Disclaimer: I don't really know what "disclaimer" means, but I've seen writer's on here do it, so I've decided to try it as well.

I've had this story for like a year now. The genre isn't really my thing, but I've decided to try it. Yay?

New authors that start here, I've noticed say things like, "Be gentle" or "R/R" or something like that. You know what I say?

SHUT UP AND READ! Or I'll send moldy Voldy after you. Kays? Review too please :)

Enjoy the story!


Chapter 1 - Lovely Letters

The perfect day of the summer, sunny and warm and cloudless, with the birds singing, the air smelling so fresh and the little gnomes skipping around the front of the Weasley's tall, crooked house and the chickens clucking here and there, was a great day for wading down at the lake or playing a game of Quidditch down at the orchard or simply just lying on the flower-filled meadow and smelling the breeze. These were just a few of the things Ginny Weasley wanted to do on such a fine day.

But Ginny was in her nice, soft bed, sleeping quite peacefully and having the most wonderful dream she had ever had. She felt light, warm and extraordinarily happy and a grand smile plagued her lips. She knew if anybody had happened to walk in and saw her, they would think she was undeniably mental, but she didn't really care at the moment. Nothing could stop her dream…nothing would interrupt…she would stay asleep and dream the same dream for hours and hours and hours….


At the sound of her mother's voice, Ginny squeezed her eyes tightly shut and curled herself into a ball and placed her pillow over her head. Anything to keep from waking up.

"Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley's voice continued still. "Ginny, dear, it's time for breakfast, please come on down!"

Ginny curled up even tighter and squeezed her eyes shut harder, but it was no use. The dream was slipping away faster and faster until she could barely remember it.

Mothers, she thought bitterly. The big smile on her pale freckled face was gone and was replaced with an annoyed frown. They can bother you when you're awake and bother you when you're asleep…Merlin! Don't they ever take a break?

"GINEVRA MOLLY WEASLEY!" her now agitated mother yelled. "COME ON DOWNSTAIRS NOW!"

"Alright, alright!" Ginny yelled in a raspy and scratchy voice. "I'm up already! Merlin!" She sat up and stumbled out of bed and groped around for her bathrobe and slippers.

Ginny had originally thought that coming home from her first year of Hogwarts would be enjoyable and relaxing, and for the most part, it was. But when you have a mother like Mrs. Weasley….

Ginny shivered as she pulled on her bathrobe and crossed her room, (wasn't so difficult, as it was a tiny room), and opened her bedroom door to find her brother, Ron, in his blue bathrobe and his fist held up and frozen, as if he was about to knock on her door.

Ron blinked at the sight of her. Ginny knew she looked a funny sight these days. It was pretty understandable considering the fact she had been possessed by an evil spirit by the name of Tom Riddle when she had made a huge mistake by writing in a strange diary she had found in her cauldron when she had gone shopping at Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley almost one year ago. Ginny couldn't believe how stupid she had been. She has poured out her whole heart into that diary and Tome grew stronger and stronger. The wretched scum! He had possessed her most of her first year and she had almost died near the end of it in the legendary Chamber of Secrets…. That is to say, she no doubt would of died if it hadn't been for….

"Er, Ginny?" Ron said nervously. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Ginny, very pale, and her freckles were standing out more then usual, had a hazy and dreamy expression and a slight smile on her face as she stared dreamily at Ron. She snapped out of it when he spoke.

"Huh?" she said dazedly. "Did you say something?"

"You…never mind," Ron shook his head. "Anyways, Mum's having a cow downstairs. You better come down."

"Isn't this supposed to be a bloody vacation?" she said grouchily, as she followed her brother down the disheveled staircase.

Ron laughed. "try telling that to her. Now you know how Fred, George and I feel when we come home every summer."

"Not necessarily the same thing considering you three can sleep through a stampede of hippogriffs," Ginny muttered and Ron rolled his eyes at her, but didn't argue. Ginny smirked.

In the kitchen they found Molly Weasley waving her wand over the small stove, looking quite angry and muttering under her breath, Mr. Weasley at the kitchen table sipping coffee and reading the Daily Prophet, Percy also at the table, with his Head Boy badge pinned perfectly on his gray sweater, looking smug and his chest thrown out pompously, and Fred and George, the identical twin pranksters, talking feverishly under their breaths at each other, once in awhile shooting Percy murderous glances.

As Ron and Ginny took their places at the table, Ron asked aloud, "Why so uptight?"

"Don't even mention!" Molly snapped, as she bustled over to the table and deposited plates of bacon, eggs and porridge in front of everyone. The table literally groaned underneath the weight. Molly continued to mutter. "Shameful…don't know what they were thinking…"

"What happened?" Ginny asked amusedly, as she turned to face Fred and George, (out of habit).

"Nothing," George grunted, and Percy looked even more smug.

"I'll tell the tale, shall I?" he said, giving the twins' a satisfied smirk. "Fred and George found it would be a good, fine laugh to set a box of Filibusters waterworks as I took my morning shower…but little did they know that Mum was going to occupy the shower earlier than she normally does."

"No," Ginny grinned, starting to giggle. "Did she…?"

"Yes," Percy grinned broadly. "And I sure had a blast out of that one. Ha!"

"Shut up, Perce," Fred snapped, as Ron guffawed loudly. Ginny noticed her father's ears turning bright red, possibly redder then the famous Weasley hair, and his shaking shoulders behind the newspaper - she guessed he was laughing under his breath and that only made her giggle more.

"Well, it wasn't a total lost," Fred muttered to George. "At least it got people laughing."

"We'll have to do better next time though," George murmured back.

"Stop this foolishness!" Molly ordered, her hair looking quite untidy and her face and arms kind of ashy. "Eat your breakfast…then you two," she continued, gesturing to the twins, "can go and denome the garden."

"Oh goody," they said together sarcastically, and they both reached for helpings of toast and eggs. Mrs. Weasley narrowed her eyes at them before she settled herself down at the end of the table.

A few minutes of eating in silence reigned and Ginny used it as a time for thinking about the marvelous dream she had had. She was struggling so hard to remember that it actually hurt, both physically and emotionally. The dream was just…so wonderful. She prayed desperately to Merlin to remember it again.

"Ginny, darling, are you alright?" her father, Arthur, asked looking at her closely with concern. "Why are you crying?"

It took a minute to realize that she was indeed crying. He touched her face hastily and found her cheeks wet with tears.

"Nothing," Ginny muttered, wiping them away hard with her napkin.

"Are you sure, dear?" Molly asked, alarmed and concerned by her only daughter's sudden tears. "You can tell me anything, you know, remember that."

"Yes, yes, Mum, I know," Ginny said impatiently, as a her brothers looked at her in bewilderment. It was bad enough her mother and father had to keep asking if she was well ever since the school year ended, but it was extremely worse if they started babying her in front of her older brothers. Though they were boys, Ginny longed to hang out with them, (well, perhaps not Percy). But she was always shunted aside because she was the youngest or simply because she was a girl. The only other "friend" she'd had was her neighbor, Luna Lovegood, but she wasn't always available to hang out with since she was very close with her family. Ginny hadn't made enough close friends at Hogwarts conceding the fact that she was possessed during most of it. All in all…Ginny just wanted to fit in with her family and having older brothers and being the girl wasn't helping much.

Before Molly could respond, a big gray owl that resembled a feather duster flew into the kitchen - and knocked the remaining plates and bowls that were on the table onto the floor. The family owl, Errol, skidded to a stop near the edge of the table, huffing and puffing.

"Poor Errol's getting too old for this," Percy commented, as he removed three rolls of parchment from the motionless owl's leg. He glanced at the name of the letters quickly, pushed two of the letters toward Ron and stood up with the other one.

"Ron, those two are for you," he said airily. "From Hermione and Harry…this one is mine." He held up the letter in his hand, and he turned slightly pink, (no doubt the letter was from his girlfriend, Penelope Clearwater). Percy left the kitchen.

Ginny on the other hand, was stiff in her seat as she stared at the letters in Ron's hands. Harry, Percy had said. Harry. A heavy jolt fell in her stomach and she felt her cheeks, ears and neck heat up like fire. She was actually sweating! No doubt she looked like her head was on fire, what, with her long fiery, bright red hair and all.

"Finally!" Ron exclaimed, as he tore open one of the letters. "I've been trying to communicate with them for months, but it's been right hard with Hermione all over Europe and Harry's fiasco with his Aunt Marge."

"You never did explain that explicitly, dear," Molly said worriedly to her husband. "Is he in an awful lot of trouble?"

Arthur lowered the newspaper down and patted his wife's hand warmly. "No, no, dear, all I know if that Harry accidentally blew up his aunt. He isn't in any trouble at all, he's staying at the Leaky Caldron actually."

"Blew up his aunt, you say?" Fred piped up, a mischievous gleam in his eye. "Oho!"

"We must construct plans with this one, bro," George said with a furtive smile. It soon disappeared when Molly gave them a dangerous look.

Ron continued, "I've asked him if he could come over the rest of the summer; this is probably his reply…."

Clunk! Smash! Bump!

Molly and Arthur and their sons flicked their heads over to Ginny in perplexity and surprise. At Ron's words, Ginny had dropped the spoon of porridge she was about to bring to her mouth, accidentally dropped her porridge bowl to the floor in the process, and she had bumped her head when she bent down to pick it up.

"What's with you?" Fred asked.

"Little jumpy today, aren't we?" George illustrated.

"Ginny…" Molly started.

"I'm FINE!" she yelled, grasping the top of her head to caress the bump. It was throbbing feverishly. "Really, Mum, leave me alone, will you? I'm good!" With quivering hands, Ginny cleaned up the mess she had made, but very slowly and almost dream-like because Arthur told Ron, "Alright then, Ron. Read Hermione's letter aloud."

Ginny's heart dropped a million miles below her feet. It wasn't Harry's letter-reading yet….

Ron began reading Hermione's letter:

"'Dear Ron'"

"'My vacation so far has been wonderful, thank you for asking. I'm so happy you and your family won the Grand Prize Galleon Draw! Imagine the uses of seven hundred Galleons! No doubt you and Harry will joke that I would use it to buy books and this is what I say: HA!'" - "Mind you, we would say that," Ron commented, and the twins laughed, Arthur shook his head smiling and Molly urged him to continue. "'Anyway, I hope you had a nice time in Egypt, (and had actually learned something about the ancient Egyptian wizards'" -

"Who, Ron?" Fred joked laughing.

"Learn?" George joined in.

"What a joke!" they said in unison. Ron gave them a dirty look before continuing.

"'As of coming over you place for the rest of them summer, I would certainly love too, but I'm staying in France until about three days before we go to Hogwarts, so I'm terribly sorry to decline your offer. Maybe we can meet up in Diagon Alley on August 31st?

Hope you are well.

Love from, Hermione."

"Well, that was a very nice letter," Mrs. Weasley said warmly. "It rather is a shame she couldn't come and stay. Don't you think, Ginny?"

"Sure, yeah," Ginny said tonelessly, wondering why she should care. She didn't really care about the situation at the moment. She was waiting eagerly and very impatiently for Ron to read Harry's letter. Her legs felt like noodles, her hands were shaking like mad, and she was as pale as ever. What's wrong with me?, she thought horrified.

"Maybe Harry can stay!" Ron tore open the letter from Harry and started to read and Ginny held on to every single word he said:

"'Dear Ron,

Thanks for the Sneakoscope you sent. It's been going haywire constantly, but since the Durseleyd are here, it's not to be unexpected'" -

Ron was suddenly interrupted by a loud giggle. For the third time that morning, the parents and boys turned to Ginny to find her very red in the face and blushing madly still, with her shaking hands covering her mouth.

"Mental," Run muttered, and he continued, "'Congratulations on winning the seven hundred Galleons! You really do deserve it, I'm really happy for you all.'" -the Weasleys grinned broadly at these words, but nobody grinned as broadly and happily as Ginny. It never occurred to her that boys could actually be kind, (Percy was a fluke).

"'I would really love to go over to your house the rest of the summer, but I can't actually leave the Leaky Cauldron. I mean, the Minister told me I couldn't and he says that someone'll be looking after me while I'm here, so I reckon I shouldn't leave.'"

Ron groaned loudly and moodily, Fred and George looked put out, Arthur and Molly looked disappointed, but Ginny looked like she was about to die.

"'You didn't go shopping for school supplies yet, did you? Maybe you could meet me here at the Leaky Cauldron! Hermione says that she'll be here as well. We could go shopping together.

Sorry about the bad news, mate. I'd really like to come over.

See you soon, mate, (hopefully) Harry

P.S. Is Ginny feeling any better? Hope so.

"Well, there goes my vacation," Ron said grumpily laying the letters down on the table.

"Why does the Minister want him to stay at the leaky Cauldron?" George asked confused. Arthur and Molly seemed to ignore him.

"Harry is a very polite gentleman isn't he?" Molly said fondly, with a smile as she stood up. She pointed her wand at the table and the dishes sprang up and deposited themselves in the sink. "Now why can't you two be more like him?" she fussed at the twins.

Fred rolled his eyes. "You don't know Harry all that well, Mum."

"Yeah, don't be putting false claims on him, "George added, and he and his brother got up, stretched and head outside to denome the yard.

"I quite agree with you, dear, "Arthur Weasley said, sipping the last of his coffee and setting down the mug. He kissed Molly on the cheek and said to the still grumpy Ron, "Say, Ron, maybe we can all go and stay at the Leaky Cauldron on August 31st. We could all go to Kings Cross station together with Harry and Hermione."

Ron thought about it and smiled a bit. "Yeah, I guess that'll be okay."

"Good man," Mr. Weasley grinned. He put on his black, worn traveling cloak that was draped behind his chair and went outside to Apparate to the Ministry.

"You'd better write back to them," Molly told Ron, still smiling warmly at the words Harry had used.

"Yeah, sure," Ron said, and he took both Hermione and Harry's letters and left the kitchen. Mrs. Weasley bustled around cleaning the breakfast dishes. As she turned around to face the table, her eyes widened slightly at Ginny, who sat there absolutely frozen to her chair. She didn't blink or move an inch. Her eyes were as huge as an owl and her mouth was slightly open and she was trembling like a Muggle washing machine.

"Ginny!" Molly cried and she scuttled over to her and grasped her shoulders and shook them gently, yet firmly. "Ginny? Ginny, are you being possessed? Oh, my dear, Ginny, please answer me!"

Ginny seemed to snap back to attention after a moment and she started pushing her mother's hands away. "Mother," she snapped, "I'm NOT possessed! Please…leave me alone…please…." She attempted to stand up but fell almost immediately. Molly helped her daughter up and placed her back in her chair still looking extremely anxious.

"Oh no, young lady," Molly said sternly, with her no-nonsense voice. "You're ill…possibly possessed….

"I'm not POSSESSED!" Ginny screamed, but Molly ignored her persisted, "Now you wait here while I get the Healer's book." Molly quickly left the kitchen and Ginny stared after her feeling shocked. Not only at her mother's stupidness…but at her own.

Never in her life had she ever reacted like she had done just now. (Well perhaps she has, but that's not the point".

Ginny had always knew Harry was a sweet, nice and kind boy, even if she had known him for only one year together at school. But still…. "'Is Ginny feeling any better? Hope so'"

Ginny repeated those words in her head over and over and over again until she had them fully memorized. He was the most thoughtful, the most sensitive, the most kindest, the most nicest, the most caring boy Ginny had ever met. Her heart thudded so hard against her chest, she was sure everybody in all of Britain could hear it. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered in her stomach and threatened to throw up breakfast.

She tried desperately to clam down, but it wasn't any use. She had had a crush on Harry Potter ever since she'd heard his story, and that was a very young age indeed. She looked up every single piece of information there was about him, practically keeping tabs on all new facts on him. She had obsessed over him as a child and had developed a large childhood crush, only that the crush turned into something even more and the events that occurred from the last few months only confirmed it.

Yes. Ginny Weasley was madly in love with Harry potter.

And it was at that moment that she finally remembered the dream.

When Molly came back with 'The Healer's Helpmate' book, she found Ginny with her eyes close, her hands cupping her chin and a humongous grin that could overpower Europe.

Mrs. Weasley shook her head slowly.

She was worried to the grave about her daughter's sanity.

A/N - What's you think? I'm not really a romatic-freak so I dunno if it's stupid or not. Should I go on, or no? Reviews?