This is rated M ;D I don't own anything :D


She was an innocent seventeen year old girl.

He was an innocent seventeen year old boy.

Each one of them had been in a relationship before, but compared to this, those were all elementary. Fleeting, middle school boyfriends and girlfriends, respectively, who gave the lovers nothing more than a first kiss and hug. Those times seemed like just a drop in the ocean compared to the sea of love that had engulfed Kendall Knight and Jo Taylor since they had first laid eyes on one another nearly a year ago.

And now, here they stood, deciding to make each other a legend in each of their lives, a person that would always be remembered, and would always be in the other's heart. They were about to make the ultimate sacrifice towards each other, and give all of themselves to the other person, making both Kendall and Jo extremely irreplaceable in each other's lives. As they stood there, grass green meeting chocolate brown, an unexplainable feeling of nerves, angst and fear draped over them, however unable to cloud the fresh, invigorating scent of love.

It had all started nearly three months ago, when Kendall and Jo were "laying" down on the orange couch in 2J, 'watching' some pre-ordered movie on HBO. While the two teenagers loved to spend time together, actually doing things, such as going out to dinner, going for a walk, going dancing or just relaxing by the Palm Woods pool, this was an opportunity they just couldn't pass up. Everyone was out of the apartment tonight, and Kendall and Jo had the entire place to themselves at least until eleven. Their hormones were obviously in tune with each other, and this moment in time, they couldn't stop touching the other.

The two teenagers were in the corner of the couch, Jo under Kendall, breathy pants and moans coming from each of them, intertwined with soft giggles and smacks of their lips. Kendall's hands were on his girlfriend's body right where they were supposed to be, right where they always were. He and Jo had set unspoken limits with each other weeks before, the first time things between them had gotten a bit intense. If Jo didn't like something Kendall was doing, he would stop and if Kendall didn't like something Jo was doing...well, that didn't happen often. Kendall's right hand rested on Jo's left breast, gently kneading and massaging it to her liking, eliciting a few small moans from her small pink lips. His other hand rested underneath her at the small of her back, pushing her body up into his, feeling the heat radiate between the two of them.

Lately, Kendall had been wanting to test the boundaries he had set.

Being a teenaged boy was a hard feat, especially when he was the only virgin in his group of friends. Logan had lost his to Camille, Jo's best friend, just a few days ago. The boys had ensued a serious talk about it, and Kendall had felt more than a little left out as they described the motions and feelings of sex. Carlos had had sex with a girl right before they left for California, seeing as the two were together, and hadn't gotten any action since, and James, well...James was James. But here was Kendall, wanting nothing more than to have sex with his beautiful girlfriend, or something a bit closer than what they were doing now.

Jo and Kendall had been together three months at this point, and hadn't done TOO much in the physical department. There was the first night Kendall had gone under Jo's shirt, and the girl had nearly shook from nerves, holding onto Kendall as he gently massaged and kneaded her breast in his warm hand. Then there was the night that Jo had first ventured into Kendall's jeans, and given him what the two had liked to consider a hand job, the girl trying her best to please her boyfriend, and then of course there was the night last week, where Kendall had ground his hips into Jo's, and the two had worked up a sweat dry humping each other on Jo's bed. The teenagers would've given each other their first real orgasms if Jo's dad hadn't interrupted with a key in the door, telling Jo he had gotten Chinese for dinner and Kendall was more than welcome to stay.

So here they sat, well laid, with Kendall's hand on Jo's back slowly creeping towards her abdomen. As much as the two teenagers had 'done' with each other, they hadn't ever really addressed the topic of sex. While Kendall could easily guess that Jo was a virgin, Kendall didn't know if Jo knew he was. He seemed pretty confident while moving along with her, and could easily be picketed as someone who had slept with one or two girls before. Kendall was slowly learning more and more how to interact physically with girls, and he had to admit, while the prospect of sex was exciting, and relieving in a sense, the boy was beyond scared out of his mind for it to actually happen. He'd never admit it to himself or anyone else though. He couldn't. He was Kendall Knight.

Kendall's hand slowly rested on Jo's abdomen, as he inched her shirt up a bit, exposing her tan stomach. Jo was a bit confused at where Kendall's hands were, with them so used to being in one specific place, but she didn't mind at the moment. He was gently nibbling and biting her lower lip, running his tongue along her mouth and savoring every single square inch of her pink lips. Kendall's hand moved the opposite way on Jo's stomach, as he inched his hand down to where her denim shorts were, and slowly began to undo the button.

Kendall was testing his boundaries.

Jo, wanting to give Kendall a bit of comfort, didn't swat his hand away at first, and decided to let him go further. Kendall could tell that Jo was becoming a bit tense, at the way her kissing slowed and how her hand on his back massaged a little slower, as if she was trying to get him to slow down. Kendall had never been allowed past Jo's waist, and as he inched off her shorts, he felt her get even more tense. She didn't stop him though. Kendall's kisses got even more passionate and tender as her shorts were taken off down her long legs by her boyfriend, and tossed to the side, their lips not parting once. If Kendall were to see Jo's twisted, unsure face, he would definitely stop, and all would be put on halt. She will stop me if she's uncomfortable, Kendall thought. Jo still laid under Kendall, clad in pink, cotton underwear and her blouse as Kendall walked his fingers down between her legs. He could see she was more than turned on at the darker, damp pink cotton right at her center, finding it absolutely intoxicating and exciting that she had gotten wet...just for him.

Kendall kissed Jo passionately one last time, as he took his fingers, resting the pads between her legs and gave a harsh rub to her clit, causing Jo to let out a gasp at the feeling, her hands tensing up on Kendall's back and moaning into his mouth. Jo's legs spread a bit involuntarily as Kendall smiled in his kiss, giving her another harsh stroke, the feeling of her wetness on his fingers the best thing the boy had ever felt. He had never really seen Jo in submission before, not like this. Losing his head, and it not being enough for him, Kendall scooted his fingers underneath the fabric of her underwear, pushing it aside and slipping his fingers between her slick folds, rubbing against her swollen, throbbing clit like he had been doing it all along. Jo let out another throaty moan, her hand at the back of Kendall's neck, squeezing it in pleasure as their kisses intensified, Kendall said nothing but tried his best to explore Jo's lower half the best he could while he got the chance. He ran his fingers through every nook and cranny he could, the constant wetness and heat making the boy begin to get a bit aroused. Kendall, not feeling like he was taking advantage of this enough gently took one digit, and circled his girlfriend's entrance, more than excited to finally be somewhat inside of her. Kendall slowly plunged a finger into Jo, causing her to squeeze the back of Kendall's neck, and yelp out in pain. Her other hand immediately moved to Kendall's wrist and ripped it away from between her legs, silent tears beginning to leak down her cheeks. Kendall was confused as all this happened, as Jo sat up underneath him, forcing him to sit up. Her entire body shook, and she looked at Kendall darkly, as if he had betrayed her.

"Too far," she told him in a scared, nervous voice, "too far."

Jo bit her lower lip unsure, and her eyes scanned the floor for her jean shorts, which she found and put on quickly. Kendall, feeling like an absolute asshole, sat on the couch with his head hung, looking at Jo pull up her shorts as if her life depended on it, causing Kendall to clear this throat and bite his lower lip. Usually if Kendall went too far, Jo would just tell him and push his hand away, but he had hurt her, and now it was upsetting him.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to hurt you, I-I just you didn't tell me to stop," Kendall said ashamed, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, his semi-erect length now totally softening at the look of horror on his girlfriends face. Jo didn't say anything but curled up in the corner of the couch, a soft tear falling down her cheek. This just solidified Kendall's thoughts of Jo being a virgin, especially since she had yelped at his feeble attempt at half-fingering her.

"I know, I should've," Jo said to him softly, looking down. Kendall moved closer to her, and luckily found it a relief when Jo cuddled up next to him. He kissed her hair softly and sighed, rubbing her shoulders effortlessly.

"You're a virgin, aren't you babe?" he asked her in a soft whisper, resting his lips against her soft blonde hair. Jo, too embarrassed to say anything back simply nodded against Kendall's chin, nuzzling into Kendall's chest, touching his neck gently.

"And you aren't, are you?" Jo whispered back softly, causing Kendall's eyes to shoot open, confirming his suspicions. He swallowed hard and kissed her hair once more, too embarrassed to look her in the eyes and admit it right now. He sighed deeply as Jo played with his hands gently.

"No, I am," Kendall admitted with a shaky voice, causing Jo to stop rubbing Kendall's hand, and look up at him with an expression of surprise. She stared in his green eyes, looking for any trace of a lie or a joke but didn't find one as Kendall smiled sympathetically, and smoothed out the back of her hair with his free hand.

"You're…you're a virgin?" she asked him, as if it was the most unbelievable thing in the world. Kendall nodded proud of the fact for the first time in his life, watching as Jo's chocolate brown eyes grew wider and wider with each passing second.

"Yes, I am. Hard to believe?" he asked her with a small smirk. Jo nodded with a small smile and Kendall chuckled. "Well, I guess I should take that as a compliment," he told her. Jo blushed a bit and looked down, and then back up.

"How far have you…gotten with a girl before?" she asked innocently, twisting her fingers like the devil, but not holding anything back. Kendall sighed, and closed his eyes, feeling a bit embarrassed about his lack of anything sexual, especially since he would be eighteen in less than a year.

"As far as I've gotten with you," Kendall told her softly, hoping that it would make Jo feel a bit better about the whole situation that had just happened. "What about you?" he asked her.

"Same," Jo told him ashamed, looking down at where their fingers were intertwined. Kendall took a deep sigh in, and kissed Jo's hair softly.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened?" he asked her, knowing that she loved to talk. Jo was one who talked about anything, no matter how awkward it was. She liked to talk things out, get things off her chest, and she had done it a lot with Kendall, especially towards the beginning of their relationship. It was now that Kendall regretted not bringing up the fact they were both virgins in this relationship, as it would have made a lot of things easier to comprehend over the past few months.

"I'm just not…I'm not ready for that yet, Kendall. I'm sorry," she told him a bit worried, looking up in his eyes as if he'd be disappointed with her. Kendall's eyes widened and he looked at his girlfriend, not wanting to hear one word of apology from her.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Jo, alright?" he told her a bit sternly, hoping that she would understand that he was serious. "I wanted to test our boundaries, I wanted to see how far we could get with you being comfortable, and now I know that you aren't ready. It's neither of our faults, except for the fact that I hurt you, which I am sorry about," he told her, touching her face gently. Jo looked at him a bit upset, biting her lower lip shyly and upset. "Are you…okay?" he asked her, looking from between her legs up to her face, hoping that she'd understand what he meant. Jo nodded and blushed a bit, snuggling more into Kendall with a sigh.

"I'm okay," she told him, obviously meaning the phrase in more than one word. Kendall hugged her tightly, and kissed the side of her face with a smile, holding onto his beloved girlfriend tight as he could be.

Now three months later, Kendall and Jo had tested the boundaries several times.

About a month after that incident, the two had been in Kendall's room one rainy afternoon. Logan was studying with his iPod blasting in his ears down the hallway, James and Carlos were downstairs at the gym, and Mrs. Knight and Katie had been trying to find the girl a commercial spot for the afternoon. Kendall and Jo had gotten a little heated on his bed, and before either of them knew it, Kendall was three fingers deep inside of Jo, stroking her inner walls with no complaint from either party. The two had come to this decision together, and between the intimacy of Kendall being inside of Jo and the girl experiencing her first real orgasm had both lovers hooked. That same day, Jo gave Kendall her first attempt at a blow job, and successfully succeeded in making him cum for the first time from something else rather than his own hand. Jo had looked on in awe at how Kendall lost every ounce of control at the slight tickle and lick of her mouth on his length, pulling at her hair and telling her how good she was. It was also the first time Jo had ever really seen her boyfriend's entire package, and she was more than surprised at how well endowed he was. Afterwards, the two lovers cuddled on Kendall's bed, exchanging soft kisses and words of praise at the good jobs they had done.

About a few weeks later, after fingering, giving head, and feeling up got boring, Kendall decided to rock Jo's world even more. Her father was away for the weekend at a business meeting in Los Angeles, which Jo found the perfect opportunity to invite Kendall over, and for the two to get physical. Jo could've never expected what Kendall had up his sleeve, as they kissed. The boy had told Jo to close her eyes as he undressed her lower half, and she had done so, wondering what Kendall was going to do with his fingers this time around. Jo soon found out that he hadn't been planning to use his fingers at all. Kendall lowered his head between Jo's thin, tan legs and softly sucked and bit on her swollen clit, causing her back to arch off the mattress. Kendall had never gone down on a girl before, and truthfully had never even thought about it, but hearing Jo moan his name, being able to taste her, and exploring her beautiful wondrous body was all that it took for him to be addicted. Now any chance he got, he would lower his head, and make his girlfriend cum stronger than she could've ever imagined, as she would pull on his blonde locks, and buck her body into his mouth like it was the last thing she would ever do. Kendall had never been so turned on in his entire life before, and couldn't help but sport an enormous erection after each "session".

So here Jo and Kendall were, six months together, staring into each other's eyes nervously, not believing about what they wanted to do. It was only three months ago that each of themselves were as innocent as eighth graders, and getting under another's shirt was a big deal. They had matured and only had grown closer and more comfortable with themselves and each other. They felt they were ready, and nothing was going to stop them.

"Did you get condoms?" Jo asked her boyfriend a bit nervously, the last word falling out of her mouth as if it was some sort of forbidden word. Kendall dug into his pants pocket and sat next to Jo on her bed, the white floral comforter contrasting against his dark skinny jeans. He took out three different condoms, all different types, and a blush spread on his face as Jo looked at him with an adorable smile. Kendall chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

"I uh-they had a uh…a variety pack in the supermarket, so I just got that…until we figure out something that works for both of us," he told her with a small smile, Jo finding it adorable at Kendall's flusteredness. She could tell he was incredibly nervous and that as much as he tried to play off being confident, that they were in this boat together. Jo looked at the packages and examined the words on them. They were all Trojan, but each had different colors. One was red and said Magnum on it, another was blue and said nothing special on it, and the last one was purple and said "For Her Pleasure" on it. Kendall picked up the purple one and held it between his fingers awkwardly, giving her a small, nervous smile. "I was thinking that maybe we could use this one tonight, cause-I don't know if I'll be able to…you know," he told her a bit embarrassed, but Jo completely understood and leaned in nervously, giving him a soft kiss on the lips and touching the underside of his chin gently.

"That's very sweet of you, Kendall," Jo told him with a smile. He smiled back at her and gently kissed her lips, their hands touching each other gently. Kendall and Jo pulled away from one another, and Kendall scooped the condoms onto her dresser, pushing them back and keeping the purple one front and center next to the picture of them from the Palm Woods prom. It was very stormy and gloomy out, and the couple had lucked out that Jo's father was gone, seeing as the three boys, Katie and Mrs. Knight were all stuck in the apartment for the day, not being able to really go anywhere.

Kendall and Jo sat on her bed, hands in one another as Kendall took a deep sigh and looked in her eyes, causing Jo to give him an awkward stare and chuckle.

"What?" she asked. Kendall sighed and looked at her with a smirk.

"I just…I wanna make sure you're ready…to do this. It's-It's a big step, and I just want to make sure you don't have any doubts about it," Kendall told her softly, hoping that she would understand. "If at any time you want to stop, you just gotta tell me, alright? Cause I don't wanna do anything that hurts you, or makes you uncomfortable," he told her. Jo nodded and looked at Kendall very apprehensively. She understood that while she had been fingered before, that nothing was going to hurt like Kendall physically being inside of her. She had heard from Camille that it was a relatively piercing pain, and that it took a while to get used to, and she had to admit she was nervous about what was going to happen. She could never take pain very well.

"I-I know it's gonna…hurt," she told Kendall, his face dropping as if his secret was totally let out. He hadn't wanted Jo to realize just how much it was probably going to hurt. He remembered the first time he had fingered her, aside from the first time he had half-done it, and how Jo had almost cried from the pain of being stretched. He knew this was going to feel about a hundred times worse for her, and wanted to ease her into it the best he could. He should've known that she would obviously be aware that it would hurt.

"I'll try my best to be gentle, babe," he said to her softly full of life, as she smiled softly and nodded, moving closer to him. The more they talked, the more nervous she got. She just wanted to get the ball rolling, as she leaned into him and kissed his lips gently. It would be the last time she would initiate a kiss as a virgin. It would be the last time Kendall would be kissed by her as a virgin.

Jo kissed Kendall with all the fervor she had left in her as she began to crawl over him, leaving his lanky but toned body half off the bed, his head settling down on the pillows as she shakily kissed him. His hands went up to her face as they kissed messily, their tongues coming out for battle with each other as they situated themselves horizontally on the bed. Jo's tight black shirt clung to her legs as Kendall's hands ran over her backside, down to the backs of her thighs and then to the inner part of them, running his hand up his skirt Jo was immune to his touch there now, and it was as if his rightful place to be there. Kendall and Jo looked at each other, their eyes meeting one last time, Kendall watching as Jo gave him a small nervy smile, and he kissed her forehead tenderly, whispering a sweet "I love you" in her ear. Jo smiled back nervously, and then continued going to Kendall's lips, kissing them intently as the two began to officially start their tryst.

Kendall's hand moved to Jo's heated center, feeling the flimsy, lace fabric of her thong beneath his fingers, wet as could be. Wanting to make this as romantic as he possibly could, he suppressed himself from doing anything kinky of the sorts, knowing that both he and Jo were freaking out at the prospect of what was happening. He gently stroked her swollen clit through the fabric of her thong, causing her to moan in his mouth, her hands pulling on his hair gently. Kendall, wanting control, gently lowered his hands and grabbed Jo's backside, holding onto her and effectively flipping her over on the bed so he was on top of her. He kneeled between Jo's spread legs, shaking his hair and biting his lower lip, looking at the girl beneath him. Jo's hands went to Kendall's forearms as he went to her button down shirt, gently undoing the buttons with shaky but nimble fingers. His breathing was heavy he parted her shirt, revealing her bare chest. Jo looked up at Kendall nervously, and bit her lower lip as he gently stripped her of her shirt, his hands palming over her soft skin as Jo's eyes locked on his. Kendall threw Jo's shirt aside, looking at her blank canvas of a chest, watching her perky breasts rise and fall with every deep breath she took. A thin sheen of sweat had begun to appear, and Kendall watched as Jo swallowed hard, nervous as could be for this moment.

He trickled his hands down Jo's abdomen, down to the waistline of her skirt, and traced the contours of her abdomen, moving his hands back up to her breasts. He palmed them roughly, eliciting a small moan from his girlfriend as she swallowed hard, the feeling going straight to the apex of her thighs. Kendall took his thumb and pointed finger, and gently tweaked her nipples while still massaging her breasts, causing Jo's back to arch a bit, and a small moan of gratitude to pass from her lips. Kendall then lowered his mouth down to her breasts and began to slowly run his tongue over the inflamed mounds, causing Jo's hands to engulf in his messy hair, as she let out a large, long sigh of pleasure, her back arching into Kendall's warm mouth. Trying to put his nerves aside, he tried his best to lick and suck his way around Jo's chest the way he learned to please her so many nights, as his hands trickled down past her abdomen to the waist line of her skirt. He gently pulled it off while still biting and nipping her chest, the skirt effortlessly sliding down her long, tan legs till it fell on the bed beside them. Kendall sat up and looked at his nearly nude girlfriend, the beauty of her body intoxicatingly beautiful as she smiled nervously at him, her chest red and irritated from his kisses.

Kendall now knew it was his move to take something off, and he reached shakily for his belt buckle, but swiftly felt two hands replace his own. Jo kneeled up on the bed and instantly attached her lips to Kendall's, her hands working on his buckle down below. Kendall's right hand moved to her left breast which he massaged gently, his other placed on her hip as Jo yanked down his jeans and belt, exposing his erect length strained behind red boxer briefs. Jo chuckled softly as she reached one hand down between them, and gave Kendall a firm stroke on the underside of his pulsating erection, causing the boy to moan loudly and hang his head, Jo moving her kisses to his neck and sucking gently.

Kendall did his best to completely remove his pants, as he and Jo gently moved in the horizontal position, his hand still attached to her breast, gently flicking her nipple with his thumb, causing Jo to arch her body into Kendall, making the boy groan with satisfaction. Kendall had never felt so completely aroused and nervous in his entire life as he and Jo continued passionately kissing on the bed, their lower halves grazing each other every so often, eliciting moans from both of their mouths. Kendall knew it was only a matter of time before he and Jo needed to move forward, and while incredibly excited and anxious to do so, Kendall couldn't help being nervous.

After a few seconds of making out, Kendall reached out to the table, and grabbed the purple condom, his breaths heavy as he and Jo looked at each other. Kendall, who had secretly practiced this in his room earlier, tore off the package with his teeth and took out the latex condom, throwing the wrapper aside with a heavy breath. Jo sat up a bit, resting back on her forearms as Kendall leaned down to kiss her lips gently, giving her right breast a small squeeze in the process. Kendall then sat down on Jo's bed, feet dangling off and slowly removed his boxer briefs, feeling a bit more exposed than normally with Jo. His girlfriend looked on in awe as Kendall slowly rolled the condom onto his length, making sure it fit right and that it was on securely and safely. He turned to Jo who looked nervous and excited at the same time. He gently came over her, his erection giving her a five-star salute as she gently removed her underwear, exposing the smooth skin hidden behind the fabric. Jo blushed a bit as Kendall rested on his forearms and she let her thong fall beside her. Kendall and Jo now lay parallel towards each other, Kendall's hands going to Jo's hair, his thumb stroking her face as she breathed heavily, her hands holding his biceps tightly. Kendall gave her a soft kiss on the lips, both of them trembling a bit as his hands raked through her soft blonde hair. Jo leaned up to him, slowly bucking her hips up to his length giving him the friction he so desperately craved as he closed his eyes and hung his head, Jo kissing the side of his face and his ear. She wanted him to start.

"Kendall, I'm scared," Jo whispered in his ear, her voice trembling as her hands touched the small of his tan back, right above his backside. Kendall nodded and looked into Jo's chocolate brown eyes with a soft, easy smile.

"It's alright to be scared, babe. I'm scared too, but it's gonna be okay," Kendall told her easily, his nerves beginning to eat him from the inside out. Not only was this his first time, but it was Jo's first time. He was taking someone's virginity, as well as letting someone take his own. It was a nerve wracking experience, and Kendall just had to keep his head straight. "Just tell me when you're ready to move further," he told her softly. Jo swallowed hard.

"Now, Kendall," she whispered. Kendall looked at her surprised and nodded. He rested on his left forearm and took his right hand between Jo's loosely locked legs, gently spreading them, revealing the slick folds and sensitive clit Kendall had been acquainted with many times before. Smiling at the sight of his beautiful girlfriend, Kendall leaned his head down and softly placed a tender kiss on her wet clit causing Jo's back to arch a bit and her legs to spread wider. Kendall shimmied back up to her, settling gently between her legs, allowing their bodies to lie atop one another. With his right hand, he got a pillow and looked at Jo.

"Arch your back a bit, babe," he told her nervously. Jo did so and Kendall allowed the pillow to support the small of her back, giving Kendall a wide-eyed view of her lower half. He smiled at the sight and then brought his lips back to hers again, his right hand massaging her inner thigh, trying to keep her legs spread the most they could be. The storm outside got more and more violent, heavy rain pattering on the window as the two lovers by lamp light breathed heavily, looking at each other with nervous smiles and beating hearts. Kendall, situated between Jo's legs looked at her in the eyes with a smile as Jo breathed heavily, her breasts bouncing with each deep breath. "You okay?"

"I think so," she said to him with a small smile, looking up at him. Kendall looked down at her and smiled, leaning down to give her a soft kiss on the lips, pulling away soon after.

"Whenever you're ready, Josephine," Kendall whispered to her lips, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. Jo swallowed hard and looked down between them, not being able to really see Kendall due to the pillow propping her up at the moment. She looked up at him and nodded, her heart beating out of her chest, her lips and entire body trembling as she got ready to give him the okay.

"I'm ready, Kendall," Jo told him in the weakest, most nervous voice she could muster up. Kendall looked down at her and smiled, leaning down to give her one last kiss before he entered her. He looked down between them and did his best to guide his protected erection towards his girlfriend's entrance, his heart beating out of his chest. He slowly began to move forward, his breath hitching as he overshot his aim, and nerves took him off course.

"Fuck," he whispered underneath his breath, watching as Jo's eyes opened, biting her lower lip and looking at him confused.

"What?" she asked him confused, wondering if something had gone wrong. Kendall looked up at her totally embarrassed, and tried his best to hide his mortification.

"N-nothing, nothing," he told her, trying to get a steady on his nerves. He moved closer to Jo, and slowly intertwined his hand in hers, looking at her eyes, his other hand massaging her hip as her legs straddled him. "If it hurts, just hold on to my hand, alright?" he told her. She nodded and he leaned down to kiss her forehead. His right hand brought down to his erection, slowly gripping the base and slowly guiding him into her as his tip rested inside her, the feeling absolutely out of the world for Kendall. His breathing became heavy as Jo face tightened up a bit, obviously feeling some discomfort as Kendall lay his tip inside of her. Only another seven inches to go.

"Is that it?" Jo asked him softly, the fear evident in her voice, as she slowly squeezed his hand, terrified for what was to come Kendall leaned down to kiss her lips with a sad face on, knowing that no matter what, he was going to hurt his beautiful girlfriend.

"No babe, just relax, I'm almost there," he told her, his voice shaky. Kendall kissed the back of her hand, and slowly brought his other hand down to Jo's hip, massaging it gently. Jo's tense body began to slowly relax, and Kendall knew the more relaxed she was, the less it would hurt. Kendall closed his eyes and counted to three, squeezing Jo's hand and hip before roughly thrusting into her tight core. Within a second, Jo let out a crying whimper, her legs locking and her back arching in pain as she squeezed Kendall's hand tightly, strangle whimpers and moans coming from her throat as Kendall lay six inches inside of her vice tight, warm, wet core. Kendall's breathing became even heavier, his whole entire body on fire as Jo let out soft cries of pain, her grip on Kendall's hand as tight as her core around his length.

"It hurts, it hurts so bad, Kendall," Jo whispered out, tears leaking her eyes, a horror stricken pain on her face. Kendall leaned down to her and kissed her tears away, his soft voice going to her ear and gently kissing it as he whispered to her.

"It's gonna be alright, the worst is over babe, the worst is over," he whispered to her, kissing her ear and neck as she let out a strangled whimper, her other hand gripping the back of his neck tightly, her breathing rough and labored. Kendall couldn't believe he was inside of his girlfriend and didn't even know what to make out of it. He wanted nothing more than to make the slightest movement, but the discomfort Jo felt overpowered any feeling of desire he could ever have. Jo's breathing was heavier than Kendall had ever heard it, and her entire body seemed tense and stiff as he kissed her neck, trying his best to relax her. "I won't do anything until you're ready, Jo," Kendall whispered in her ear shakily. Jo nodded, still squeezing Kendall's hand as the sting began to subside, and Jo's breathing slowed, her body relaxing. "I'm not...all the way in yet, babe, just an inch or two more," he told her, trying to think of the most romantic and less disgusted terms he could use to tell her what was going on. Jo nodded in his neck, her tears drying on her face as she grasped his hand and sighed.

"You…you can move," she told him shakily and unsure. Kendall decided not to question it, having been laying in Jo long enough to begin with, as he pushed his remaining two inches inside of her, and she hissed in a bit more pain, and Kendall did his best to relax her with soft kisses to the face and eyes.

"You're alright, you're doing great babe," Kendall told her, trying to make her think of something else but the pain. Jo's eyes had been closed since Kendall entered her, and he frowned. "Open your eyes," he whispered to her. Jo opened her eyes full of tears and looked up at Kendall who grinned at her nervously, his breaths labored, green eyes shining. "Hi," he whispered to her with a small, silly boy smile. Jo smiled a bit and looked down between them, able to see Kendall inside of her, not believing the sight before her. She looked back up at him.

"Hi," she told him with a shaky voice, trying her best to smile. Kendall touched her face gently, still getting ansty from laying inside her, biting his lower lip in pain. Jo's hand went to his forearm, her entire body shaking underneath him, Kendall feeling absolutely horrible at the mix of pain and nerves she was enduring.

"Easy babe, relax, you're alright, you're doing great," he whispered to her with a smile, kissing her lips gently, petting her hip and outside thigh gently. Jo swallowed hard and blinked the last of her tears away as she squeezed Kendall's arm with a nod.

"You…you can move," she told him unsurely. Kendall nodded and bit his lower lip.

"I'll go slow, I promise," he told her, Jo nodding. Kendall took a shaky breath out and slowly drew back out of Jo's core, the absolutely amazing feeling from the friction causing him to see small stars, allowing him to tip his head back and let out a soft guttural moan. Jo let out a broken whimper at the pain, squeezing onto Kendall like he was the last thing on Earth. He then gently pushed back in and buried his head in Jo's neck, kissing her neck to a rhythm of his own as he began to shudder from the pleasure. Jo swallowed hard, and knew that Kendall was trying his best to keep his moans to a minimal and make Jo's pleasure increase tenfold.

He continued with a slow rhythm of moving back and forth, his pleasure exponentially increasing, but Jo's slowly climbing up the ladder. Kendall's moans and groans definitely added to Jo's pleasure, loving to see her boyfriend so incredibly pleased by her. A thin sweat had appeared on both of their bodies, the sticky humidity in the room, and the storm outside growing in size. Kendall's blonde hair was matted to his forehead, the back of his hair soaked and his green eyes shining. Jo's hairline was sweaty and small curls had begun to form, as well as sweat on her chest which made it glisten like diamonds. Kendall's hands held onto Jo's hips, trying his best to angle her so he could hit that spot inside of her, but there wasn't much time left.

Jo had begun to feel a small ball of pleasure form in her stomach, her legs spreading even more as Kendall picked up his speed a bit, his breaths heavy and labored as he and Jo moved roughly with each other. Jo let out a small moan of pleasure into Kendall's neck, her hands gently scratching down his back as he rocked his hips even more powerfully into her, knowing he was about to finish up.

"K-kendall, I-I might-I might," Jo whispered into his ear with closed eyes, her words cut off by small moans from her throat, as her hips bucked up in acceptance towards her boyfriends, the stinging pain now only much discomfort. Jo's legs began to quiver as Kendall's hips began to stutter, his breaths becoming panting and his kisses becoming sloppy. He knew that Jo was about to cum, and he was too, so he took his hand and slowly grazed his erection and fingered Jo's clit.

"Cum with me," Kendall whispered in her ear, his voice strained, and with a few simple passes down below, Jo's legs spasmed and her back arched as she scratched down his sweaty back with her nails letting out small tight lipped moans and whimpers, her breaths panting.

"Kendall, oh god, oh god," she cried out in whispers in his ear, as his fingers moved faster at her clit, milking her through her orgasm, both hips stuttering against each other.

"Fuck, Jo, fuck," Kendall moaned out desperately as he powerfully came inside of his girlfriend's tight core, riding out the rest of his orgasm in absolutely wonderful pain, his hands dirtying from his own cum at Jo's entrance. The two lovers rode out their intense orgasms, their bodies slowing down with one another, as Jo and Kendall locked eyes, their expressions totally in bewilderment as each of their bodies stopped and Kendall collapsed onto of his girlfriend, his head leaning on her chest, his breathing heavy, his face sweaty as Jo swallowed hard and leaned her head forward, kissing Kendall's wet hair. She planted a kissed atop his forehead, feeling his entire body shaking half from his orgasm, a quarter from nerves and another quarter from holding himself up.

"You're shaking, Kendall, are you okay?" Jo asked airily and nervously, concerned for her boyfriend's well being, kissing his hair. He sighed out loud and turned to Jo with a small smile, his muscles fatigued but holding himself up again.

"I'm perfect," Kendall told her with a small smile, leaning down and kissing her lips softly. Jo and Kendall parted, the green eyed boy shining at his girlfriend who couldn't help but smile at his face. Her hands ran through his wet hair and she smiled as Kendall massaged her hip gently and softly. "Are you alright?" he asked her. Jo nodded and swallowed hard as the two kissed again, both of them still panting from their exertions. He touched her face with the hand he leaned on and smiled, looking down between them, realizing they were still one person. He pulled out of her softly, sighing at the loss, when Jo felt an uncomfortable sore pain between her legs, Kendall looking down at the bedsheets. A mess of white mixed with red stained the comforter, and Kendall looked up at Jo with a worried face, as she swallowed hard, knowing something was wrong.

"Stay right there," Kendall told her with a concerned voice, as he leaned down and picked up his boxer briefs, and put them on. Jo's heart beating fast looked at Kendall as he went the bathroom in Jo's room and got a paper towel with warm water on it. Kendall shut off the light and hurried back, situating himself between Jo's bare legs, as she swallowed hard beginning to get concerned.

"Am I bleeding?" she asked him, as if she was a scared little five year old. Kendall's face began to blush as he wiped away the stained blood from her thighs, his hands shaking with his returning nerves.

"I'm-I'm sorry, babe, I-I didn't think I went that hard, I-I must've lost my head, I'm sorry I was so rough," he told her as he nervously wiped away the blood and cum from between her legs, his hands shaking. Jo looked at her doting boyfriend and felt horrible for him, knowing that she was bound to bleed since her "cherry hadn't been popped".

"It's okay, Kendall, it's not your fault, it's just…my body," Jo told him softly, leaning back on the pillows. Kendall nervously finished cleaning up Jo and threw the soiled paper towels away, before grabbing her tiny thong from the floor and slowly slipping it back up over her legs, making sure he was sensitive with her. He then slowly turned the sheets down and climbed into be, maneuvering Jo underneath the sheets and cuddling her close to him. Jo nestled into Kendall's chest and hadn't really said much since they had finished, just going over in her mind again that she wasn't a virgin anymore. Kendall kissed her blonde hair softly, not wanting to force her to talk but getting a little concerned that she hadn't.

"I wish you would talk to me, babe," he whispered to her, causing Jo to lift her head and stare into those green eyes that looked amazed but a bit upset. "You're making me a little nervous that you haven't said anything," he whispered to her, holding her topless body to his. Jo looked at Kendall and kissed his chin gently, smiling up at him.

"What do you want to talk about?" she asked with a small smile, trying her best to be flirtatious while at the same time a million and five things wracked her mind. Kendall chuckled and leaned down, kissing her lips gently, and touching her face.

"Anything you wanna talk about," he told her with a smile, hugging her even closer. Jo pondered the thought playfully and touched the back of Kendall's neck flintily, running her fingers through his scalp with a sigh, a smile coming to her face as Kendall's smile infected her insides.

"When are we gonna do that again?"