"Three chips ahoy"

"I see your chips ahoy and raise you two oreos!."

"You can't do that! it's not fair, everyone knows oreos are better then chips ahoy."

"A bet is a bet Ellis, it doesn't matter if the cookie is better or not."

Ellis huffed and started to pout, and Nick knew he'd found something else that made the hick stub up and act like a child, he also knew this game wasn't going any further until Ellis stopped pouting and Nick ended up admitting he was wrong. Ellis could so stubborn sometimes, and anything to do with sweets was one of those times, so Nick had no choice but to throw his cards down and put his cigarette in the nearby ash tray hauling himself out of his chair and around to the other side of the table where the other man was sitting. Crossing his arms over the back of the mechanic's chair he leaned down low and nipped at Ellis' earlobe like he knew the kid liked, whispering in his ear with a charm Nick only turned on when he needed it to seduce his way out of something.

"Is there nothing I can do to convince you otherwise?."

"They're double stuffed Nick! everyone knows that's way better.."

"How about a 'stuff' you? will that make us even?."

Feeling Ellis shift under him, Nick couldn't help but give himself a pat on the back, he had said just the right thing and now he was not only getting out of an argument they shouldn't even be having in the first place but might have also talked his way into some sex. They hadn't done it once today, not even a good morning blow job!, it just wasn't fair and the ex conman deserved better after having to put up with Ellis' childish antics all day.

"I'll make sure to lick all the white stuff off of you.."

Another score for Nick, who paused long enough to feel that shiver run through Ellis when he said that.

"...everyone knows the white stuff is the best part."

This seemed to reel Ellis lean, as he leaned his head back so that it hit Nick's shoulder, and the older man took this opportunity to nip at the younger man's neck. However, when Ellis suddenly jumped up Nick had to be quick to keep his balance or else bash his face against the back of the chair.

"What the hell Ellis?."

The mechanic didn't answer, but instead grabbed his husband by the color of his blue dress shirt, dragging him away from the table and into the bedroom of their apartment. Kicking the door with his foot and making sure it slammed shut behind them... and to Nick, victory had never tasted to sweet.

They were going to buy more oreos.