Authors Note: This fic has been giving me a bit of a headache as of late – I've had trouble with Hermione and Ginny's characters, as well as with moving the plot forward. I know exactly where I want this story to be for it's final two chapters (November and December), but I'm having a bit of difficulty getting there. Hopefully I'll overcome my writer's block soon. In the meantime enjoy this very short (but hopefully satisfying) chapter!
As always, please R&R! xo
"Ginny?" A very nervous, and slightly confused, Hermione stepped out of the Potter's fireplace.
"Mione? Is that you?" A shakey voice came, followed by the form of Ginny Potter.
Hermione watched as Ginny walked into the living area from the kitchen, her red hair pulled back in an elastic, her attire composed of casual clothing. Despite the girl's lazy appearance, Hermione couldn't help but wonder if it was possible for her to be any more beautiful than she was in that moment. Completely relaxed, completely herself, Ginny was glowing.
As Hermione admired her friend, the two girls stood in silence. Ginny, unsure of Hermione's intentions, waited patiently for her friend to declare why she had stopped by unannounced. Hermione, feeling more unsure than ever as to what her exact intentions were, waited for the younger witch to play hostess and invite her in.
"I wanted to apologize." Hermione broke the silence, realizing that her friend had no intentions of inviting Hermione further inside without an explanation for the girl's visit.
"What for?" Shock laced Ginny's voice.
"I overreacted last time we spoke."
"I'd say." Ginny muttered, suddenly seeming more like herself. "I was worried that you'd never speak to me again."
"Don't think so foolishly! I just needed some time to collect myself. I... I'm not quite sure what to think of what happened. I suppose you and I have been having a lot of similar thoughts lately, though."
"You think so?" Ginny said, chuckling. "Have you also been spending your afternoons thinking about how wildly attractive your brother's fiancé is?"
"Not quite." Hermione said, not sure if she should laugh or cry at Ginny's admission. She settled on a smile, all of her reservations about coming to see Ginny slowly fading away. "Although I have to admit, my loyalties are torn."
"How so?"
"Well, the Gryfindor in me is demanding that I remain loyal towards my fiancé, and my best friend. Yet my heart is screaming at me to act upon my feelings, and somehow the Gryfindor in me is also giving me the courage to do the very thing that would break my loyalty towards the two wizards I care for the most.
"I think I understand," Ginny said, only slightly confused by the circle in which Hermione spoke.
"Do you? Well that's a bonus, because I most certainly don't."
Ginny let out a small laugh before stepping closer to her friend. "Well, I'm no Ravenclaw, but would you like to hear what seems to be the logical thing to do? At least in my opinion, anyway.."
"Of course. The logical thing is often to right thing." Hermione said, quickly reflecting upon the numerous times that simple logic had saved her and her friends from harm.
"I think that perhaps you should be the Hermione that I know and love, and be brave." Ginny spoke slowly and carefully, considering every word that left her mouth. "Take a risk. It needn't ruin any relationships. Nor need it be something life changing. But perhaps it would make sense, particularly for you, before you swear your loyalty to Ron, to see if what your heart is saying holds any weight when put into actions."
Hermione stood completely still, contemplating Ginny's words. A part of her wanted to call Ginny crazy, to insist that the woman put away her foolish notions of love affairs and concentrate on her husband and son. A huge part of her wanted to tell Ginny to be loyal to her family, to perform her duties as a mother, wife, and sister. Yet at the same time, a part of Hermione, knew that her feelings for Ginny (although seemingly sudden, very strong) would not go away. A part of her knew that love (if that's what you could call this) was worth risks. And of course, she knew that despite their anger, Ron and Harry would eventually forgive her, for they too understood the importance of love. How could they not, after what they had witnessed in the war?
And so she kissed her. Hermione leaned forward elegantly, placing what was supposed to be a chaste kiss upon Ginny's lips. Of course, as with many things, a small action often leads to a bigger one. Ginny reacted by grabbing Hermione's face in her hands, deepening the kiss.