to go tell Woolio. When Woolio found out, he was not happy.

-When Ace won his third immunity challenge in a row, Limberg decided to pull his plan into action, and blindside Woolio.

-Cyrano was a bit worried about it, but he decided to help Limberg out anyway. He knew Limberg was gonna lose anyway, and Cyrano hoped to win off of him.

-At tribal council, Woolio pointed out to the jury that Limberg's alliance was planning to vote him out, and he vocally tried to get Ace and Freya to vote Cousteau out. But his plotting failed when he was sent to the jury. Woolio was sent home as the seventh jury member.

Episode 14 Finale

-Cyrano won the Final 5 immunity challenge.

-Ace knew it was his night, and he accepted his defeat with ease. At tribal council, Ace was sent home as the eighth member of the jury.

-Freya felt determined to beat the guys in the final immunity challenge, but came up short. Cyrano won the final immunity challenge.

-Without any scrambling, Freya accepted the defeat, and joined the jury as it's ninth member.

Jury Statements

-Sven: He basically asked the Final 3 what trait helped their game out the best. Limberg said strategy. Cyrano said leadership. Cousteau said physical.

-Ankha: She basically summed up the Final 3 like this: Limberg ran the game, Cyrano hid behind Limberg, and Cousteau hid behind both Limberg and Cyrano. She had no questions.

-Gonzo: He ripped into Cousteau for stabbing him in the back. Cousteau fought back by saying he was never with him in the first place.

-Mint: She was stern with Limberg and Cyrano for stabbing them in the back, and asked Limberg why she went home. Limberg answered with, "You were a threat, squinky."

-Sprocket: He wasn't happy with Limberg or Cyrano, and told them that Limberg had no chance. But he did ask Cyrano to redeem himself by saying which other 3 jurors should've made the Final 3. Cyrano answered with Woolio, Sprocket, and Ace.

-Tangy: She had no questions. She just congratulated the final 3.

-Woolio: He ripped into all three finalists, telling them that they straight stabbed him in the back, and why he should've never trusted them. He also says he regrets voting Sven out, as he could've been useful later. He then states that Cyrano was the most respectful of the three, and outright says he's voting for him.

-Ace: He rips into Limberg, telling him how his game practically sucked. He only stuck to one person throughout the whole game, (Cyrano) and always tried to stab people in the back. Limberg argued back by saying that Ace, Sprocket, and all of them had to go since they were huge targets. He also snaps at Cyrano for his answer for Sprocket's question. He thinks Cyrano answered those three since they were the ones they stabbed in the back.

-Freya asks the three which person outside the Final 12 they trusted the most and the least. Limberg answered Most: Gaston and Least: Rizzo. Cyrano answered Most: Admiral, and Least: Rizzo. Cousteau answered Most: Admiral and Least: Ed.

-In the final reading of the votes, Cousteau was named the tenth sole survivor in a 5-4-0 vote. The results are on my profile page.

The Countdown for Heroes vs. Villains is UP! We have 3 players up on there so far.