Hey can you talk?
Kate's thumb nail found its way between her teeth as she paced her apartment. It was late but she just couldn't get her mind to settle. After searching for hours she wasn't any closer to finding herself than she was before.
Sure what's up? Everything ok?
Kate felt herself smile. He cared a lot for someone who was supposed to be just a friend. How does she handle this? Should she just come out and ask are we sleeping together? There had to be some sort of guideline for this. Suddenly her phone was ringing. A quick glance to the screen told her all she needed to know. Should she let it go to voicemail or answer it?
"Kate? Are you alright?" The concern in his voice had her replacing her nail with her lip. "Kate?"
Letting out a breath, she closed her eyes. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You don't sound like yourself."
Kate felt herself beginning to smile. "How do you do that?"
"Do what?" She heard him chuckle.
"Know something is wrong without even seeing me."
"Maybe I know you." There was definitely a smile in his voice. "We have known each other for years."
"And that's all?" She heard herself question.
"Is that why you called?" Was this how she wanted to find out? A chance phone call started because she had a moment of weakness and sent a text instead of going to bed.
"Kate, I'll see you in twenty minutes." And then he hung up. He was willing to drop everything at eleven o'clock on a Sunday night just because she didn't sound like herself. Rick was coming here in twenty minutes. Kate looked down at her leggings with a hole in the knee and her washed out, faded t-shirt. She needed to change and quickly. Rushing into her bedroom, she stripped out of the baggy t-shirt and slipped on a snug white v neck t-shirt. Next she was pulling off the leggings and tossing them into the corner with her old t-shirt. She grabbed a pair of jeans from her dresser and ran to the bathroom. As comfortable the loose ponytail she was currently wearing was, it wasn't how she wanted to greet Rick. She muttered a few choice words as she brushed her hair and hit a couple of knots.
Almost there
Kate touched up her make-up. A knock at the door had her dropping her mascara in the sink. She grumbled as she quickly put her make-up away and grabbed her phone. Kate rushed to the door kicking the coffee table on her way.
Heard that lol
Kate read the message and rolled her eyes as she slipped the phone in her back pocket and opened the door.
"Smart ass," She felt herself smiling as she ushered him into her apartment locking the door again once he passed.
"So," he trailed off as his eyes took in her appearance.
"So?" Kate questioned as she rubbed her hands together. Rick looked around the room and then back to Kate. "Can I get you a drink?"
"Sure," Rick smiled as Kate walked past him towards the kitchen.
"Yeah," Rick chuckled. Red wine was his favorite. He didn't know if it was something she remembered or just a luck guess. He watched as Kate reached up and pulled down two goblets. Weretheygoingtodrinkthatmuch?He thought to himself. Kate turned back to him and giggled at his expression. "Did you just giggle?" Rick asked in almost an appalled tone.
"Well if you could see your face, you'd be giggling too," Kate's melodic laugh filled the room. "You look like I just asked you to clean the windows of the Empire State Building."
Rick glared at her with a smirk. "Ms. Beckett, I can handle anything you throw my way."
"Is that true, Mr. Castle?" Kate challenged as she led them to the couch. This, she could handle. Their teasing felt nature to her. "Then I challenge you to a game of truth or dare."
"Truth or Dare?" Rick questioned. He knew practically everything about her. What else was there to lear-oh. Katestill has to learn about him.Which means that she still doesn't remember anything about him, about them.
"Alright, let's start. Truth," Rick smiled as he took a sip of his drink.
"Okay," Kate trailed off. "What is your idea of a 'your type of girl'."
"Well she would be tough but smart, strikingly beautiful with a hint of mystery. She'd be a bit of a home body but deep down also a little silly." Rick took a sip of his drink again. "Truth or dare?"
Kate took a deep breath. "Um truth?"
Rick smiled. "What is your favorite color?"
"Green," Kate replied simply. It felt odd giving such a small answer after his but Rick was smiling so she let it go. "Truth or Dare?"
"Truth," Rick continued smiling. She remembered her favorite color was green. Hope was restored with him that this game just might be the key to help her remember her past.
""What's the one thing you would do, if you were able to do it?"
Rick looked at their glasses already empty and gestured to the bottle. "More?" At Kate's nod, he refilled them both. "If I could do one thing, it would probably be trading places with you the that you well you know," He trailed off. He wanted to switch places with her? He was willing trade his memories for her amnesia. Kate stared at him shocked by his admission. "Truth or dare?" He asked softly.
"Um truth."
"What do you like to do for fun?"
Kate almost choked on her drink. They had known each other for years. Surely he knew what she liked to do outside of work. "I'm uh pretty much a home body. I like to read if I have the time like these past few days."
Rick nodded. More information he already knew. This was good.
"Truth or dare?"
"Truth," Rick smiled.
"Have you ever had any strong feelings for anyone before?" Kate asked before biting her lip.
"There are a few people that I have strong feelings for. Most of them are my family and friends," Rick answered honestly. Kate couldn't fault him for that. They played their game until the bottle of wine was almost empty and their questioned became ridiculous.
"I think it's time for bed," Kate giggled as she leaned against Rick.
"Yeah you're probably right," He laughed. It felt so good to laugh with her. "Come on, let's get you up." He moved their glasses to the coffee table and pulled Kate to her feet.
"Are you going to tuck me into bed, Mr. Castle?" Kate teased as she swayed down the hallway.
"Maybe," He grinned following behind her watching as she navigated through the apartment and sped through her bedtime routine. It always amazed him how well she moved even when she was drunk. Kate slipped from the bathroom in an oversized purple t-shirt and black leggings. "Alright lets get you into bed."
"Are you joining me?" Kate asked as she sat on the edge of the bed.
"As much as I'd love to, I don't think I should," Rick sighed as he pulled the comforter up. "I should really head back to my place."
Kate nodded. "I understand. Until tomorrow?"
"Until tomorrow."
Kate Beckett stumbled sleepily into her kitchen early one morning, nearly having a heart attack when her brain registered a man standing at the stove, apparently cooking breakfast.
"Castle?" She asked, with no small amount of confusion and shock.
Castle glanced towards her. "Good morning Beckett," He smiled before turning back to the stove flipping the pancakes. "Sleep well?"
Kate was slowly drawn into the kitchen by the smell of fresh coffee. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she poured herself a cup.
Castle was silent as he made up of plate of pancakes and bacon before walking to the table. "What day is it today?"
"Monday," Kate huffed. "What are you doing here?"
Castle sighed as he placed the plate in front of her. "I sort of fell asleep on the couch last night."
Now it was Kate's turn to sigh. "Look I know I've been working a lot but you don't have to worry about me. I know what I'm doing. If you get tired, just go home. You don't need to sleep on the precinct couch. We both know how painful that can be."
"I know," Castle nodded as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen. "I've got to head back to the loft now."
"Writing?" Kate speculated as she cut up her pancakes.
"Um yeah." Castle hedged before walking out of the apartment. Kate shook her head, not looking forward to the day. Without Castle she was looking at quiet day of paper work.
A/N: No I'm not dead, I just work pretty much every day now. I got some surprising inspiration for this today and was able to give you this chapter. I hope it was alright.