Author's Note: I requested a song to be put on the Valentines Prompts that my Darlin's put up so I got told that I had to write a story for the song I requested. I really like the song so I don't have a problem with writing a story to it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds or the song.
Prompt: Love Me Tender (Elvis Presley)
Emily was getting tired of waiting for Aaron to notice her. She loved him and she couldn't hold it in any longer. She needed to tell him how she felt even if he didn't feel the same way about her. She knew that if she kept waiting for him to make the first move that she very well could be waiting for the rest of her life.
As a song came on over the speaker system she looked over to where Aaron was sitting talking to Dave and figured that there was no time like the present. She knew that if she put it off that she would never tell him just how much in love with him she was. She stood up from the bar stool she had been perched on and walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Would you dance with me Aaron?" she asked when he looked at her.
Aaron's eyebrow rose at Emily's question but he nodded and stood up and grabbed her hand and led her out to the dance floor. He wasn't sure why she had asked him to dance but he wanted to find out. He had just been talking to Dave about finally telling Emily how he felt. He set his hands on her waist and started swaying to the music with her. It took all of his willpower not to put her flush against him and wrap his arms around her tightly.
After being silent for a few seconds he looked down at her and cocked an eyebrow. "Not that I mind but why did you ask me and not Dave to dance with you Emily?"
Emily smiled a little and simply said "Because I'm not in love with Dave, Aaron."
Aaron's mouth fell open and then he snapped it closed. "Is that your way of telling me that you are in love with me Emily?"
Emily blushed but held Aaron's eyes with her own. "That is exactly what I'm saying Aaron. I've done everything possible to try to get you to notice me but when it seemed as if you weren't going to I finally decided to tell you how I felt. It probably helped that I had a couple shots of liquid courage other wise I don't think that I would have ever told you how I felt. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel the same way Aaron. I just wanted you to know how I felt."
Aaron shook his head bemusedly and said dryly "Well Emily you still really haven't told me how you feel so how can I tell you if I feel the same way as you if you never actually come out and tell me what it is you feel for me."
Emily rolled her eyes slightly and wrapped her arms around Aaron's neck as they danced. "I love you Aaron. I am in love with you. If you feel the same way then I want you to love me tender."
Aaron smiled and then smirked down at Emily. "I love you too Emily. I am in love with you. When you came over to ask me to dance I had just been telling Dave that I was finally going to tell you how I felt. Like you I needed a couple shots of liquid courage. Sweetheart, I would do nothing but love you tender."
Emily smiled up at Aaron a breath taking smile. "Then love me tender Aaron. I have waited so long for your lips to be on mine."
Aaron bent his head and pressed his lips gently upon Emily's. He let his tongue flick across her bottom seeking entry into her mouth and when her mouth granted him permission his tongue swept inside her mouth and kissed her with all the pent up emotions and feelings he has had for her.