AN: Hello everyone I'm back with chapter 22 of Breathe of life hope you all will like this chapter? And one more things? I made a new story named: 'Death and Strawberry' is a Aizichi vampire mpreg like I promise that I will make, please tell me and give that one a review as well and tell me what you think of the story kay? I'm gonna go tried to make that Byaichi mpreg soon! ^^

Title: Breathe of Life

Pairing: Aizichi (Aizen x Ichigo)

Summary: Ichigo didn't know that falling in love with a Yazuka boss could lead into complication, hiding from his lover what will he do now that he made a big mistake that would lead into a misunderstanding situation?

Rate: M for smut and etc..

Warning: Mpreg, a bit of Character OCC's and a very AU story. Don't like Mpreg fan fic then don't read.

Disclaimer: Kor-chan doesn't own Bleach or the Bleach characters, they're all belonging to their rightful owner's and Bleach belongs to Tite Kubo, not me!

PS: Please go easy on me! I'm not an English girl! And this is my first time writing a Aizichi (Aizen x Ichigo) story so please, please, please do go easy on me and please read and review and tell me what you all think of this story, kay?

And I might need someone to BETA this story for me? If anyone is willing too that is, I'll be happy too and be truly grateful to whoever willing to edited this for me? ^_^

Well then shall we get on with the story?


Chapter 22: Kidnap!

Month later…

Everyone in Sosuke's mansion were all panicking as Ichigo wouldn't stop worrying and crying in his husband arms. "Ichigo-sama please clam down!.. I'm sure those bastard wouldn't do anything to harm your children!" Iiforte tried to calm the worried mother in his husband embrace "Clam down? You expect me to calm down while my two precious children been kidnap?" Ichigo asked in angry as he glared at Iiforte who shiver in fright at the overprotective and worried mother.

Sosuke sighed as he hugged his wife tightly, he too was worried about his two son, he couldn't believed that someone stolen and kidnap their toddler who is now 26 month old (Taisetsu) from school and kidnap their 5 moth old little Kou while sleeping in the nursery room, they were surprise on how the person got inside the mansion, not unless said person was part of his guardian?.

"Hush, my dear, will get them back, safe I promise you that." Sosuke said as Ichigo whimper. "S-Sosuke.. Please! I want them back, please, please get them back!" Ichigo said in a worried tone. Everyone where worried about him as Sosuke clamed his worried wife. He flashed a glance at the rest of his guardian.

"Szayel, do everything you can to track down those who kidnap our children fast, and check the rest of the new members of the Epsada for me to see if anyone is suspicious to you and report it to me as soon as you found one, understood?." He said. Szayel sighed and nodded his head and bowed down to their boss. "Hai, Aizen-sama." He said in a serious tone as he left the room.

"Ulquiorra, Stark, Hailbel! Go to Taisetsu's school and ask some of his teacher if they seen any suspicious person who be going there and stalking my son, understood?" he asked. "Hai, Aizen-sama." They said. "Good, now go!" he said as the three left. Everyone filched at their boss tone, he was furious and angry.

"Grimmjow, Nnoitra, Luppi and Yammy?" He called as the four went toward him and knee down, waiting for their order. "You four will bring me those new recruited members inside this mansion at once at my meeting room, I have a few word to ask them regardless of my two children missing, now go!" he said as the four nodded and left the room. "Tousen, Gin." He called his left and right hand-man. "Yes Taichou/Aizen-sama?" the two asked.

Sosuke sighed and message his forehead while keeping his worried wife clam down in his arms by rubbing his wife back who were sobbing and hiccupping in his arms. Both Gin and Tousen glanced in worried at the crying Ichigo in Sosuke's arms. "I want the two of you to look around Karakura's town for me to see if you found anyone that had my children and bring them back safely… And do whatever you want with whoever kidnap them? Understood? I don't care if you neither kill them just don't show it in front of the children and bring my children back safely un-harm, understood?" Sosuke order as the two nodded in understand and bowed down to him before leaving the room.

"Iiforte, Nel. Could you two take Ichigo to our bedroom and clam him down while I go deal with something?" he asked as the two nodded their head and took the crying teen in Sosuke's arms. But Ichigo didn't bug and gripped his husband sleeve firmly. "NO!. I want to go with you Sosuke! If you're going to look for the children then take me with you! Please!" he pledged.

Sosuke looked down at his wife before sighing and give up. "Very well then, come! You two Nel, Iiforte, I need the two of you to comfort him there while were going?" he said as the two nodded as they left alone with Sosuke and Ichigo elsewhere.


A 26 month old toddler and his baby brother were left in the playroom of their capture, alone with one person to keep an eye on them. "Menis! You make sure to keep those two away from anything pointed and make sure they won't escape?" a female voice asked. As Menis wave his hand at the girl. "Yea, yea! Just shoo already Loly!" the teen said. Loly glared at the other before going off else where.

Unkown to Menis the toddler, Taisetsu was playing with a yard ball in the playpen as he saw his water where busy playing with his psp as he smirked and waited still their capture had fallen asleep, about a few more minute Menis yawned and put his PSP down on the floor and took a nap, When they noticed this? Taisetsu began to drop the ball of yard out of the playpen as he began to climb out of the playpen, when he was out of the playpen? He went to grabbed the yard of ball, his baby brother Kou giggle and chuckle at his older brother as he watch Taiasetsu went toward their watcher as he began to tied their capture legs with the ball of yard, when the legs was completely tied? He went to tied the arms that was on their capture laps, when he was sure that their capture was completely tied up?

He went back to the playpen and opens the gate of the playpen to let his baby brother out as little Kou began to crawling toward his brother, when Kou was now closer to Taisetsu? They began to walk out of the door as they were surprise that the door wasn't closed or locked, Taisetsu deiced to crawl like his brother on their way out of their capture apartment as they saw the front door, wide open and began to crawl out the apartment, lucky that they were only in the first floor of the apartment as they went out of the apartment building when they saw that the gate to the backyard where open and went out.

When Loly came back to check on the babies and Menis? She saw Menis tied up by a yard ball and asleep as she looked at the playpen only to gape her mouth open and began to scream. "MENISS!" she yelled making Menis to wake up and felt to the floor all tied up. He yelped in pain when his face hit the floor.

"What the fuck? HEY! WHY AM'I ALL TIED UP?" He asked. "Don't ask me! What the heck happen? And where are the kids?" Loly asked. "The heck should I know? I only taking and few nap!" he said. "Well they're gone now!" She said. "WHAT?" he asked as he crawled to peak on the playpen to widen his eyes when he saw the playpen was widen open. "The heck? How did it—Taisetsu!" he yelled as he added. "I bet he also the one who tied me up too? That little bugger!" Menis said.

Just then Patros came in and asked. "How—what the heck is going on?" he asked as he look around and saw Menis all tied up in a yard of ball and the playpen where wide open. The two filched before looking away. Patros glared at them and know they failed to keep an eye on the two Aizen's children as he narrow his eyes and gritted his teeth. "YOU LOSE THEM? WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE! GO LOOK FOR THEM BEFORE BAISHIN-SAN CAME BACK…. NOW!" He yelled as the two began to shatter out to look for the two missing child they kidnap.

Menis crawl toward his boss and said. "Ah.. Patros-san… could you u-un-tie me?" he asked as Patros sighed and began to un-tied the teen free.

Soon the three went to look for the missing children, unknown to the three? Taisetsu and little Kou crawled all the way to the nearest Zoo of the apartment of their capture. Both Loly, Menis Patros screeched everywhere but they still couldn't fine the two little tyke, they were about to give up when they saw a handprint on the muddy floor as they follow it and end up in the nearest zoo near their apartment, the both glanced at each other before going inside to check if the two children where even inside.

To the three horror the two children where inside the cage of a panther, as the panther where happily played with the two young children as other panther lets the 5 month old played with his tail, while taisetsu where playing chase with the panther cub as he giggle happily, both their capture jaw dropped as they were shocked to see the two off them playing with a bunch of panther.

"Shit! How are we going to get them out of there without angering the panther?" Menis asked. Three tried to think of a plan, when they saw that both the panther and the children where sound asleep?

They soon began to get the two children out of there, Loly tried to snatch Kou from the cage carefully who was still holding the panther tail, when she almost had Kou? Kou began to grip his hold on the panther tail making the sleeping panther to wake up and blink his eyes before growling at Loly in warning making her froze on her spot as she began to sweat and deiced to lets the baby go only for his arms, to be held by the panther pawn as she looked up in the panther eyes as the panther grinned at her before beginning to roar in her face making her scream as well and making the two children who were sound asleep to wake up and began to cry loudly.

Everyone outside screamed too when they heard someone screaming inside the Zoo, both Kaname and Gin who were walking just outside near the zoo heard the scream and the children crying. "Wait! Isn't that Loly voice?" Gin asked. "And isn't that… T-Taisetsu voice crying?" Kaname asked before the two blinked then gasped as they run toward the Zoo, upon arrival there? They gasped as they saw Loly screaming at the panther who were roaring in front of her face as they went toward her only to gasped when they saw the two children of their boss.

"T-Taisetus?" Gin called as little Taisetsu open his eyes and stopped crying then began to giggle and went toward the front cage and reach for his arms up high to be picked up, Gin was about to go but was stopped when one of the panther wrapped his tail protective around Taisetsu's waist as it glared and growled in warning at him, making Gin to sweatdrop.

He glanced at Kaname for help who just blinked his eyes and turn toward him. "Well? What are we gonna do? How are we gonna get them out of there?" Gin asked as Kaname sighed and pull out his cellphone form his pocket and began to call someone.

After about 4 more ring, the person finally picked up the call and asked on the other side of the phone. "Yes? What is it Kaname?" a deep baritone voice asked. "Aizen-sama… Sorry, do disturbyou, but I would like to inform you that Ichimaru and I had found the children sir.." He Said. Aizen sighed on the other side of the Phone. "Finally, where are they?" he asked. Kaname sighed before began to explain. "Well… They are safe and un-harm.. But we have a little bit of a problem here, Aizen-sama…" He said as Aizen blinked on the other side of the phone and asked. "What kind of problem Kaname?" he asked as Kaname took a deep breath before explain everything to their boss. To say the less? Aizen was shocked to hear that their two children where at the zoo and inside the panther cage, so he deiced to go and see for himself as he bring his wife with him. While they waited for Aizen to came? Kaname couldn't help but stare in suspicious at the three members of their mafia, both Loly, Menis and Patros where both a lower ranking mafia members they had.

He wanted to ask them what they were doing here but deiced it against it and deiced to keep it quite still their boss came. Not sooner or later their boss came alone with Ichigo as they saw Ichigo gasped in pure worried when he saw his two son inside the panther cage as he went toward it carefully and began to call his two children.

"Taisetsu! Kou!" he called. Upon hearing their mother's voice both Taisetsu and Kou stopped crying and looked up and smiled when their saw their mother. "MAMA!" Taisetsu called. The panther looked down at him before going to look back up at Ichigo then back at the children and blink it eyes before sniffing at Ichigo's scent, the panther could tell that this young human was the children's parents. The only reason why the panther scream at Loly's face because it could smell that Loly wasn't this two children parents or part of the family by smelling their scent.

The panther how wrapped his tail around little Kou picked up the 5 month old baby through it hoodie carefully and went toward Ichigo and hand the baby back to him as Ichigo blinked his eyes before gladly having his child in his arms and hug him tightly and hug him closer to him. "Oh gosh! I'm glad you're safe my little one!" Ichigo said as little Kou began to coo happily when he was now in his mother's hold and not on the unknown stranger.

"Mama!" Taisetsu called as Ichigo looked up and smiled at his eldest son as he hand his youngest child to his father's arms who gladly had his youngest child in his arms. The panther who was protecting and wrapping it tail around Taisetsu finally loosen his hold on the boy and lets him go as Ichigo soon began to pick up the little toddler in his arms and embrace his eldest child closely to him as he lavish Taisetsu's with kisses who giggle and hugged his mother.

Soon they noticed that Loly and the other two were still their look all nervous as Aizen narrow his eyes at the three of them. "What the three of you doing here?" he asked as both Loly, Menis and Patros all began to sweat in worried, and panicked. Loly was about to say something when Szayel came in and told them the shocking new. To say the less Aizen was furious and so as Ichigo as the two parents glared in anger at the three of them.

"Ichigo, dear.. Go stay inside the limo alone with the child and keep them safe and close the window… I have something to deal with the three of this." Sosuke said softly to his wife who nodded his head and understanding as he hand Taisetsu to Nel and went toward his husband to pick up Kou as both Nel, Ichigo with his children in their arms went out of the Zoo alone with Iiforte as they went inside the limo, Nel soon began to turn on the radio.

Soon everyone outside expect for Ichigo and the other inside the limo all heard a loud scream of pain from the back side of the Zoo ally, both Loly, Menis and Patros where laying beaten down on the Zoo ally floor as they were beaten to a puddle by Aizen's men as Aizen smirked in joy at their poorly expression. When both Grimmjow, Ulquiorra and Nnoitra where done beating the three? They went back to the car as Aizen went inside the limo and saw his two children where sound asleep in their mother's arms, Ichigo looked up in worried at his husband and asked.

"You didn't kill them did you, dear?" Ichigo asked worried as Sosuke shook his head. "Do not worried my dear, I did not told my men to kill them, but to teach them a lesson.. they are not dead but harmed and had a broken ribs or soo, nothing serious.." Sosuke said as he went toward and sat beside his wife and kissed his two children forehead before they head back home.

Back at the Ally of the Zoo, both Loly and Menis moaned in pain. "That it! I'm quitting! I'm never ever going to agree with Baishin in trying to kidnap those damn brat!" Menis, to say they less? They learned their lesson, they will never ever again tried to kidnap and angry Aizen for dear life.


Me: uh… Hope this chapter is okay? O.o

Gin: … It was a fine chapter kor-chan…. So? Only few more chapter to go right?

Me: Yup! Only 2 or three more chapter before this story is over and complete! ^^

Gin: aww.. I'm gonna miss this story.. But oh well. ^^

Me: By the way I made a new story called 'Death and Strawberry' is an Aizichi vampire mpreg story like I promise that I will make so please read that one too and tell me what you all think of the story kay? Well the all for now see you all in the next chapter, read and review everyone okay?

Gin: Well then bai-bai for now see you all in the next chapter! ^^