It was a regular day a preschool. Kendall was four years old, scribbling furiously with crayons. His head was bent over his coloring page of Aladdin, his messy hair fell into his eyes. He had only been in class for about five minutes but was already completely engrossed with his picture. He was so focused, in fact, that he didn't notice the boy sitting across from him, half-heartedly coloring in Hercules' hair.

Eventually, Kendall looked up, trying to find the orange. He frowned when he saw it in the hand of the kid on the other side of the table. "Hey, that's my crayon!" Kendall whined, frustrated. How dare some weird kid take the color he needed! Didn't this kid see that he was using the crayons?

The boy looked up, his shiny, brown bangs swished to the side. Kendall's grumpy face softened as he noticed the crayon-stealer was crying. "Sorry," he sniffed, nose twitching like a bunny. He held the orange out to Kendall.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concerned, completely forgetting about his pictures. Four-year-olds were like that.

The other kid looked crest-fallen. He blinked his big brown eyes to hold back the tears threatening to spill down his tan cheeks. He suddenly became very interested in his thumbs. "I miss my mommy," he choked, looking ashamed. He held his face in his hands, hiding himself from Kendall's worried stare. Kendall reached across the table, putting a comforting, though sticky, hand on the crying kid's shoulder.

"She'll be here soon," he reassured him. The other boy peeked through his fingers at him. Kendall smiled his biggest, cheekiest smile, and the other kid offered a weak grin back. "My name's Kendall. Let's be best friends!"

"M-kay. My name's James," his new friend said, not remembering he had just been crying or what he had been crying about. "Let's be fwends fow foevah," he said, trying to say 'friends for forever', but he couldn't pronounce r's yet.

James Diamond sat in his booster seat in the back of his mommy's car. He had a huge, face-consuming smile plastered on his face and was explaining his day to his mom the best he could. "... and then we built a HUGE towah that went all the way to the ceiling! And then he gave me all his puahple gold fish, and I gave him all my gween ones cause I like puahple and he doesn't, and he likes gween but I don't. And then we played Powah Wangers and he was the wed one and I was the black one cause he is the leadah and I'm the cool one. And we went down the slide, and we wead a stowy, and he taught me how to tie shoelaces! And we'ah best fwends, mommy!" he exclaimed, still stumbling over the r's.

Mrs. Diamond grinned, glad her son had made a friend, but she honestly had no idea what he was saying. He and Kendall had seemed to have had a gweat, I mean, great time together, so she talked to Mrs. Knight and planned to have a play date at their house the next day. It had seemed like a good idea at the time...

She didn't understand how destructive the two boys could be.

Next chapter is the play date, and then after that it's Carlos time baby!

BTW: Towah: tower, Puahple: purple, Gween: green, Powah Wangers: power rangers, Wed: red, leadah: leader. Wead: read, Stowy, Story, We'ah: we're, Fwends: friends. Just in case you guys were confused…