Disclaimer: I still don't own iCarly, because if I did this would be an episode.

Sam's POV

I didn't know what to think, everything everyone was saying was sitting on the surface of my subconscious and refused to be absorbed in. I stared at the open can as I held it with two hands, the shower hadn't helped, everything still felt wrong, since when did Freddork fight my battles? Since when could he?

I wish it had just been another fight and it hadn't been someone I thought I could trust. Carlos wasn't the spotless choirboy, but he wasn't all bad, at first. I guess this had been going on for the past few weeks, he wanted something I wasn't ready to give. It started as light slaps, but he would apologize or say something sweet and no matter my rough persona he had me stuck.

It seemed if I even mentioned the word 'Love' any guy would run away, but Freddie had said he loved me, despite the hellacious torture I put him through. I am so confused. All I want is to curl up in bed and drift into a world much less real than this one, a world where my ribs weren't bruised, my eye wasn't swollen, and my bottom lip wasn't split.

Could I even love Freddie? I had to admit that my feelings towards him were mixed after that kiss on his fire escape, but really could I, Samantha Puckett love Freddie?

The smell of the bacon was making my stomach turn and roll. I was starving, but the thought of eating anything, including my favorite food, made me nauseous. Strangely I wanted Freddie here, I wanted to hit him, and scream at him; I wanted to hold him and cry into him. I was suddenly shocked with this realization.

'Freddie can't love me, 'I thought to myself 'I have done nothing but torture him for years.' But his words still haunted me. Tears began to snake my cheeks and I quickly brushed them away with the back of my hand. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, the unbeatable Sam Puckett reduced to a sniveling little girl at the very thought of the nerd, but he was my nerd.

Freddie was my hero; he saved me when he didn't have to. I still wanted to slap him for being a total nub and leaving me alone like this.

I think we all jumped when the thundering knock at the door caught us all off guard.

Spencer stood from his seat on the couch and went over to the door, opening it too slowly. An older man stood there, with salt and pepper hair, and a hard lined face. He was wearing a blue sport coat with black slacks and a white shirt. Spencer only had half the door open, all I could see was the old man so I turned back to Carly.

"Have you tried texting Freddie?" She only nodded, Spencer was speaking in a hushed tone.

"Thank you Detective" Spencer smiled and opened the door all the way. I heard a heavy sigh and turned my head to see Freddie standing in the doorway. His tee shirt was specked in blood, and I could tell his knuckles had been almost torn to shreds. My breath caught and I stood up immediately, running over to him. I slapped his cheek lightly and left my hand to rest there. He looked surprised.

"That's for leaving me alone, don't do it again nub" He smiled and opened his mouth to say something. I pressed my lips to his for the first time since the fire escape, although this kiss was much steamier as years of unacknowledged attraction began to flow, "I am not ready to say I love you Fredpork, but I don't hate you." Freddie just smiled, and thought for a second "That's good enough Sam."

A/N: This story developed after I watched the videos to Eminem's "Love the Way You Lie" and Skillet's "Hero" just a few too many times. And I might not own iCarly, but "Fredpork" is mine! J/K hope you enjoyed my RA insanity.