Few weeks passed since the death of Bob Orton Jr, Sara and Randy were really getting caught up into wrestling and the exictement was building in Sara. She couldnt wait to face Maryse for the title, she wanted to make her father very proud while looking down on her smiling at the sight of Sara hoisting the Divas champion in the air.
"You ready Sara?" Randy asked her. Sara was hyper, as she was seen getting ready for her match, jumping up and down, and stretching.
"This is your first WWE Diva Title Match. You nervous?" Randy asked her. Sara jumped at the feeling of Randy rubbing her shoulders. "You dont even know the meaning of the word. Your Randy Orton, your never nervous." Sara told him.
"You'll do great Sara. Dont sweat. Dad knows you can do it, and so do I. I believe in you Sara." Randy told her.
"And so do I." John said suddenly appearing.
"John!" Sara cried out and jumped into the arms of John and embracing him with a hug.
"Dont worry about it Sara. You'll win. Trust me. And Randy and I will be at ringside watching you." John told her. Sara gasped and looked from Randy back to John.
"Really?" Sara asked.
"Really." Randy told her.
"Oh, you guys, you just going to make me more nervous!" Sara whined.
"Relax, Sara. We're managing you, Im sure you'll do fine, with or without us there." Randy told her.
John received a text message from an unknown number, telling him to meet in the Raw hallways in front of the Nexus locker room. John already knew who it probably was, but he just hope it wasnt so sort of a last minute trick to get at him.
"I'll be right back." John said as he walked out of the door and started to head down the halls where the Nexus locker room was held.
"Hey John." David said suddenly appearing. "Hey David, know anything about this text." John showed his the text on his phone.
"No, not really. But it sounds fishy. I'll come with you." David told him. It only took within minutes to stop to see Wade Barrett with his jacket on and bag slunged over his shoulder.
"Wow, there's a shock. Wade Barrett, leaving WWE. You know, I never thought I see the day." David shook his head and chuckled.
"David, you could go now." John told him. David smirked as he walked passed Wade.
"Na, na, na, na. Na, na, na, na. Hey, hey, hey! Goodbye." David sang as he walked down the hallway.
John shook his head and chuckled quietly to himself as he watched David disappear down the hallway. John crossed his arms and shook his head at the sight of Wade.
"You sent me the text?" John asked him.
Wade didnt say anything. John took that as a yes.
"What are you doing here? What do you want?" John asked him.
Wade sighed. "John. I just wanted to say I am sorry. I am sorry for making your life hell. I am sorry for everything. I just wanted you to know that I have a lot of respect for you as a person and as a wrestler. I just wanted you to know that." Wade admitted.
John didnt say anything. He watched Wade put his hand up for a handshake.
John stared at it for a second, and he didnt react for a few minutes. He wasnt really sure if this was a trick or not, but John had to admit, he actually thought Wade was being really sincere with his thoughts.
"Goodbye Wade." John said to him as he grabbed his hand and shook it firmly.
"And good luck." John told him. With that being said, Wade turned around and made his way out the exit door. John couldnt believe it, but he now has respect for someone like Wade Barrett.
"In order to get respect, you gotta earn it. Nice job Wade." John said as he walked away.
Maryse and Sara were going at it in the ring, Randy was doing commentary while John was managing Sara in the match.
"Lets go Sara! Lets go!" John clapped for Sara as she reversed a few moves on Maryse.
"Look at Sara, look at Sara, she is on fire!" King commented.
Randy laughed as he watched Sara proudly take momentum in her own hands.
"Im proud of her King, Im really proud of my baby sister. She's has improved in the ring a lot, and I am very proud of her." Randy commented.
And just like that, Sara did her finisher on Maryse and with three slaps on the mat, Sara won the Divas Championship. Randy and John got into the ring and celebrated with Sara for her win against Maryse.
Sara was in tears, she was happy that she won the WWE Divas Championship, she felt unstoppable, she felt powerful.
"I knew you could do it Sara." John told her. Sara hugged John and then hugged Randy as Sara hoisted the title in the air.
The sun was shining beautifully the next day, Sara was seen sitting next to her father's tombstone with her Divas title in hand. "Hey Dad." Sara couldnt stop smiling, everything seemed to be going very well for her lately.
"Im sure you probably know, but I won the Divas title. I have to say, I couldnt of done it without you Dad. You believed in me, you had faith in me. I have to thank you Dad. Without you, I wouldnt even be here in this position right now." Sara looked up at the clear blue skies and smiled.
"I love you Dad. And this win, this win, is for you. I won a match for you Dad. Rest in peace." Sara kissed her hand and pointed up at the sky in remembrance of her dad.
"How did I know I would find you here?" A voice suddenly said.
"Hey John." Sara greeted him.
"Hey, Sara. Listen, I have to tell you something. And its really not easy to say, so would you mind giving me a few minutes to explain it to you." John asked.
"Sure." Sara said. John sighed and rubbed his face.
"This girl, this girl is amazing. I told you about her before. But she's everything I ever wanted in a woman, and I just cant control hiding my feelings from her anymore." John explained.
"Then tell her how you feel." Sara told him. John looked at Sara and smiled. "Since you put it that way then." John looked at Sara and took her hand.
"Now look Sara. I've thought about our friendship for a while. And I just cant control my love for you anymore." John shook his head.
"That girl...is me?" Sara asked him.
"Yes Sara. Its you. Now my heart aint a brain Sara, but I want to be with you, and I want to be the one to take care of you and just to tell you that I love you." John told her sincerely.
Sara laughed and smiled at John. "John, I love you too. I always loved you ever since we met. I was just afraid to tell you." Sara replied.
"So was I. But I cant take this anymore. Sara, I love you. What do you-" John was cut off by Sara kissing him passionately.
"Of course John. I would love to be with you. You are a great man, and I would be stupid to say no to you, because you are the most beautiful man I met." Sara told him as she kissed him again.
"Lets get out of here."
The end! Awe! Isnt that nice? I bet your thinking, FINALLY right? Review! :D