Rainbow Dragon Pride

Hello again, GX fans! I suppose you're all wondering why there hasn't been an update of Darkness Falls the past few months. Well, the long and short of it is that life and my emotional state got in the way. So to all of you who still read and love the series, it will be finished to its logical conclusion and its sequel, Dawn Breaks, will follow. So yes, you will see our heroes finally get married. And if you read and hate the series, stop reading! Peach laughs a little If I hate a series, I stop reading or watching. So those of you who read and love, I look forward to seeing you again.

Now why would I bring up Darkness Falls, you ask? You see, dear readers, this latest story is part of this version of the Yugi-verse. How many of you wonder about what Chazz did while away at North Academy? I know I did. And my co-author, 15animefreak15 wondered as well. On April 6, 2010, we came up with a story that answered that question and also dealt with the issue of bullying and intolerance of homosexuals. It also dealt with what happens when you're merely accused of being different. We hope you enjoy this tale.

Usual boring disclaimer: Last I checked, I wasn't anyone who owned the actual Yugi-verse. I am not part of Toei Animation, TV Tokyo, NAS, Studio Gallop, 4Kids Entertainment or Konami. So no, I don't own it. But I do own this story as well as my other tales and if you use it in any way without my permission, that is not okay.

Acknowledgments: I thank everyone who collaborated on this story and all of you who continue to favorite and encourage me to keep writing.

Author's notes: This story takes place not long after the events of "How We Met" in the Peach Wookiee/15animefreak15/Lobo Argost version of the Yugi-verse and significantly before Chazz returned to Duel Academy. Is this canon? If it were, it'd be on TV or in the manga. Further, we also added in the possibility that North Academy was a coed institution. The girls who got in would have to be pretty tough. This is also a dub-verse tale. Finally, this is in Peach and Ani's timeline, so this story begins in 2016.

Warning: Vulgar language and very uncomfortable situations. Numerous slurs are also present, but certain words are spelled with asterisks. Our more astute readers will be able to tell what those words are. Further, the insults have actually been heard by your co-authors against gays or people suspected of being so, true or not. This is rated T, but the rating can be upped if it is deemed necessary.

Chazz Princeton, formerly of Duel Academy Central, found himself once again at the top of a school's proverbial food chain. He'd only been at this school a week and he felt like he was running the place. Life was good. He'd dueled everyone at this school and won... Wait a second... I haven't dueled Twin Slacker or Collins and Stoyko yet! he realized, stopping dead in his tracks on the main street between the dorms.

"Crap, gonna be late, gonna be late! Missi's gonna kill me!" Chazz's thoughts were interrupted by the nervous mutterings of another student running around the corner. He was rather average compared to some of the large, buff boys at the school, but wore the same heavy uniform that included a large, brown leather jacket with the school's emblem. Alan Blakeman had short, spiky black hair and brown eyes, and was most likely muttering about his girlfriend. He didn't even seem to notice Chazz as he made to run past the other boy.

"Hey, Alan!" Chazz called out to the big boy.

Said student stumbled, kicking up dirt as he turned around to face Chazz. He ran in place, arms pumping as if to show he was obviously in a hurry. "Hey, Chazz. No offense, but whatever it is, can you make it fast? If I'm not at the main building in the next two minutes, Missi'll have my head," he said quickly.

"Look, Alan, I realized I haven't dueled everybody here. Why haven't I dueled Anderson?" He might've asked about Jeremy Collins and Nick Stoyko, but chose not to.

As if a switch had been flipped, Alan's eyes abruptly widened and he came to a standstill. He stared at Chazz for a few moments, blinking in obvious surprise and hesitation. "...Anderson? You mean... You don't know? You've been here a whole week... I'm surprised no one's told you... Or that you haven't figured it out for yourself," he began awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. He glanced off to the side, clearly not eager to have this conversation.

"What do you mean? I mean, I know he's kind of weird," Chazz began. He wasn't sure why in the world Alan suddenly looked so nervous.

"Well, yeah, he's weird!" Alan's discomfort turned to exasperation, as if the answer to Chazz's question was obvious. Glancing around with a frown, he stepped a bit closer to the slighter boy and cupped a hand over his mouth. "C'mon, Chazz. You can't be that oblivious... Anderson's... well, he's gay," he whispered.

Whatever Chazz had been expecting, it wasn't this. "What do you mean, gay?" he asked. "He dresses nice..."

Alan sighed, annoyed now as he ran a hand through his spiked hair. "Yeah, that's a part of it. But come on. Chazz, he acts like it, too! The way he talks, his hand motions... I even hear he wears lip gloss. Lip gloss! And, I mean... Don't tell me you already forgot what he did on the first day you were here?" he explained, beginning to lose patience.

"Uh... he gave me CPR?" Chazz muttered, bewildered. Oddly, he remembered the taste of... cherry lip gloss.

"Exactly! Man, he totally used that as an excuse to kiss you! I bet if the rest of us weren't there, he would've gone further..." Alan grimaced at this, obviously too grossed out to even continue the thought. "Anyway, that's why you haven't needed to duel him. I mean... You can ask almost anyone. He's gay. Not really included in the rankings, at least to most of the other guys. I'd stay clear of him if I were you."

Chazz blinked. Why would he steer clear of Twin Slacker because he was gay? And so he asked, "So what if he's gay?"

Alan blinked back. "So what if he's gay? So what if he's gay? Well, he... I mean... he's... um," he stammered, frowning. He paused, tried once more to answer, but failed and was forced to pause again. Glancing at his watch, Alan's eyes widened. "Look, it's just freaky and weird and abnormal, all right? Take my advice. If you're smart, you won't hang out with him. I gotta go! Missi's gonna rip my head off and feed it to the fish!" he said quickly. Alan then turned on his heel and ran off without giving Chazz a real answer at all.

Chazz couldn't believe what he'd just heard. Sure, not that long ago, saying what Alan had just said would have been acceptable. But this was 2016! The raven-haired boy decided to ask the teal-haired teen about it at the next possible opportunity. Sure enough, it arose almost immediately. Jesse was walking down the street in Chazz's direction. Chazz was about to call out to him when... "Hey, Jesse Fairy!" a large brown-haired boy called out. "How's your boyfriend?"

Jesse stopped in his tracks, though from behind it would seem he was completely normal. However, obvious hurt flashed across his face, though it was smothered with an intake of air and a grin as he turned to face the boy. "My girlfriend's doin' just fine, Roy! Thanks for askin'!" he answered cheerfully. Jesse then turned around— too fast— and continued to walk, though now he was obviously tenser than before. Roy snickered and muttered among his pals.

But Chazz ran up to Jesse. "Hey, Anderson!"

Jesse tensed even more as he stopped again, fists clenched as he whipped around. "Look, I told you I— oh! Chazz, it's you. What's up?" His expression of anger and frustration instantly evaporated into cheerful relief upon sight of his friend.

"What was that all about?" the raven-haired teen asked, his own question shelved.

Jesse blinked, then frowned as he glanced away. "Oh, that? It's nothin'. Just the guys messin' around... you know how it is," he replied, tone strained. He rubbed the back of his neck, as uncomfortable about the topic as Alan had been earlier.

"Well, you're not gay, then." It wasn't a question.

The look on the Southern teen's face was a cross between shock and confusion. "Wh-what? O' course I'm not! Who told ya I was? Whoever it was, they were lyin'! I have a girlfriend! Gosh darn it," he exclaimed in a rush. The pure fear that shone in Jesse's eyes would make a horror author squeal, though the reason for it being there was unknown.

"Look, Anderson, if you were, I wouldn't care. Gay or straight, you're cool," Chazz answered calmly.

For a few long moments, Jesse could only stare at Chazz in obvious amazement. Then a fresh grin formed on his face, and he practically glomped the other with his hug. "Gee, Chazz. I can't tell ya how glad I am to hear that... I don't often," he stated, genuine appreciation in his voice. Jesse pulled back, but kept his hands on Chazz's shoulders as he turned slightly serious. "But really, I'm not. I got a girl back home. Not that I've got anythin' wrong with 'em. I agree with ya there. But... well..." He frowned again as he glanced over at the group of boys who'd teased him. "...Not everyone believes me... or thinks like that... In fact, not too many people do here…"

"I believe you... Why do they think you're gay?"

Jesse scoffed, moving his hands to his hips as his teal brows furrowed. "Some hogwash about the way I talk and act, and the way I move my hands. Oh, and the way I dress. And... uh..." He paused, cheeks heating up a bit as he sweat-dropped and tugged nervously on a lock of his hair.

"You wear lip gloss," Chazz stated bluntly.

Jesse face-planted. "H-h-how did ya know?" he asked, grin sheepish as he stood up.

Chazz flushed a little bit. "I tasted it after you gave me CPR. Cherry or strawberry?"

Jesse sighed. "Sorry about that. It's cherry... I wear it 'cause my lips get really chapped up here in the cold. And, well... Will loves cherries..."

"Will?" the other boy asked blankly. That was a boy's name!

Jesse blinked, confused for a moment. "Yeah, Will." He seemed to understand as he trailed off, and he quickly waved his hands in front of him defensively. "Oh! Ya think-? No, no! My gal's name is Willow. But she likes goin' by Will as a nickname. She's kinda tomboyish. Best gal on her curlin' team!" he explained proudly.

"Oh, okay... Sorry, Twin Slacker," Chazz apologized. "That just caught me off guard. Man, you've got it rough..."

Jesse frowned. "Not as rough as some people at this school..."

Chazz's eyebrows raised. "I'm heading to the snack bar. Do you want to join me? We can keep talking..."

Jesse smiled and smacked Chazz on the back good-naturedly. "Sure thing, bud! Let's go. I suppose it's best if ya found this out from me."

"Okay. So... who has it rougher?" he asked after a long moment of silence as they walked in the brisk air. Jesse didn't answer, though his face darkened as if a cloud had briefly covered the sun. Chazz waited another moment and then decided to be direct. "Jesse, is somebody here gay?"

Jesse sighed. "Yeah, Chazz... Two guys, as a matter of fact. You ain't dueled 'em either, have you?"

Chazz thought carefully. None of the boys he'd met seemed gay. Then again, he hadn't asked. "Who is it?"

"Jeremy Collins and Nikolai Stoyko. You probably didn't know 'cause they've had to be more careful with their relationship. They used to be open about it, but... that's when the trouble started," Jesse explained, keeping his voice down and pausing if they passed someone. He was obviously nervous about being overheard; the same way everyone seemed to be on-edge about this topic.

Chazz blinked again. "You don't mean..." He'd heard of cases in the world where gay couples were hounded, beaten and even killed. That something was happening here... That hurt.

Jesse nodded. "Mostly verbal stuff, but... there were a few times they got hurt... Mostly Nick, 'cause he'd real protective of Jeremy. Luckily, I ain't gotten hurt yet, mainly 'cause they can't prove nothin'."

Chazz shivered slightly as a cold wind suddenly blew through the street. But part of the shiver wasn't from the cold. "How bad?" He was thinking of what he'd learned at Duel Academy Prep about intolerance against homosexuals in his history books. He'd learned about the beating death of Matthew Shepard and it had actually made him sick.

"No broken bones, thank God. Just bloody noses, bruises, black eyes... I think it helped that Nick isn't exactly a pushover, and Jeremy's no beanpole either. But still... it's never an even fight." Jesse bit his lip as he remembered coming across the couple once after a really bad scuffle had occurred.


It had been in September before Chazz had arrived. "Jeremy... Want to go to the snack bar?" Nick Stoyko asked his boyfriend, smiling. "I hear they have great hot chocolate."

Jeremy Collins grinned, holding the taller boy's hand tightly in his own as they walked. Having grown up in Alaska, he was used to the cold, and actually found the day to be rather warm. He wore his jacket tied around his waist, showing off his black and white-striped sweater. His blond hair fell to his shoulders, and his blue eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of hot cocoa. "That sounds great, Nick! I heard they even have special toppings like whipped cream and caramel."

Nick Stoyko, by contrast, had spiky black hair tipped with purple dye and bright green eyes. He was thinner than Jeremy and taller as aforementioned. He, too, had been raised in Alaska and he and Jeremy had been together since they were in seventh grade. But unlike Jeremy, Nick got cold easily. Today he wore a black sweater and a bright green jacket and two layers of pants. "Yeah... Beats those cold nights when we were out of the stuff while doing homework, right?"

Jeremy shivered. "Brr, yeah. That's one thing I miss from home. Cuddling up under that special blanket my mom gave me," he replied, smiling at the pleasant memory.

"Yeah," Nick remembered. "We had our first kiss under that blanket."

Jeremy blushed a little at that, but his reply was interrupted by another voice. "Your first kiss? What? That's gross!" called someone from up ahead. Three boys stood about a yard away from the couple, either grimacing or sneering.

Nick flushed. He'd never experienced this, but had read about it. "Why?" he asked.

The boy in the middle had brown hair, his bangs hiding one of his gray eyes from view. "Isn't it obvious? You're both guys! And you kissed? What the heck?" he answered, making a face.

Jeremy's face burned red as he gripped Nick's hand a bit tighter, his other hand clenching into a fist. "H-hey, that's not right! So what if we're both guys? Two guys can love each other, too! Gender doesn't matter!"

"Yeah, it does!" another of the three yelled. "It's against nature! And it's against God!"

Jeremy jerked back as if slapped; that one had hurt. As if sensing the blow, the brunette spoke up again to feed the fire. "He's right! You two should be ashamed! Prancing around like this, holding hands... Why don't you just act like men and get girlfriends already?"

"Because we were born this way! We're men like you," Nick answered with a little heat in his voice.

"Oh yeah? Then prove it! I bet you hit like a girl, seeing as you act like one!" The last guy, who hadn't spoken yet, taunted.

Jeremy sensed the anger rising up in his boyfriend and squeezed his hand. "Nick, c'mon... let's just leave," he murmured, worried.

Nick nodded. "Yeah, let's go. They're not worth it."

With another light tug, Jeremy managed to turn his aggravated boyfriend around. However, before they could get far, it became quite clear that things wouldn't be that easy. "Hey, you little f**s! Don't you just walk away from us!" shouted the brunette. The three had closed the distance between themselves and the couple, and Jeremy gasped as he was roughly shoved in the back. His hand came loose from Nick's and he fell to his stomach in the dirt, hissing lightly in pain.

"Look! The little f***** can't even walk straight!" exclaimed one of the others, and they all laughed.

Nick's eyes blazed. "What the heck do you think you're doing?" His fists clenched, ready to defend his boyfriend if necessary. The guy who had said that their relationship was "against God" threw another punch, hitting Nick. Nick punched back.

Jeremy gasped, scrambling to his feet. "N-Nick, stop, I'm okay! Leave him alone! Stop fighting!" he shouted, eyes wide. However, he wasn't about to leave his boyfriend in a three-against-one fight, seeing as they wouldn't listen. Jeremy jumped into the fray as well, though the odds were still against them. Strange how it seemed no one was around; no teachers, no students. Fists flew and more insults were exchanged, but somehow the couple managed to tire the three out enough that they ran off eventually.

The couple was injured nastily. "Do... do we go to the nurse?" Nick coughed, feeling his right eye beginning to swell.

"I... I think we have to, Nick," Jeremy groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose in an effort to stop the blood flow.

"Man... how could they do that?" Nick asked, his head beginning to spin. He had been hit in the head and might have a slight concussion.

Jeremy moved his hand from his bruised side to hold Nick's again, squeezing it a little. "B-because they could... I was worried this might happen," he murmured sadly.

Just then, someone finally came into view, none other than Jesse Anderson. "Hey, Nick! Hey, Jer- HOLY SMOKES! What the heck happened?" he yelped mid-sentence. His friendly grin turned into a worried frown as he ran over to the injured couple.

Nick fell to his knees at this moment. "Just some guys... Jesse... We need to see the nurse."

Jesse paled slightly, but shook it off and quickly helped Nick to his feet. "I understand. C'mon, I'll help ya there. Just try to stay conscious."

Jeremy also helped support his boyfriend, though he limped as he did so. "Thanks, Jesse..."


Chazz's eyes couldn't have been any wider at the end of Jesse's tale than they were. "They just... beat up on them? Unprovoked? Tell me those jerks didn't get away with it!"

Jesse crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, they felt they couldn't report it 'cause of how small the school is..."

Chazz thought about it. 'At DA Central, those guys would get expelled, but... If enough of the student body thought like those jerks, I'd be scared too...' "Yeah, I can see why... But they can't just get away with that! It's wrong!"

"It is. But it's hard to do anythin' about it when there's only a handful of people on your side. Some of the students are against gays and the ones who aren't on either side avoid the conflicts all together. Pretend they aren't there," Jesse explained, a mixture of anger and sadness swirling in his blue-green eyes.

"And you've gotten caught because you match a stereotype..."

He grimaced. "Yeah... but like I said, it's just some teasin'. I can deal with that. I'm more worried about Nick and Jeremy."

"But..." Chazz took a deep breath, unsure of what to say next. This was an unusual position for him to be in. What do I say? he thought wildly. The Chazz doesn't just hop in and say, "Gee! Of course I'll help!" That's something Slacker would say! Outwardly, he frowned, a combination of anger, frustration and sadness.

Jesse blinked at the sudden change in Chazz's expression, scratching his head in confusion. "Uh, Chazz? You okay, bud?" he asked, worried.

The dark-haired teen regarded the teal-headed Southern boy for a moment before answering. At this moment, his resemblance to Jaden was even stronger. "Yeah, yeah. I'm just thinking about how to deal with this, Twin Slacker. It's not right."

"Oh, okay. Well, there's not much ya can do, Chazz... I hate to say it, but unless you're there when this stuff happens, it's hard to help," the other boy explained dejectedly. The boys walked on to the snack bar and got a few treats, sitting down at a small table out of the way.

"Look, Jesse," Chazz said when they were seated, "there's got to be something that can be done." He was talking in a low voice, but evidently someone took that as an invitation.

"Hey, Jesse, have you found a new boyfriend? Does he like your lip gloss?" taunted a very large blonde boy with brown eyes.

Jesse winced, obviously pained by the comment, but merely clenched his fists and grinned at the other boy. "'Course not, Jamie. Just hangin' with the new guy. Nothin' different from what y'all are doin'," he answered. However, there was an obvious strain in his voice as he gestured at the other boys sitting with Jamie.

Jamie smirked. At that moment a teacher walked into the room. "Everything okay here, boys?" he asked, having not heard anything but seen Jesse's strained expression.

"Yes, sir," Jamie said easily.

"Okay, carry on..."

Jesse sighed as the teacher left, resting his head in one of his hands. "Ya see, Chazz? Nothin' to do but grin and bear it. Somethin' Pa always told me," he whispered.

But something told Chazz it wasn't over. "You can only grin and bear it for so long," he answered softly. "That guy's planning something..."

Jesse blinked, straightening in surprise and curiosity at his friend's words. "Huh? What do ya mean, Chazz? How can ya tell?" he questioned, but kept his voice low.

Chazz's eyes narrowed. He couldn't tell Twin Slacker about his life. Heck, he hadn't told anyone, especially not original Slacker! "I just know. We're gonna have to watch our backs..."

Jesse glanced over at the group of boys, though he himself couldn't see anything different from what he always saw. "Well, all right, Chazz. I still don't know what ya think they're gonna do, but I was raised not to ignore advice from a friend," he replied at last, smiling.

The students went on about their day, taking classes, playing around and doing what they normally did. Alan met with his girlfriend, Missi, an African-American girl from Seattle. "Alan, are you all right? You seem tense," she observed. Today she was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a white turtleneck and a shocking pink sweater.

Alan sighed, moving to put his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders. Seeing as the school had only ten girls and forty-four boys— likely because of the rigorous, dangerous entrance exam— he was lucky to have gotten Missi to date him. "I'm fine, Missi. Just got a lot on my mind," he muttered, gaze unfocused.

She twirled one of her soft curls around her finger, a nervous gesture. "Alan... if something's going on, I wish you'd tell me. But let's go play some rugby..."

He inwardly sighed in relief, grinning as he pulled her a bit closer to him. "Now you're talkin'. It'll warm us up a little and I can teach you some new moves I learned," he replied eagerly, glad for the change of subject.

Something told Missi that Alan was hiding something big from her. But how big wouldn't be clear until the next day. They played rugby, had dinner and then after dinner, the girls headed to their cabin while the boys headed to their cabins. Jesse lived in one cabin with nine other boys and on this night, he did what he usually did to get ready for bed.

Chazz seemed real worried... maybe it was just too much for him to take all at once. I bet he's just over-reactin'. I'll challenge him to a duel tomorrow. Maybe that'll cheer him up! Jesse thought as he pulled on his pajamas, having just finished a nice, hot shower. He'd had a long day and was looking forward to a good night's sleep in his soft, warm bed.

He climbed into bed and had snuggled down when his roommates came around his bed. "Hey, Fairy Anderson," a burly red-haired boy said.

Oh, great. Of all the times, the Southern teen groaned in his head. Not in the mood for what he figured was more harmless teasing, Jesse rolled over in his bed and didn't even open his eyes. "Aw, c'mon, fellas. Not now... it's way too late for this stuff. Do it tomorrow," he muttered through a tired yawn.

"Oh, it's the perfect time for this... And just think, you may get to live out a fantasy, you f*****g f*****," a boy with Day-Glo green hair grinned cruelly. Two of the boys grabbed him holding his arms. Two other held his legs.

As soon as those two F words flew out of the boy's mouth, Jesse's eyes snapped open and he whipped around to see who had the guts to insult him so blatantly. But before he could even turn around fully, he suddenly found himself pinned. "What the-? Get off of me! What in tarnation do y'all think you're doin'?" he shouted angrily. Jesse struggled, and perhaps he could have gotten away from two boys, but four was simply too much. As quickly as his anger was flared, it was being replaced by fear and confusion. Immobilization and an unfamiliar situation would make any person nervous.

What followed was perhaps the most savage beating Jesse had ever gotten. He'd been in his share of fist fights in junior high (his father had taught him to fight back) and most often come off the better. But tonight, he couldn't fight back. Five boys started punching. "This is what you get for being an abnormality," one of the punchers shouted.

Jesse could do nothing as the blows rained down on his unprotected body, biting down hard on his lip so as not to scream from the pain. He knew that was what these people craved, knew it would only egg them on. The only time he opened his mouth was to reply and try to talk sense into his attackers. "L-last time I checked, urgh, gangin' up on a g-guy and— argh— beatin' him in his own bed was an ABNORMALITY!"

"Well, maybe you like this," one of his attackers smirked, touching where he shouldn't. "Yeah, I'll bet you want this..."

Jesse's eyes widened and his face drained of color, aside from where he'd been punched. He'd heard stories about physical assault evolving into sexual assault in the more brutal attacks against men even suspected of being gay. What the teen had just done sent a whole new jolt of fear through him and made him double his efforts to break free of his attackers. "Aw, th-that's sick! Stop! I've got a gal back home!"

"Yeah, right," the guy grinned cruelly. But he withdrew. The punching continued for a good five minutes.

Finally, when Jesse was a bloody mess, they stopped. "Think twice about your lifestyle, fairy," the red-headed attacker growled like an angry panther.

Jesse only coughed a little and groaned in response, eyes closed as his body instinctively curled in upon itself in case his attackers decided to keep going. His entire body throbbed all over, though some parts of it had gone numb. He wasn't even sure where exactly he was bleeding because it had gotten smeared over his front, and he knew he had two black eyes. Jesse could only hope they'd leave and give him a chance to find help; there was no way he could make it to the nurse on his own. And he didn't want to risk staying here one more minute.

And as the nine boys, including a rather guilt-ridden Alan, headed to the bathroom to clean up the evidence of what they did, Jesse crept out of the room. He staggered out into the main street, pain ripping through his body with every step. "Bi-bi," Ruby Carbuncle called out in concern. Her friend, her littermate was in pain and there was nothing she could do to help him.

Meanwhile, on the porch of the dorm right across from Jesse's sat Chazz. 'Man,' he thought. How do I stand up to this? Slade would say I shouldn't do what's politically unpopular... But I can't just... His mind was a jumble.

Jesse knew exactly where he was going. He wasn't expecting the person he was looking for to be awake, let alone sitting outside. Coughing slightly, he looked up through one half-open eye and saw Chazz on the porch of his cabin. The amount of relief that flooded through Jesse in that moment was indescribable. "Ch-Chazz," he called weakly, stumbling a little. There was the slightest of blood trails behind him, but nothing serious.

In fact it was so weak, Chazz didn't hear it. However, he just happened to be looking in the right place at the right time. "Oh, my God! Jesse!" he shouted, running off the porch right to the other boy. He quickly moved to support the teal-head as Jesse was clearly beginning to weaken. "What the hell happened?"

Jesse grimaced as his bruised arm and side smarted with the contact, though he largely ignored it and leaned heavily on Chazz. "L-long... story... got... b-beat up," he mumbled, exhausted. He could barely keep his eyes open as they made their way toward Chazz's cabin.

"Let's get you lying down! And I'm going to get the nurse. Dammit," he growled.

"Mmhmm... Thanks..." The Southern boy's words were barely understandable as he practically collapsed onto the large couch in the main common room of the cabin. He lost consciousness soon after, unable to stay awake any longer.

Yes, this is a cliffhanger. What is the extent of damage to our teal-headed young man? What will Chazz do now? In fact, what will happen to the students who perpetrated this crime? Will the school become cuddly toward homosexuals as in a TV movie? Will it be like an episode of Glee? Or will it be somewhere in between? You'll have to return to see. So until then, please read and review. Thank you!