A/N: I'm not publishing this as a cross over because it is more like glee with the doctor thrown in and, really he can appear anywhere, anytime. (That, and I'm technologically challenged, I didn't do it right and now I don't know how to fix it short of re-publishing everything.) If this bugs you, I'm sorry, but also I'm lazy. And the lazy is winning out, and will be for the foreseeable future.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or Doctor Who.

So this was Dalton Academy.

It was bigger than he remembered it, and way more menacing.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder, and Kurt jumped with fright, a reflex honed by years at McKinley. As he turn he saw Blaine standing there, looking just as surprised at Kurt's reaction as Kurt was at Blaine's presence.

"Hi." Kurt said nervously fidgeting with the strap of his bag. Why did Blaine have to look so tempting and kind and comfortable? Comfortable? Where did Kurt get that from? It wasn't like Blaine was a sofa...

But if he was Kurt would totally curl up on him.

"Hey." Damnit! Kurt should have said that. 'Hey' was way cooler than just plain old 'hi'. Blaine raised an eyebrow. "I like your jacket."He said as the corner of his mouth twitched.

Kurt ran his hands down his uniform, trying to smooth out imagined wrinkles. "HA. Very funny." He should like it. Blaine never wore anything else except his uniform. Ever.

Blaine put on his cheesy 'you know you love me' smile. Kurt blushed; even Blaine's smile knew that Kurt loved him. Was he really that obvious?

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand. "Come on. I'll show you around," like Kurt could even form thoughts to disagree when Blaine's warm fingers were wrapped so snugly around his.

A few hours later Kurt wasn't so charmed.

"Blaine! Can we take a break? I swear that my legs are going to fall off soon. And as much as I would LOVE to see ANOTHER memorial garden, this bag is heavy. Is there somewhere I could put it?"

Blaine seemed completely thrown off. Of course Kurt could have imagined it because a second later he was being steered towards one of the several imposing buildings.

"You must be tired. I'll show you your room for the time being. It's not too far. Watch your step." With that Kurt was ushered up marble stairs into, yet another, grand hall.

Kurt noted the larger than life paintings, which, if he wasn't mistaken, were Rococo, and the sober marble busts of prestigious looking men, which Kurt had a sudden urge to draw fake moustaches on for some inexplicable reason.

On the third floor Blaine whips the two of them around a corner and stops fast. Kurt is hard pressed to keep from running into him, and pressing his chest against his broad back and that was without all the forward momentum now acting on him.

"Sorry," Kurt mumbles insincerely while his hands press against the older boy's blazer.

Blaine flashes him a smile, opens the door with a flourish and steps aside to let Kurt into the room first.

It was a single room and well furnished, for a dorm, but what Kurt first noticed was the large window that coved most of the back wall. Kurt dropped his bag and walked towards the window transfixed.

Below the window was a charming court-yard with a few boys hanging around in the sunshine before their next class and a large fountain surrounded by grass. It was so serene, and all his now, this view, this new bully-free life. Everything seemed so beautiful to Kurt right at that moment. He felt his eyes fill with all the unshed tears, all the pain that he had been hanging on to. And then he let it all go, washed away as the tears ran down his face.

Without making a sound Blaine closed the door and had come to stand beside Kurt, so close that they were almost brushing shoulders.

"Stunning," was all Blaine said. Kurt scrubbed at his eyes, erasing the tears so that Blaine would see him crying.

Blaine turned to face him and reach out a hand to take the hand that Kurt was using to erase the tears. Blaine tugged on it, turning Kurt too so that they were face to face.

And a very handsome face it was.

"You know Kurt, it was not that long ago I was in your shoes" Kurt looks down at the regulation shoes with a worried look on his face. Then back to Blaine. "Not literally" Blaine rolled his sparkling hazel eyes and moved an inch closer. "I meant being new here, it's hard." Blaine looked up at him through dark lashes, voiced filled with soft sympathy. "Sometimes I still feel like the new kid."

"Really? You look so... at home with the other Warblers." Kurt could smell the gel Blaine used, minty and musky at the same time, and could feel the heat radiating off his body.

"I'm getting there. And you will too. In a month's time you will fit in just like the rest of us."

"Promise?" .

"Yes Kurt, I do." Kurt was breathless and Blaine leaned closer still. Testing. Tempting. "Kurt?"

"Yes," Kurt breathed.

This was going to happen. Kurt could feel the inevitable tingle in his lips as Blaine's eyes came to rest on them. They were almost itchy; Kurt bit the inside of his lip trying to relieve some of the soft ache.

Blaine was going to kiss him. Kurt shivered.

Blaine leaned in closer and Kurt could hear the stead rhythm of the other boys breath and the whirling of his-

Wait, what, whirling?

Kurt's eyes shifted to the left slightly; out of the window he caught sight of a strange blue box. But then it disappeared. Did he dream it?

Nope. There it was again.

Blaine pulled away, trying to follow Kurt's gaze out the window.

"What is it?" Blaine asked.

"Just wait," Kurt looked back out the window. "Give me a minute?" There was now a man getting out of the box. He was so confused.

"Kurt. Please stay." But I was too late Kurt was already out the door.

Dalton was not McKinley, but come on. This MUST be out of the ordinary. Kurt rushed out of the dorm he had to get a closer look. Down the stairs he swept, to the down stairs hallway that was now filled with students.

There he saw the strange man from the blue box was walking down the hall dressed in a pin stripped suit and a brown trench coat. Kurt stopped dead in his tracks. Not only was the man dressed oddly, but he was doing the strangest thing. He kept going to random people as they walked, putting one hand through their hair, stretching it as far up as it would go and shining a blue light into the roots of their hair with the other one. He then proceeded to peer into their hair before moving on. The oddest part of the whole thing was that the other Dalton students didn't seem to notice.

Fascinated, Kurt watched the man approach him and shine the light on his scalp-

"WHAT do you think you're doing?" he snapped. No one touched his hair. Ever. Except for maybe Blaine. But that was it.

"Kurt! Sorry I didn't notice you under that hair! How are you! I finally got the Jumdells under control! All it took was some of the hand lotion you gave me! Go figure! Made 'em soft as kittens again!"This man was far too chipper, not to mention confusing. "So, what are you doing in a place like this?"

A/N: Rococo? Get it? I'm being artistically symbolic. No? *long suffering sigh*... oh well.

There also may have been a song I was listening to that typed itself into the story. (I don't own it either)

If you have any suggestions or things you think I should put in. Tell me!