"Who is that? He's so... pretty!"

"I've never seen him, and I know I wouldn't miss someone like that!"

A group of girls in class 3-A were huddled close, whispering while staring at the short-haired, violet-eyed new addition to Ouran Academy. No one approached the gorgeous blonde boy, to afraid to find out what he was really like.

"Everyone sit! It's time for class!" The teacher takes her stand, eyeing the new boy that was still standing behind her desk. "We have a new student. Please, introduce yourself."

All the girls in the class lean forward, ready to hear him speak. Many had wild thoughts, scary ones even, of what he would say or sound like.

'What if he is a monster?' One girl gasps, playing the scene in her head. 'A deep booming voice, a devilish smile, and then... "Hello! I am Satan here to take your soul! Rawr!" Ahhh!' Outwardly, her eyes were swirls.

'Maybe he's gay!' Another girl bites her nails nervously. 'A wave of the hand, a girly laugh, and then... "Hiya! I'm Christ'o'belle and I love puppies, kitties, and unicorns!" Noooo!' Fake tears were streaming down her face.

'Oh no... worst of all... what if he's a conceited, pompous, jerk!' The first girl to speak before shivers. 'I can see it now. Brushes his hair aside, then gives a sneer. "I'm not dignified to give such horrible, ugly people my name. You can all bow to me." And then an overwhelming force makes us! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!' She stifles a scream.

A beaming smile breaks his lips, causing more girls to lean forward. He brushes the hair from his face, chuckling a soft one. "Bonjour, my name is Masaaki, and I'm half-French. I am the youngest child of a prestigious family associated with this school. And I cannot wait to spend my time with such beautiful, lovely ladies and gentlemen."

..."Ahhhh!" All the girls squeal, hugging each other in triumphant and nearly falling backwards.

"Girls!" the teacher hollers. "Settle down! Settle down! Have a seat next to Haruhi, the brunette, would you Masaaki-kun?"

"Hai," I reply, nodding and approaching my seat. The squealing increases as I turn to let that ivory smile rest on Haruhi. "Konnichiwa."

"Konnichiwa," he replies as he shakes my smooth hand. His was just as soft, making me stare for a second. "Fujioka Haruhi."

"Masaaki," I greet. "Pleasure, Haruhi."

The boy nods, smiling back and returning to his previous gaze on the board. Our lesson had started, but I could feel the sweet stares of the many girls on my back. I turn to the side, showing half my face to the room, and grin. I could hear the girls sigh, all swooning. To continue the charade, I give a playful wink.


"Girls! Settle down!"

Lunch approached faster than I expected. I had a catered meal in my hands and no where to sit. All the tables outside were filled, and I didn't like eating indoors.

"Oh! Masaaki-kun! You can sit here!" A group of girls from my class were waving me over. I chuckle, heading over to the nice, long picnic table, completely filled with females. They'd made a seat for me, no matter I could see they'd pushed one girl off the bench.

I set my little square, chef-made meal on the table and help the girl up. "Why girls, I couldn't possibly sit when this lovely lady has no seat! Here, mademoiselle, you may sit here and I'll simply find a seat on the ground." I escort her to the open seat, the girl blushing insanely.

"No! You cannot sit on the ground!" One of the girls scoots as far over as she can, allowing a little room.

"I appreciate it, sweetheart, but I simply cannot take a seat from a lady!" I was nearly exploding with laughter I held in, keeping a straight face. "Alas, I see a table that has just opened up. Any of you are welcome to sit with me, if you'd like. I must return your generosity!"

I sit in the middle of a bench at the shorter picnic table. Many of the girls had literally grabbed their food and ran to sit with me, winning spots, while others tried to squeeze on without squishing me. It wasn't working.

"Ladies! Ladies! Whomever doesn't sit here with me today can merely sit with me tomorrow without crowding," I answer, trying not to get squished. "Would that be alright, darling?" I take a girl's chin in my hand, getting close.

"Y-yes! Perfect!" She nearly faints, then hurries off with a bunch of other girls, aiming to get their time with me tomorrow.

The entire day I'd had reactions similar to this. Apparently I was popular after attending Ouran's prestigious High School for not even an entire day.

I didn't know that, from afar, I was being watched closely.

Other P.O.V
Third Person's View

"Oi, whose that?" The orange-haired twin stares over at the newcomer. "Have you seen him before Kaoru?"

"No, Hikaru," the other twin replies, "I haven't. Have you, My Lord?"

The blonde 3rd-year was staring hard at the boy, seeing a resemblance. His thumb and forefinger were rubbing his jaw in intense thought, a scary concept for Suou Tamaki, the most popular boy of Ouran and founder of the legendary Host Club.

"He seems familiar." Tamaki didn't waver the look. "Kyouya?"

The dark-haired, serious man pushes his glasses up. "I don't have any data on him yet. He hasn't been completely put in school records." 'Something's off about that boy.'

"I'll figure it out!" Tamaki ducks in some bushes, using binoculars from who-knows-where to get a close-up of the new guy.

"What are you doing?" the irritated voice rings in the blonde's ears.

"N-nothing!" Tamaki hides the binoculars behind his back and stands, staring at the brunette. "Haruhi! Where did you come from?"

"The library," 'he' remarks. For the only people to know the secret of Fujioka Haruhi was the Host Club. They kept her gender a secret and protected her, whether she cared or not. "Who were you staring at?"

"No one!" The twins and Tamaki all say at once, trying to look innocent. She knew better.

Following the direction his binoculars were pointed, she sees the new boy eating at a table with a group of girls fawning over him. "Why were you spying on Masaaki?"

"Masaaki? You know his name?" Tamaki's protective, 'fatherly' ways kick into overdrive.

"Hai, in my class." She rolls her eyes. "Sits next to me in every class, too."

"WHAT?" Tamaki hollers. "Who is he?"

"Masaaki, like I just said." She stares at his food. "Is that ootoro?"

He pushes it towards her. "Tell me everything you know!"

She immediately dives into the food, secretly thinking 'Rich bastards.' "He's half-French, half-Japanese and just moved from his family's secondary-main residence. He came to live with his brother and father. He's got really pretty eyes too," she says through a mouthful of food.

"What?" Tamaki turns white, sulking in a dark corner.

"He's in that corner again," the twins sigh in unison.

"Haruhi's never said that about my eyes," was all that could be made out of his muttering.

"Haruhi, what's his last name?" Kyouya places his attention on her.

She thinks. "I don't know. He never mentioned it that I can recall."

"Tamaki?" Kyouya calls towards the blonde. "Stop that and listen to me for a moment." Tamaki, sniffling, pulls himself together slightly and stands to face his friend. "What if we invited him to the Host Club, merely as a trial host? He seems popular with the ladies and could boost our profits."

Tamaki stares at him with his jaw dropped. 0o0 "What? I don't think he is!" He was trying to cover, though the ladies apparently were thinking different just by how they flocked to him.

"He'd be around Haruhi a lot, but it'd be under your supervision," Kyouya whispers in the man's ear. "If they got to know one another, wouldn't you rather it be where you can interrupt at any given time?"

It dawns on the blonde. He claps his hand in approval. "We shall make him a trial host! If he is liked enough, we can add this Masaaki to our club. Agreed?"

"This sounds fun." The twins throw an arm around the king's shoulders. "Yeah, Haruhi?"

"It wouldn't hurt, I guess." She shrugs, already well finished with the ootoro.

"It's settled." Kyouya writes something down on a pad he'd produced from nowhere. Haruhi couldn't help but sweatdrop at that. "Go invite him, Tamaki."

"Yes! I will!" He starts bounding towards the table.

"And you see, the Eiffel Tower, it's more romantic than any could imagine!" I continue on, dramatically gesturing every part of any story I told to the girls.

They hung on every word like lost puppies. "And at night?"

"At night? It's magical. Everything is alive and sparkles." I rub my chin, then turn to the girl beside me, grabbing her jaw. "Though nothing sparkles as much as the emeralds in your eyes."

She gasps, blushing deep red and squealing. All the girls sigh and giggle, blushing no matter the compliment wasn't directed towards them.

"Ahem, excuse me!" a kind, familiar voice breaks into our bubble. I stare up at the blonde boy, holding back a huge smile. Here it was... he was going to say it! "You, new boy, I am Suou Tamaki!" He produces a red rose from nowhere, handing it to me.

Okay, so he was going to say it... "Masaaki." I take the rose and blink at him.

He places both hands on the table and stares straight into my face. "Masaaki, I want you to come and visit my club this afternoon!" There it was!

All the girls nearly cry in delight, though I was waiting for him to finish. He apparently wasn't done.

"Club, what type of club?" I raise a brow, smiling after the moment's silence.

He gives the exact same smile back. "Why, you'll see when you attend. I think you'll be a hit. Please come to the Third Floor Music Room after all of our classes finish. Would you?" He offers a hand to shake, edging me to agree.

I smell the rose and think carefully. 'Hmm, the more time I spend, the more likely he is to realize who I am. Shouldn't take to long. Might as well take whatever opening I can.' "I'll be there, Suou Tamaki." I shake his hand fondly.

"Fantastic! Au revoir!" He dances off.

All the girls at the table immediately start cheering. "We'll definitely be at the club this afternoon, Masa-kun!"

I nod, grinning. "Why, I cannot disappoint my girls. I'll be seeing all of you there as well. Until then, Au revoir cheris!" I flit off, leaving them all in a dazed state.

Walking away, a playful smirk was on my face. I was extremely happy with the days events thus far. I could just imagine how fun Suou Tamaki's Host Club would be.

He didn't know I knew all about it already. And he certainly didn't expect how I knew either.

All would be revealed soon. Very soon.