Chapter Two: Nonbeleivers

Disclaimer: Don't own the Outsiders!

" WHAT!" I screamed as I shrugged his arms off. That got his eyes all bugged out. "Shhhh!" he hissed. " No, no, that's not true! You just want to act like you're a jealous fool to win me back. Well, it's not working!"I hissed back. " That's a good ploy. I might just try that. This is serious, Nikki! If you don't believe me, go ask Ponyboy, everyone believes Ponyboy." He replied." I might just do that" I retorted . I rolled my eyes as I climbed out of the bushes. Becca gave me a look that had 'What happened?' written all over it. I shot her a glare that said, 'I do not want to talk about it.' We continued the rest of our walk silently.

I ignored him most of the day. Which is a miraculous feat, considering he's in most of my classes. At lunch, I got so fed up at Becca for gossiping about Soda and me, I yelled, " Stop talking about him!". Nobody heard me, of course, it's the High School Cafeteria for Pete's sake! Becca stared at me with wide eyes. Actually I think she was staring at Soda, because the next thing I knew, he pulled up beside me and inquired , " Stop talking about who?" I blushed. "Oh, no one!" I dismissed with a wave of my hand. " So, I can sit with you guys?" he asked. Oh, now I knew what he was doing. Two could play at this game. " Of course, silly!" I gushed a little bit too sweetly. His eyes widened and then narrowed. Now he knew that I was playing, hard. It went back and forth all lunch until Soda lost it. He suddenly stopped saying how much he loved my sweatshirt, and he kissed me. I broke away after a couple and glared at him. I ate the remainder of my lunch at a different table. It wasn't that better, though. The people at my table kept on gushing on and on about the kiss. I really couldn't take it anymore. I eventually stormed off to the restroom. Becca was there standing impatienly with one hand on her hip. " Okay, you're starting to scare me, Becca." I stated truthfully. " I'm not like your stalker or anything, Nikki, you know that!", I nodded. " Why did you break away? You are soo lucky! Omigosh did he really just kiss you? He's your ex!" She went on. There was more, but I ignored the rest of it, I was in a kind of a daze. She finally pulled me out of my daze by pulling me back to reality; fourth period.

I finally pulled together enough to convince myself to ask Ponyboy if Soda was telling the truth. I really didn't want to make the trip because I already knew he was lying. At least I thought I knew he was lying. It was a long walk to the Curtis', but I really didn't care. Eventually, I arrived at their front doorstep. Don't ask me how I always know which run-down house it is whenever I come by here. The house has some kind of glow to it. Anyway, Soda (of course) opened the door before I even raised my hand to knock. He leaned against the door frame, smirking at me. " Is Ponyboy here?" I asked, trying to get a little peek from the side of him. It looked like the whole gang was spending the night here. I tried to get a good look at Johnny, but a snoring Two-Bit blocked my vision. " Right this way, milady!" he teased, breaking me from my snooping. I followed him to the all to familiar hallway were the Curtis family slept. " I can find my way from here." I said once we were nearing the hallway. He whispered in my ear, "Sorry about what happened at lunch today, Nik." . I wondered if he was telling the truth. He probably was. " No prob, Soda." I teased as I punched his shoulder lightly. I stepped forward in the direction of Pony's room. I knocked lightly on the door. "Come in, Soda." He grumbled. I laughed quietly as I slowly opened the door. "Surprise!" I yelled as I rushed in and tackled him to the floor. When he finally caught his breath, he realized who I was. "Nikki!" he cried flinging his arms around my neck just to put me in a head lock. I learned how to retaliate that move. I flipped him over and swung him upside-down. " Say 'uncle' , and I'll let you go!" I teased. " Uncle! Uncle!" he screamed. I plopped him on his bed an dsat down on the end of it. " Pony, Soda talked to me about a certain subject today, and I wanted to know if he was telling the truth or not. " I asked " How can I possibly-" he didn't get to finish the statement though, because the gang came stampeding through the door at that moment. "We heard a commotion and- Nikki!" yelled Two-Bit. Soon I was in the middle of a huge group hug. Everyone was so happy to see me and I was really surprised, you would've thought I was part of the gang it's self. Anyway, after a while, everyone cleared out of the room except Ponyboy and me. " Anyway, I can't tell you what Sodapop was lying or not lying about if I don't know the situation." he stated firmly. I sighed, and relunctantly said, " Soda said that 'Johnny loves me' ." I said. " Well, that is sorta true, I mean... he was mumuring your name in his sleep..." Pony responded. A moment later , I blacked out.

A/N: Remember I loooooove reveiws sooooo much!