New story, and for once I'm making this a multi chapter! Be warned there is an o/c in this, but he's a turtle and I don't think you could turn a turtle into a Mary sue even if you tried. This chapter is fairly short, but don't worry, the next few chapters are way longer.
The New Flatmate
"Damn you Quaxo!" Shouted Alonzo as he paced two and fro across the living room while Quaxo stood in the doorway observing quietly.
"I mean what kind of person keeps turtles? Can't you at least keep some sort of pet that is vaguely normal? Surely a gerbil or something is not too repulsive?
"A gerbil requires more care, more food, being a mammal and all" Quaxo explained patiently to his irate housemate.
"A gerbil wouldn't crawl out of its tank and proceed to eat my lunch!" Quaxo opened his mouth to say something but never got the chance.
"And don't you dare try to tell me otherwise!" Alonzo called from the other side of the room; the younger cat shut his mouth knowing full well that any attempts at reason would only anger Alonzo further. Turning around the patched tom forgot to look where he was going, and, to Quaxo's horror, he collided with a lampstand.
"Watch it" he called as it fell and smashed all over the carpet "that lamp was made to celebrate Queen Victoria's ascension to the throne!" rushing over he fell to his knees and frantically started picking up pieces of glass off the carpet "I don't have any other like it". Alonzo was not amused (no pun intended).
"That's another thing. Your stupid lamps, this house is packed to the rafters with lamps. Always wherever I go there is a bloody great lamp in the way. You don't even use them!"
"I use some of them" muttered Quaxo his paws full of broken glass.
"And they're horrible" said his housemate, determined to carry on with his rant "the lights flicker constantly and it's so dim that I can barely see my nose, even when every candle is burning inside them, (which they never are as they are always going out). We live in the age of electricity for crying out loud. Get some proper lights!"
"The lamplight gives the place-"
"Shut up!" yelled Alonzo silencing any further words that the tux might have uttered "I hadn't finished yet, I ARRGGHH!"
Quaxo's housemate had (rather unwisely) resumed his energetic pacing, and walked directly into the minefield of glass that littered the floor. Swearing with pain he hobbled over to the sofa and sat down to examine his left big toe. A thin trail of blood was already making its way down his foot but the wound seemed to be clear of any glass. Determined to blame somebody for the accident he turned to his most regular target.
"Now look at what you've done Quaxo. How am I supposed to walk with this? Actually how am I supposed to live with a, freak like you? No don't even answer that! You know what? I'm leaving."
"Leaving? But…but…I"
"Be quiet Quaxo, you're trouble enough as it is" and with that Alonzo limped out the house and slammed the door behind the door behind him. Leaving Quaxo alone on the floor, staring after him.
Looking down at his paws he saw small cuts where the glass had broken the delicate skin. He hadn't realised how hard his hands had been griping. Rising slowly he made his way to the waste paper basket in the kitchen to dispose of the fragments. Dusting off his hands he sank into a chair near the bench top, too drained to go back and continue cleaning up. Slumping forward a little he placed his elbows on the cold surface and rested his head in his hands, massaging his temples.
He had just lost another housemate. How many had he had now? And they all left in a similar fashion to Alonzo, cursing his weirdness, his eccentricities. Every hasty departure had left Quaxo feeling a little more desolate, a little more withdrawn.
Opening his eyes Quaxo caught sight of Oswald (his pet turtle) blinking slowly at him, the remains of Alonzo's lunch still surrounding his shell. Quaxo smiled sadly at Oswald and began to wipe grape juice off the amphibian's chin. Oswald loved grapes. Apparently Alonzo was rather fond of them too, since he had been so outraged by Oswald eating his.
Poor Quaxie :'( the rest of the story isn't this depressing, I just needed to give it some background so it made sense. Apologise to all Alonzo lovers out there