A/N: Okay so in the last 3 days I've been on an updating spree... LOL... * looks at Katie * Katie has told me that I needed to breathe... * shurgs * Well my version of breathing is doing one shots... I need to keep sane for right now still... Anyways I decided to do a couple of CM one shots for the song title prompt forum... * walks away before Katie hits me * So this is my version of breathing... LOL... * looks around * Those of you who read Best of Intentions, A Moment Like This and Don't Let me Be the Last to Know those three stories will be either updated tomorrow or Thursday! I haven't forgotten about them... Okay now onto the one shot...

Disclaimer: I don't own CM... * frowns * I don't own my muse either since I was trying to work on this one shot earlier and a character from one of my other stories kept popping into this one...


Prompt: Something to Talk About – Bonnie Riatt

Dave looked over at the young girl sitting across from him in the plane. He could see the tear tracks on her face and he sighed. He knew that she was fighting her demons but he didn't understand why she thought that she had to fight them alone. He sighed again and stood up and walked over and sat down beside her. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Ashley turned her head towards Dave and shook her head. "There isn't anything to talk about. I screwed up and we all know it."

Dave nodded. "You're right you did screw up Ashley. However there is something to talk about. Why don't you tell me what's running through that mind of yours? I know something is so don't bother trying to tell me that it isn't nothing."

Ashley sighed and closed her eyes. "I'm just wondering if I even got into the right line of work. I want to be a good Agent but with my past I'm not sure I'll make a good one. You of all people know what I come from Agent Rossi."

Dave shook his head and looked at Ashley but stayed silent until she opened her eyes up and looked at him. "You listen to me Ashley and you listen good. You are not your father and you could never be your father. You chose to work in the FBI because of what you came from. You chose to help people rather than go through life not helping others. You chose to take what you learned because of who your father is and what your father did and use it to benefit others. I don't care what you have done I never want to hear you comparing yourself to your father again even if you didn't actually say the words out loud. Do I make myself clear?"

Ashley nodded and gave Dave a slight sad smile. "You make yourself clear Agent Rossi."

Dave snorted. "Stop with calling me Agent Rossi. I know that you're a subordinate but you're also a friend I hope. So you either call me Dave or you call me Rossi."

Ashley nodded. "Alright Dave."

Dave smiled and sat back satisfied with himself. He looked over at Ashley again and saw that she was sitting back with her eyes closed again. He could only hope that he got through to her. He didn't like to think that she was comparing herself to her bastard of a father for any reason. He especially didn't want her comparing herself to her bastard of a father because she screwed up.

A/N 2: Well that wasn't as hard to write as I thought it would be... So click the button and let me know what you all thought about this story...