"Gah, detention on Christmas Eve, what the hell does Petreson think he's playing at?" an angry sixth year grumbled to herself as she stomped down the corridor in a huff. She was five foot high with a billowing mass of dark blonde hair and sparkling silver eyes.

Narcissa silently cursed her potions teacher for setting the impossible task of cleaning out his filing cabinet; she wasn't even half way finished and it was already eleven o'clock at night. After much persuasion, Petreson had finally let her go.

Rounding a corner, Narcissa let out a small squeal of fright as she felt herself running into someone's hard chest, before falling flat on the hard stone ground. She looked up shyly to apologize when she caught a look at the startling man in front of her.

Platinum blonde strands of hair crowded his head, a few pieces falling into his face as he raked his hand through it. He had high cheek bones and a sharp angled face that seemed to outline his handsome blue eyes. His body was muscled and fit and his stance was confident and arrogant. He was beautiful. Narcissa scowled up at him.

"You," she hissed angrily at the bane of her existence, while scurrying up from the floor. Lucius Malfoy was an arrogant man, who walked the halls of Hogwarts as if he were the most important and respected. All the girls aimed to impress him while the boys tried to be him. He made Narcissa sick.

"Me," Lucius Malfoy smirked at the furious girl. That just made her even madder. She pressed forward, pointing a finger to his chest vividly and Lucius stepped back from her. He had seen exactly what Narcissa had done when she found her last boyfriend with another girl and he did not want to be at the end of her wand.

"You git! How dare you land me a bloody detention and then act like a smart arse to me! How dare you!" she whisper-screamed at him, as to not attract the attention of wandering teachers. Lucius smirk at her again. Earlier this morning he had 'accidentally' dropped an extra ingredient in her potion, causing it to explode as soon as she placed her vial of the Professors desk and scoring her a weeks' worth of detention. Narcissa scowled at her fellow sixth year.

"I'm going. I don't want to stand in your presence a minute longer," she told him, disgusted at the thought before walking away around him.

"Good," he replied, walking the opposite direction.

"Go"- Narcissa was suddenly cut off as she was sent hurtling back in the direction she had come from. She landed on the floor with a heavy thump just as Lucius did the same beside her.

"Ow," he complained and Narcissa stared at him bewildered.

"What just happened?" she asked him and he glared at her.

"How the hell am I supposed to know!" he asked her before glancing up in a frustrated way. Something seemed to catch his eye and his eyes widened. "Hey, Black," he started, addressing Narcissa in a strangled voice. "We may have a slight problem."

Narcissa looked up and gasped in horror. Hanging above the two was a lock of mistletoe. Lucius groaned.

"Dippet must have charmed it so that they people underneath can't escape without kissing," he sighed and turned to Narcissa. "We've got to kiss if we want to get out of here, Black." She cast him a horrified look.

"I won't." Lucius scowled at her.

"You will."

"I won't."

You will."

"I won't."

"You will!"

"No, I won't!" while they were fighting the were unconsciously bringing their faces closer and closer, and Lucius grinned suddenly in her face and brought his lips down on hers before she could pull away. At first it was just a brush of lips, but that quickly changed when Narcissa lent forward eagerly, pushing her lips and body tight against him. Their kiss turned furious as both fought for dominance and Narcissa climbed onto his lap while his arms went around her slim waist, running up and down her back, sending shivers down her spine. She threaded her hands through his silky hair and he moaned lightly as she pulled on it gently. He held the back of her neck and pressed her lips harder against his as he slowly lent forwards so that she was lying flat on the ground with him hovering over her, straddling her waist. He lowered his head to her neck and bit gently, causing a strangled gasp to escape Narcissa. Lucius continued showered kisses up and down her neck tenderly before Narcissa pulled his swollen lips back to hers. The two continued, unaware of the conversation happening just around the corner from here.

Bilius Petreson glared at the schools transfiguration teacher, Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore smiled with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"I told you I could get them to kiss, did I not, Bilius?" Dumbledore said carelessly, holding his hand out towards the potions Professor, who grudgingly handed over five gallons.

"Now. Who should we match up now?" he continued, and Petreson's eyes brightened.

"Who do you suggest, Albus?"

"How about Andromeda Black and that muggle-born Ted Tonks? They are always fighting during my class and it's obvious that they are perfect for each other."

Petreson looked scandalized. "A muggle-born and a pureblood? No way!" Dumbledore chuckled, the twinkle in his eyes growing.

"How about a bet?"