Title - Very good advice
Chapter title - The end.
Author - OblivionsGarden.
Disclaimer - I do not own Alice in Wonderland or anything from it. I do however own Belle, her family and any other characters you don't recognize. The plot is mine too.
A/n - Tis the end, guys. Erm...this ending isn't too great but for now it is the end. However, if I manage to come up with a better ending - cause I, myself, am not happy with this one - I will post it, I promise. Anyways, thanks for reading along, reviewing, faving, etc etc. You rock!


"Sorry dear, didn't mean to wake you."
"It's ok Judy. Is she awake yet?"
"I'm afraid not dearie. I'm just changing her dressings again."
A saddened sigh echoed through the room.
"Now, now Tarrant Hightopp. Don't you dare loose hope. This is a very fine lady you've got yourself. She's had a tough time since she arrived in our world and her body is just taking a well needed rest. She'll be fine."
"You're right, Judy. Belle's very muchy. She'll be fine."
"That's the spirit, love."

Tarrant waited until Judy left the room before he moved to his partners side. He gripped her cold hand between his calloused ones, mirroring the position he'd been sat in for the past three days.
"Come on, belle. Please wake up. Please."
"Don't you hate me?" Came her hoarse whisper.
Tarrant frowned in shock. "Belle...you're awake! W-why would I hate you?"
Belle's blue eyes fluttered open. "I'm a murdered."
"Belle! Don't be ridiculous, you are a champion...a hero!" Belle stayed silent. "Belle, you did what had to be done. You did exactly what was asked of you."
"You don't think I'm a monster?" Her voice was quiet, almost inaudible. Like a child being told off. Tarrant leant forward and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"Of course not. You're my champion."
Belle smiled. "But...what about Mirana. Iracebeth was her sister after all."
"Yeas. Mirana, although sorrowful, is extremely grateful of you. her only regret is that it had to end this way."
"I can understand." Belle attempted to prop herself up on her elbow but a jolt of pain laid her flat on her back again.
"The Chimera bit you." Tarrant's eyes flashed amber.
"Yeah, I know." More carefully, Belle sat up. Reaching forward she ran her fingers through Tarrant's untamable, fiery hair.
"How long have I been out?"
"3 days."
"How long have you been here?"
"3 days."
"Hatter...I hope you've been taking care of yourself."
"With a little help from Judy of course."
The two laughed, a loud happy laugh. A laugh that had never been heard under the rule of the red queen,

"Thank you again, champion."
"Underland will be forever in your debt."
Belle smiled at the many who made comment as they passed. Marmoreal was playing host to a celebratory dance in Honor of Belle. The evening, albeit fun, had exhausted the champion near to the point of fainting.
"Good evening, love."
Belle looked up to see Chess settling himself on the back of the chair opposite.
"Hello Chess."
"I've been sent by a certain mad milliner who's requested a dance with his champion."
Belle grinned and stood to make her way through the crowds.

"A little kitty tole me you wanted a dance."
Tarrant smiled but it wasn't his usual smile. "Yes, well I just thought, given the circumstances, that I should have the last dance before your off back home and-"
"Hatter, what on earth are you rambling about?"
"Well, I presumed you'd want to go back home now."
Belle placed her hands on Tarrant's cheeks. "I am home, Tarrant. Underland is my home now." Standing on tip-toe she pressed her lips firmly yo Tarrant's in a passionate kiss. When they pulled apart they stood forehead to forehead, Tarrant having to bend slightly. His strong arms were around her waist, her thin ones around his neck, her wounded shoulder protesting. She ignored the dull ache, her rosy pink eyes gazing into his.
"I love you, my champion." He whispered.
"I love you, my mad milliner."