Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible.

Shego decided she'd go for the interview even though the interview wasn't for another few days. She managed to get up in the mountains and found the "secret" lair quite easily. She hoped that he wasn't as stupid as the other villains she had met back when she was a heroine. She rang the doorbell. She knew it was close to twelve at night, but she figured if he truly was a mad scientist, then he'd be up at this hour. Besides, she needed a place to stay. She couldn't keep staying in those motels where everyone hit on her and wanted sex from her (which she sometimes gave the better looking ones). Anyway she was right, he was because he looked quite awake and dressed despite the bags under his eyes. How old was he? Late thirties? Early forties? Somewhere in there. "Who are you?" He asked and looked her up and down. Not in a sick way like Reese did, but in a way in which he was studying to see where she came from and who she was.

"I'm Shego." She said. "And I'm here to take the position of-"

"Sidekick?" He questioned.

"Well, that wasn't the way it was put in the ad, but sure. I wouldn't mind being a sidekick." Shego said. She stared at his blue lab coat and his black hair that was pulled back into a pony tail; it was kind of like a mini mullet. It kind of disgusted her, but she didn't really care enough to be revolted by it. Besides, it was his decision and he was around her mother's age. No, she couldn't think about her mother. Not now at least.

"You do realize you're quite early for the interview-days early." He said to her and let her into the lair anyway. He must have been desperate for a sidekick or something because he wasn't going to wait for someone possibly more experienced than her. But then again, what other villain had been trained by Global Justice?

"I do realize it, but I was in the area and I don't know where I'd be in a couple of days. I could be in Iceland." She responded to him. She had always wanted to go there for a vacation or something. From the pictures she had seen, it looked pretty and peaceful.

"Why wouldn't you want to go to Greenland?"

"Iceland's the nice one, Greenland's all icy." She wanted to roll her eyes at him, but stopped from doing so. She had to make a good first impression, even if it was the wrong one. She was glad that she hadn't taken her drugs that night or else it would be one messed up interview, that was for sure.

"Right." He said. "I never understood the Vikings. Please, sit down." He sat in a large arm chair that faced the couch on an angle. She took a seat on the couch. It felt odd sitting on a forty year old man's couch by the soft glow from the fire in the fireplace. He could have just wanted sex from her. She wouldn't put it past any man. She knew that she was really pretty and promiscuous and what man wouldn't want that?

Dr. Drakken picked up a notebook that probably had questions in it for her to answer. He picked up a pen and put it close to the paper so it looked like he was ready to write. "What's your name?"

"I already told you; it's Shego." She said.

"I don't believe that's your real name. I need this to put your file together if I hire you." Dr. Drakken said and looked at her, anticipating for an answer. She decided that she'd be secretive. She wouldn't give out her real identity. From society's point of view, Noelle Gordon was probably dead but they never found her body, so her true identity was pending. But then again, Noelle Gordon wasn't her true identity anymore. She was Shego now. So technically, she wasn't lying to him or being secretive. To her, Noelle was gone but Shego managed to grow from her kind of like a flower; Noelle was a struggling bud just waiting to bloom but couldn't do it, so instead Shego took over and was close to blooming that flower. She just needed more time. Eventually, she'd be that flower.

"It's Shego." She persisted. "I'm Shego now, not who I used to be."

"Well, all right." Dr. Drakken said and wrote down those five letters. "Weird name." He mumbled.

"And Dr. Drakken isn't?" She asked him.

"Moving on…" He said. "Your birthday." She didn't know whether to tell him her birthday or not. That would be awkward, well not really, but then again odds are many people have her birthday. It wasn't important.

"I don't think that's important." She said to him. "Next question."

"Why don't you think it's important?" He asked her. "Surely you celebrate your own birthday."

"I haven't since I was thirteen." She said. "Never thought birthdays were that special."

"I pity you, really I do." Dr. Drakken said and wrote something down, probably unknown or something along those lines. He asked her other questions and she answered most of them, like her experience stealing things such as money and priceless (she still didn't understand that) gems. She showed him her unique abilities, and he was impressed with them. She told him about how she knew many martial arts and mastered them. When he asked her how she got those powers and how she knew so many martial arts, she just said that she had her resources. She left out the comet, her brothers, Team Go, and Global Justice. She mentioned that she could pilot and drive complex machinery such as planes, jets, helicopters, and those kinds of things.

He asked her about her family history and she said she didn't have one. He had said he felt sorry for her and she said it was all right because she was a loner most of the time anyway. "And why do you want this job?" Dr. Drakken asked her.

"Money, power, and I'll be well known and the best." Shego said and smiled at him. It was more of a smirk because Shego didn't smile that innocent smile that Noelle used to get away with.

"You seem perfect for the position but I need your age. I really need to know it in your case because you look quite young." Dr. Drakken asked her. "I can't hire you unless you tell me your age."

"Eighteen." She said simply. "So, yes, I'm a legal adult so you won't get in any trouble."

"Only eighteen?" Drakken asked her. "I don't know if I should even consider you."

"I think you should." Shego said. "Because if you don't, I heard that other soon to be big time villains would want me, maybe Professor Dementor." She smirked at him again, knowing that he just had to hire her now. If not, then she'd be out of there and she'd be taking over the world with some other villain. She could tell he didn't like that.

"I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable hiring an eighteen year old girl. You could stay here tonight if you'd like." He offered her. She thought about the offer, but she couldn't take it. She was angry and upset that she couldn't even get a simple job. She was too young. She assumed the other guy would say the same thing, not that she'd go work for Dementor. She thought that threatening to work for someone else would easily get her the job, but she still had much to learn in the evil business.

"No thanks." She said. She wouldn't beg for the job. She could survive for years on the amount of money she had stolen from Go City's banks. "I don't even know why I came here. It's not like I even need a job anyway." She got up from her chair and started towards the door.

"I don't feel comfortable with you going out this late at night." Dr. Drakken said. "Please, stay in the guest bedroom."

"No thanks. I can take care of myself." She said and adjusted the pack on her shoulders and let herself out.

So that hadn't gone well. Maybe she should have stayed with her brothers for a few more years until she was at least twenty one and then she could have just left them. She began to regret everything she had done. She wished she had never stolen a thing. She shouldn't have because then she'd be able to stay with Tyler and her children. But was she even good enough to be a mother? No, she knew that answer to that. She really wasn't a good enough person to take care of her kids. She wasn't even close to being a good person let alone a good mother.

However, even though she was aching for her family, she really enjoyed being a thief. She loved the adrenaline rush that it gave her. She was hoping that the job with a mad scientist would be more dangerous and more life threatening. She used to hate risking her life for other people with nothing in return, but she loved risking her life for herself, as odd as that sounded.

Shego had no reason to steal anything anymore. She had money and she didn't really need anything and the risks weren't as fun anymore because it was too easy. She wanted a challenge, but her brothers weren't even a challenge for her in the end of it all.

Shego found herself getting high in an alley with a few other people. The girl there was kind of too weird for her, but she stuck around anyway. She was too high to go out in public. Even though she couldn't think straight, she wasn't stupid.

The girl there was about a year or two older than her. She started trying to have sex, if she could even call it that, with Shego. However, Shego didn't like when women did that to her, so she pushed her away and let one of the guys there hit on her. She let him touch her practically everywhere. Since it was so dark, no one could tell that her pale skin had that green tint to it and since they were all so high, she didn't have to worry as much. They'd never know.

Shego ended up having sex yet again. She did practically everything with this man accept anal sex which she refused to do. But anything else was fair game. She learned his name was Marc and she didn't really want anything to do with him because he wasn't that good looking and he wasn't that cool. She told him that to his face and he ended up calling her an ice bitch. She didn't really care that he called her that because she didn't care about him.

So, Shego moved on to another gang that primarily just smoked weed. She still did heroin, but not as much. She went back to smoking weed. She had sex with every man there, which was about seven. She was the only female there and that made her feel kind of special actually. "Hey have you ever tried this stuff?" One of the men asked her as they sat around the fireplace in his house. His name was Greg and he was actually quite hot in her opinion. He was the main person she had sex with. She could tell the other six men were jealous. She liked that; they were men all in their twenties, the youngest was twenty three. Greg was about twenty six. She liked the older guys better than the younger ones. Well, except Tyler, he was the only exception. He was the only one who truly understood her.

"What is it?" She sat up straighter, looking at the white cube. Greg put it in the palm of her hand. She just stared at it, waiting for an answer.

"LSD." He said. So she was holding the super drug of all drugs. She didn't know whether she should take it or not. Everyone else had already swallowed theirs. She almost put it in her mouth when one of the guys, Dave, came barging in the door with a girl in his arms. Shego gave the LSD back to Greg and she stood up.

"What are you doing with her, Dave?" Sure, she was high but she knew that whatever he was going to do with her wasn't good.

"She's my bed buddy for the night. What do you say, pretty girl?" He was slurring his words. He was drunk. Shego stared at the girl. She couldn't really make out her facial features too well because her dark orange hair was covering her face. She had braces though, she could tell. Shego was glad she never had to have those. Anyway, she saw that this girl hardly even had any boobs and she was too underdeveloped to be of legal age. Shego used the couch for support and stood up.

"What the fuck are you doing? She's probably only twelve! Let her go, Dave." Shego approached him slowly. "Just let her go."

"How else am I gonna get laid tonight? I need to get laid tonight!" He began yelling at her and the more he yelled, the tighter he squeezed the poor girl's arm.

"I'll have sex with you, just let her go." Shego said. She didn't need this innocent girl getting raped by Dave. She hated having sex with him because he was incredibly rough and treated her terribly. But better her than a twelve year old.

"You will?" He said, releasing the girl from his grasp.

"Eh, why not?" She acted as if it was no big deal. She walked over to the girl, making sure that Dave didn't grab her and lock himself in the bedroom with her. He had done that before, but with a woman who was somewhat willing and asking for it. She took the girl and led her out with both of her long, slim fingers on her shoulders. She shut the door behind them.

"Thank you." The girl said in a whisper.

"What are you even doing here in Lowerton? You don't really look like you're from here." Shego asked her, wondering why someone who didn't know the streets would be out this late at night. The girl had put her hood up, so she couldn't make anything about her out and she herself had put up her hood on her sweatshirt so that she could hide her face and skin from people outside.

"I was at the Lowerton mall and my ride bailed on me so I decided to walk home." She said. Shego could hear her voice shaking. She was probably scaring the girl. She probably looked insane.

"You don't seem like a smart kid." She said. "You never go wandering around Lowerton, especially this part of it, at night."

"Why not?"

"Gee, I don't know…maybe because there are rapists and drug addicts and people in gangs that'll kill you if they don't like the way you look." She said to the girl.

"I am smart." The girl said defiantly. "I get straight A's in school." She stated that almost too proudly. This girl was probably somewhat like a child prodigy.

"Doesn't mean you're smart." Shego said to her. "What's your name?" The girl started to say her name but Shego interrupted her. "Stop, don't say it. I thought your parents would have taught you not to say your name to strangers, especially people like me. You may be academically smart, but your street smarts are terrible. Go and run as fast as you can out of this neighborhood. Don't turn around for anyone. You just run." The girl stood there, probably staring at her. "What are you waiting for? Go!" And the girl ran as fast as she could, which was actually pretty fast for a girl who looked as sheltered as her.

"Get in here baby!" Dave shouted out the door for her. Shego sighed and turned around and followed Dave inside the little house. She was taken into the bedroom. Dave locked the door and dimmed the lights to his liking. "Get naked." He demanded. She listened to him and took off her clothes and he took his off. He pushed her onto the bed and put his mouth on hers, kissing her hard and very unromantically. She had to kiss him back. It was forced. His mouth tasted like cigarettes which she hated. It may have sounded hypocritical considering she did drugs, but she hated cigarettes, the only legal drug. His tongue had entered her mouth, so she was forced to kiss back. She assumed this could be considered rape because she didn't want to, but she figured it really wasn't because she agreed to it. But the thing was, she was used to this kind of treatment. She was able to stick up for herself, she did have a backbone, but she wanted to feel as if she was needed and right now Dave needed her, she told herself even though deep down he only really wanted her for the night.

She let him do his thing and thrust deep inside her, in and out repeatedly. It hurt her because he was rough, but she acted as if it didn't hurt because if she did, she wouldn't seem tough anymore. She wouldn't have these guys to depend on anymore. And if she upset them, she would have to find another place to go get her drugs. She didn't want to go back to Go City where Sammy and Reese and Jason were. She really didn't want to go back to them.

Shego woke up the next morning next to Greg like usual. She wondered if she had sex with him the night before. She had been drinking, so anything was possible. It didn't really matter to her. Sex was just sex and nothing more. People were meant to have sex.

Shego sat around the fireplace with the guys again. It was the middle of the day and she they all didn't really feel like going out. Instead, they took drugs. Shego injected herself with heroin. One of the guys there, Harry, wanted some and he almost took her needle, but she didn't let him. There was no way she'd be sharing needles with people. She wasn't that stupid. "Hey, sorry about the other night." Greg said.

"You mean last night?" Shego asked. She didn't feel like doing much of anything. That's what heroin did to her, it made her unmotivated.

"Yeah. You didn't get to try the LSD like you wanted." Did she even want it? She couldn't really remember. That night was a bit too fuzzy. She remembered a girl; and she had sex with Dave, but that was about it. He placed it in her hand again.

Shego looked out the small window. It looked like the sun was setting. It'd be dark soon. She watched the other guys pop the LSD in their mouths but she was hesitant about it. She put it close to her mouth. Her lips touched it. She was going to let go of it, but she heard sirens right outside the door. "Shit." Dave said.

"Are they comin' here?" Asked Chris stupidly. She could tell that the LSD had taken over because the guys looked as if they were freaking out. Shego dropped the LSD and put it under the couch because she didn't want to try it now. She didn't want to be a screaming freak like the guys were.

"Open up!" One of the policemen said and banged on the door. "We'll break the door down if you don't answer!" Three seconds went by and the door hit the ground with a thud. There was a chorus of swear words from the guys. Shego decided she'd keep her mouth shut and play innocent. She figured maybe she could trick the police.

"Do you even have a fucking warrant?" Greg asked as he was handcuffed. He was the main source of the drugs in Lowerton. They'd wanted him for a long time. The police didn't even answer. Shego figured that they didn't. The police broke their own laws these days. Justice didn't even exist anymore in her mind. It probably never did. Shego looked at her arms. She was glad that she had used some of the spray tan on herself. She probably used the whole can last night while she was drunk, but she was pretty glad that she did it. One of the policemen grabbed her arms and yanked her into one of the police cars.

She was in the police station and was across from a policeman who was going to ask her questions. "Name?" He asked her. Shego thought about a name. She wouldn't use any of hers because that would just be stupid. She was a bit drunk and high, but not too drunk and high. She knew what was going on.

"Giselle." She blurted out her mother's name. Why had she said that? It didn't really matter, just as long as she kept her answers short and sweet. And played innocent; she hadn't done it in a while, but she knew damn well that she was good at it. She just looked at the man with her eyes. She knew her green ones weren't as innocent as her blue eyes had once been, but they'd have to do.

"Okay, Giselle. What were you doing with those seven men?" He asked her. She shrugged.

"I'm not really sure, sir."

"How did you meet them?" He asked her.

"Umm, on the street one night." She lied.

"Did you do drugs with them?" He asked her.


"What kind?"

"I just mainly smoked pot. I tried heroin a few times. They tried to give me LSD but I didn't take it." Shego said almost truthfully.

"How old are you?" He asked her.

"Just turned seventeen sir." She had to make herself sound like a minor. This way, she wouldn't be charged with too much and maybe she'd get out with a simple fine or something.

"Really? What high school do you attend?"

"I don't go to high school. I'm homeschooled. I have a tutor." She said.

"How long have you been with these men?"

"Umm, not too long. I met them about a week or two ago. Almost two weeks ago." She said. She could tell he was convinced by her lie. "Please don't arrest me." She said. She let a few tears fall. Not too many, but just enough to put the icing on the cake. "I won't do this again. I promise. I was only experimenting but I know it's dangerous now."

"Where do you live?" He sighed. Shego told him the address of Dr. Drakken's lair. She didn't really know why she did but it was the first thing that came into her mind. "Come on, I'll bring you home."

"Thank you." She said with a steady voice even though on the inside she was freaking out. Would Dr. Drakken go along with it? She didn't know. Would he tell them who she really was? She hoped not. While she was in the police car, she rubbed some of the spray tan off of her forearm. This way, he'd know who she was just in case there was a slight chance that he'd go along with it.

The policeman escorted her up to the lair that was currently disguised as a house. Funny, it hadn't been disguised before. She didn't know why, but she was kind of relieved when she saw that it was. "You could just leave me here." Shego suggested.

"No, I want to make sure that you get in safe." Lame excuse, but she went along with it so she nodded. He rang the doorbell. It was late at night, around midnight by now, she assumed. Dr. Drakken answered the door and almost jumped when he saw the policeman. "Hello sir, your daughter Giselle was caught with the possession of drugs and I believe she is still drunk." Drunk? Funny, she didn't feel drunk at all. But she realized she couldn't walk by herself. The policeman was holding her up. Huh, she hadn't even noticed. Maybe she drank more than she thought.

"Oh, umm…" Dr. Drakken said. Good thing it looked as if he had just gotten out of bed. He probably did. She slightly pulled her sleeve up and indicated towards her green tinted skin. He looked her in the eyes. He had recognized her. Maybe he wasn't too bad after all. "Yes, I'll take care of her officer. I hope she didn't cause too much trouble for you."

"Oh, no not really. She has been cooperative. Just keep a better eye on her. I won't charge her this time because she claims she's a minor. Just make sure Giselle here doesn't do this again."

"Right. Good night officer. I'll take it from here." He grabbed Shego and helped her into his lair and shut the door. He helped her to the couch and sat her down. He went into the kitchen and got her a glass of water. "What were you doing? And why did you have him bring you here out of all places?" She took a few sips of the water and handed it to him. She could tell that she was drunk now when she could barely put the cup on the table.

"This was the only place I could think of on the spot." She slurred her words when she spoke. He handed her the water and made her finish it before he continued to talk to her.

"Giselle…is that your real name?" He asked her, getting off track.

"No. Old family member's name."

"Thought you said you didn't have a family." Dr. Drakken said.

"I don't." Shego said.

"What were you doing out there tonight?"

"If you must know, was getting high and drinking and having sex and getting caught by the police…" She was just babbling now and she couldn't even stop it. She was crying too. She didn't even want to cry. Shego didn't cry. She felt Shego slipping away and Noelle was coming out from the depths of it all. "I wish somebody cared." She cried. "I just wish there was someone out there who accepted me for me, not just a pretty face or a hot body. Just someone I could go to when I have problems; someone who would believe me when I tell them things and they would ask me if I was okay instead of I'm giving them a bad name or asking what is wrong with me. What is wrong with me, I want to know. What is wrong with me that I just can't be cared for or even loved?" She wasn't making much sense, but her sadness was coming out. She had been ignoring that emotion for a pretty long time.

"Are you okay?" He asked her. She stifled a small sad laugh.

"No I'm not. I doubt I ever will be. I'll just be jumping from drug group to drug group and steal money for more drugs, then I'll probably drink. That's going to be my fucking life. I guarantee it. I just can't fit in anywhere. I couldn't even fit in with my old family. I'm like some weird puzzle piece that doesn't fit in the space that needs to be filled, but there are no other pieces to fill it. The manufacturer made a mistake with the puzzle pieces and they got the unwanted one which is me."

"Shego, you aren't making any sense." Dr. Drakken said to her.

"Of course I'm not. I'm probably so fucked up right now." She cried. "I want a place to call home. I want someone to wake up in the morning and be there every day and ask me how I'm doing and even care about me when I'm in a bad mood or when I'm sarcastic."

"You need to take a deep breath and calm down, okay?" He said to her.

"How can I calm down? Look at me, I'm only eighteen and I've probably fucked more guys than you fucked girls." She saw him blush for a second, but then it went away when he realized the language she was using.

"Don't use that kind of language around here." He said to her.

"Why shouldn't I? They're bad words for a bad girl."

"Oh, you're not a bad girl." He said and patted her back. "Just misunderstood."

"Someone told me I'm evil. Do you think I'm evil?"

"No, I don't think a thief is evil. You're just a bit of a kleptomaniac or you like the adrenaline rush you get from doing things you know you shouldn't be doing. Am I right?" She nodded her head, indicating that he was indeed correct. "There's nothing wrong with that. And besides, the law is something that most conform to. People like you and me don't conform to everything that we're told to. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Where am I going to go?" She whispered. "I'm not sure if I'll even make it to my next birthday if I keep living with random people and doing these drugs."

"You're hired." He said to her.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"I'm hiring you. The interviews didn't go too well. So, I'm hiring you. That means you'll get to stay here and have a place to stay. But there are some conditions or I'm not hiring you."

"What are they?" She asked him, calming down.

"You stop taking drugs and stop having sex with strangers." She was amazed that he actually listened to her and he was pretty much a stranger; she didn't know him well nor did he know her well.

"Why? So you get a better performance out of me?"

"No actually, it's for your health. And partially that too. And I don't like drugs in my house. And second, I want you to attend college and get some kind of degree. I don't care if you go to a university, community college, or you even do online courses. It'll keep your mind busy while I'm working. You don't need to tell me what college courses you'll be taking or anything. I just want you to get a college degree. It's very important. And I want you to make sure you actually want this job in villainy." Dr. Drakken explained.

"I think that can be possible." Shego said. She yawned and felt her eyes getting heavy.

"Come on, you can stay in your new bedroom." He stood up. She tried to get up, but she couldn't. She was too tired and tipsy for that. She felt him lift her up. She felt like she was a child again. It reminded her of when she was little, maybe five, and Henry would carry her into bed often. She didn't want to think about who Hego had once been. She hated him now and it would stay that way. She had to completely put her past behind her and focus on the present. And the present was, she was developing a headache, probably a hangover was starting to make itself known to her. All she knew was she had fallen asleep before she had gotten into bed.

The next day she woke up under the blankets in her pajamas? How did these get on her? Her cheeks had become red with embarrassment when she realized Dr. Drakken must have done something with her last night. She figured he probably had his way with her. And she didn't blame him; she had been an easy target. But then she realized her bra was still on and she still had the same pair of underwear. She began to think that he really didn't do anything with her and he just wanted her to get out of her tight black jeans and t shirt.

She was glad when she realized she must have slept off the hangover. She took a look at the alarm clock on the nightstand next to the bed and saw it was three in the afternoon. She must have slept pretty well.

Shego got out of the bed and noticed a bathroom was connected to the room. She looked inside of it and saw that there was a green robe and towel sitting on the bathroom counter for her. She noticed there was some shampoo and conditioner there too. She read the scent on it and saw it was warm vanilla sugar from Bath and Body Works. Why did he even have this? She noticed antibacterial soap from there as well as lotion. Odd that he would even have anything from that store.

Shego went back into the bedroom. She noticed the walls were painted a gray color and the carpet was blue. She'd definitely have to change that as soon as possible. Shego saw that her backpack wasn't there anymore. Where had he put it? She eyed the closet; it would most likely be in there. When she opened the closet, she noticed that her clothes had been hung up neatly, all facing the same direction. She didn't have much, but her three jumpsuits were there along with her three shirts. She saw that a dresser was across the room and opened it. She saw that he had put away her undergarments and her three pairs of jeans. And it looked like they were all clean; they had been washed.

Shego grabbed an outfit and laid it out on her bed. She took a shower. She really deserved it, she thought, because she hadn't taken a relaxing (well, one without sex) in months.

Shego got out of the shower and got dressed. She put on her dark blue skinny jeans and tight black shirt. She did her makeup and her hair which took a while because of the amount of hair that she had cascading down her back.

She emerged from the bedroom and looked both ways down the hallway. She wasn't really sure which way to go but she took a right out of it anyway. The worst thing that could happen was she'd have to turn around. But luckily, it looked like she went the right way. She had found her way to what looked like the living room and saw that Dr. Drakken was reading a book on the couch. He looked up from the book and saw her standing there. He smiled, put the book down and sat up. Shego saw that he gestured for her to sit down on the couch, so she did. "You're finally up." He said. Not in a mean way, but just stating a known fact.

"No, really?" She found herself saying.

"Feeling better than last night? You were pretty upset." Dr. Drakken looked concerned. But the thing was, she didn't remember ever being upset. She just remembered him offering her the job and agreeing to the terms he said, and he carried her off to bed.

"I was?" She questioned.

"Yeah you were. You were crying and everything." That didn't sound right.

"I don't cry." She looked at him with no expression. "I haven't cried in like years."

"Well, you cried last night and told me that you had been doing things you shouldn't be doing basically because you feel like you aren't loved or cared for." He said to her, completely serious.

"Odd." She said. "I don't think that I'd tell you all of that anyway." Shego said and tried to dismiss him, but it didn't work because he kept on talking to her but he dropped it pretty fast after saying,

"Even though we just met, I care about you." Was he really serious? She literally laughed out loud at that.

"I don't think so." She said to him. "Look, I don't want to be mean, but I doubt that you care about me."

"Well, you can doubt it, but it's true." He chose his words carefully, she assumed, because he looked at her a certain way. She couldn't describe it, but she just knew.

"I can't just trust you right away." She said to him. "It'll take me some time to get used to this whole idea."

"All right." He settled with her. "But maybe in time, we can be some kind of evil family." He smiled like a six year old in a candy store. She rolled her eyes at his well, cheesiness.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." She said to him. "Let's focus on the now."

"Well, then you're probably hungry considering how much you threw up at two in the morning."

"What are you talking about?" She asked him.

"You were so drunk, you puked. Or you had a hangover."

"I have a pretty high alcohol tolerance. I doubt I puked." Shego said. She didn't remember throwing up because of alcohol. But maybe she didn't remember it.

"I swear I've never seen anyone puke so much." Dr. Drakken said. "I wanted to puke just watching you puke."

"Can we stop talking about me puking please?" She asked him. She didn't like vomit and she didn't like to talk about it; especially the kind she didn't seem to remember.

"Let's go in the kitchen and discuss your contract. I made you some breakfast this morning." He said as he led her into the kitchen. "I made you a plate." He said and pulled out her chair. She sat down and he easily pushed her in. He went to the refrigerator and heated up the plate in the microwave. He brought the plate over to her along with a fork and knife. She looked at the eggs and sausages and smelled them. They seemed edible enough, so she began to eat them slowly. He handed her the contract for her to look over. She read it as she ate, and she was pleased with what it said. She liked the pay and all of that. She liked that she'd get holidays and Sundays off. She wondered why Sunday, but she didn't question it. She realized that she'd be a thief and pretty much his bodyguard. Good, at least she'd get some action and that adrenaline rushed she loved.

"So?" He questioned her and anticipated for an answer.

"So far I like what I see, but I want to add a clause to it." She said to him and took a sip of her orange juice that he must have put there for her.

"What's that?" He asked her, genuinely interested and for some reason, he wasn't angry.

"I know that you're a mad scientist guy so I want to add a no cloning clause to the contract. Then I'll sign it." Shego said. She knew that people would probably want more of her after they saw her in action. She wasn't stupid. She watched him leave the room and she waited there eating her breakfast for ten or fifteen minutes in silence.

When Dr. Drakken came back, he handed her a copy of the same contract. She flipped through it and saw that he had added the no cloning clause to the contract. After she read it over, she approved of it. She made sure to reread the contract for the use of anything that could go against her, such as double negatives and things that were worded funny. But she couldn't find anything. She picked up the pen he had put down next to her plate. She pushed her plate of food away and placed the contract flat on the table. She clicked the pen and began to sign the contract (using the name Shego of course). As she signed it, she felt as if she was going to start a new chapter in her life but at the same time she felt like she was going to sign away her freedom and she didn't like the sound of that. But as she thought about it, she realized that too much freedom didn't do her any good. She needed to sign some of her freedom away, she supposed. But she still felt confined, as if she was trapped in a cardboard box with no way out of it. She felt claustrophobic.

Shego had to start looking and applying to colleges immediately. She was accepted to Upperton University. She had to wear a disguise of course because of her job, but that didn't bother her. She enrolled with the name Noelle Gordon. She didn't know why she did it because it was risky, but it was the best thing that she could do. She couldn't make up a social security number or anything like that. (Well, at the time she knew she couldn't).

Dr. Drakken stayed out of her business when she did the whole college thing. He knew she was applying, but he kept his distance. He was mostly in the lab anyway, so it didn't really matter anyway. She had bought a blonde wig and some spray tanning cans.

Shego had put on some weight since she stopped doing drugs so frequently. This wasn't a bad thing because before she probably looked pretty scary with barely any body fat. She was pleased that she had become a size2-4 instead of a zero. So, she had to buy new clothes. She loved shopping anyway and it gave her an excuse to shop. And Dr. Drakken gave her his credit card, so she couldn't argue with that.

She wondered why he was so nice to her. She knew he wasn't looking for sex because he would have asked for it by now or led her on or something. He was just a nice guy and she was glad about that. No one had really treated her this well before and she loved it. Maybe signing away some of her freedom was okay because it was being replaced with someone who cared about her.

Shego looked through the majors the college offered. She didn't really know what she should pursue. For some reason, Tyler had popped into her head. He had once told her she was good with kids. So, she decided on teaching and majoring in child development. She didn't even know why she chose it, but it was good enough for her even though it was practical. She doubted she'd ever use it anyway. And the courses looked easy, so it worked out for her.

On the first day that she'd be attending college, she looked at herself in the mirror. She really did look good. She wasn't as bony and she didn't have any bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. The needle holes on her arms cleared up because she had stopped using drugs altogether. She hadn't even smoked pot. "I'm proud of you." Dr. Drakken said. She looked up at his reflection in the mirror she was standing in front of. "You're a good girl, you know that?" She didn't know why he said that when she had been stealing things for him.

"Oh, yes, I'm such a good girl." She said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"Shego! What did I say about giving me lip?" He said angrily, but then quickly calmed down. He looked at her wig. "Blonde, huh? Didn't think you'd be the blonde type."

"There'd be less of a chance they'd guess it's me." She said to him. She had her own reasons, but she didn't have to tell him exactly why.

"You're right." He said. He looked over to the right on her dresser. "What is that?" Dr. Drakken pointed at her old heroine needle. She hadn't even touched it in months. She hadn't thrown it away. He picked it up and realized exactly what it was. "No, you're not, are you?" He asked her.

"No, I'm not." She said, showing him her arms which were needle hole free.

"Then why do you have it?" Dr. Drakken asked her.

"For shits and giggles."

"Shego!" He shouted at her.

"I really don't know." She answered truthfully.

"Well, get rid of it today before you even leave this lair young lady!"

"Oh, yes father," She said and batted her eyes. "I wouldn't want to do anything that would ever upset you, honest."

"Shego, just…nrah!" He said with frustration. She laughed at him and picked up the needle.

"Don't worry about it, I'll get rid of it."

"Now." He said. "I'll watch you." She was led to the kitchen in front of the garbage. She had wrapped the needle up in paper towels so that an animal or a person wouldn't get injected with it. She hesitated before throwing it away. She was being forced to throw it out, which she didn't like. She hated to be told what to do and when to do it. But the needle held memories as stupid as that sounded. It was her first escape and gave her the freedom to get away from her problems, brothers, and helped her get out of the house. However, she knew it also ruined her. This thing caused her to act irrationally and have sex with people for drugs and led her to where she was. She wished she hadn't taken the needle in the first place mainly because she wished she could be with Tyler, Maelie, Austin, and Kiara. She wondered if she'd ever see them again.

But she knew she would see them again because she'd get her life back together someday. But first, she needed help from someone and that someone was Dr. Drakken. He probably didn't know it, but he was the only one that even wanted to try to help her.

Shego knew she had to take this step. She had to throw out the needle and let go of that darker past she wanted to get rid of. No, she couldn't throw this needle away like that. She unwrapped it carefully from the paper towels. Dr. Drakken just watched her and didn't say a word. Her left hand began to glow. She melted the needle right there in her hand. As it melted, she felt her dark past melt away. She felt as if she was renewed and better. She dumped the ashes in the garbage. Her past was gone.

Shego was finally free.