Hey guys.
Yes, I'm alive. I know I've been M.I.A. for a very long time and I blame no one but myself. However, after much deliberation, I've made some decisions that you may not be happy about.
It's not fair to any of you that you've been waiting so long for me to update my stories. I don't want to make you wait because of my inability to finish these. Please, forgive me for what I'm going to do this week.
Half Breed and Erase My Scars will be removed. I like the concepts of these two stories and am currently thinking that I could rewrite everything if I can get my muse back.
As for Diamond and Adamantium, Here in Your Arms, and My Daughter, the Western Lord, and I, they will be left up but will be undergoing major edits. Pegasus will be the only story left relatively untouched.
I'm not gonna lie, this will take a while. I'm currently taking the hardest classes I've ever taken and my mental health is taking a severe beating and it's only February. However, I feel like I'm teeming with all these ideas. By next month, I'll have fixed everything. I'll be putting time in everyday for this even if it's only 10 minutes.
Again, I'm so sorry for making you wait and I know I've done this before and sorry is only a word. But, I will make things better this time.
I promise.