Guess who's back, back, back, back again! Bitches are back, back, back, tell your friends!

Hey there everybody! Well, unless you guys were following my Twitter and Tumblr (mostly my Tumblr though) you guys probably don't know this, but it's finally happening! The sequel for Speak Now, STOP THE WORLD, is coming! March 13th, we will be posting the first chapter of the new story! So if you haven't already gotten me on your author alert list, then please click the buttons down below and put me on there so you know right when Stop the World is posted! Until then, here is a small preview!

"Shane, I have been so confined lately. I feel like I can't breathe anymore. Everywhere I go it's you and Nate and Caitlyn and Jason and Emily and cameras and paparazzi and fans and I just can't handle not being able to get a break. Maybe if we had our own tour bus I wouldn't be fried out, but I just am at my wits end," I confessed. I heard Shane sigh and kiss the side of my head.

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" he asked.

"Because this isn't even my tour Shane. If this was my tour, that would be different. But I didn't have to come along. I chose to," I said.

"That doesn't mean that you have to suck it up. I want you to be comfortable wherever we go," Shane said.


"I think I'm sick. I just feel irritable all the time. I want to see my doctor to be sure it's nothing serious," I said.

"Mitchie, please stay here? I'll be lonely without you," Caitlyn said. I could feel my right eye start twitching.

"Caitlyn, you know how Mitchie is with doctors. We should just be thankful that she's going to the doctor," Emily said, sensing my obvious irritation.

"She's not sick. Trust me. I'd know if she was sick," Caitlyn said.


"Mrs. Gray, while I do often say you need more sleep, I'm guessing that chair would be very uncomfortable," a voice said. I opened my eyes and smiled.

"Dr. Frey, how are you?" I asked.

"The better question is, how are you?" she replied, sitting down in the seat doctors sit in.

"Just tell it to me straight Doc. Am I or am I not?" I asked.


"So? What's up with you? Are you sick? Are you dying? Can I have your clothes if you are?" Caitlyn questioned.

"I'm...fine," I said.


"I can't do a tour," I announced at the meeting.

" would be in your best interest to do a tour," my boss said.

"I understand that, but...with Caitlyn getting married and my band members have expressed wanting to work on other projects, we felt like it would be healthy to take a break," I said.


"Hey Caity. I've got a question for you," I said.

"Alright. Shoot," she said.

"Well, are you and Nate planning on having kids?" I asked.

"Well yeah. But not until after things slow down for Connect 3," Caitlyn said.


"Yeah, but are you guys trying to have kids? Because Nate is not going to be pleased if you guys are trying, or planning on trying, without informing everybody," Caitlyn said.

"Growing up, I never thought that I would have to plan my pregnancy around the lives of my in-laws," I said.

"It's the price of fame, Mitch," Caitlyn said, "But really, are you and Shane trying?"

"We're not trying. It's more of a let go and let God kind of thing. Que sera, sera," I said.

"I'm not right for Jason," Emily said suddenly.

"What? Are you insane?" Caitlyn asked.

"Look, he is just...he is so sweet and...and I'm the girl who almost ruined Connect 3," she explained.

"No, you didn't. didn't help, but it wasn't all you Em," I said.


"Guess who's back, back, back, back again! Bitches are back, back, back, tell your friends!" Caitlyn kept singing.


"What did that card say?" Caitlyn asked.

"Something special."


"Don't lie to me Shane. Just tell me the truth. I won't be mad. I just want to know," I said.

"Mitchie, what are you accusing me of?" Shane asked.

"I can smell her perfume on you Shane. Who is it?" I asked. Shane's eyes lit up in understand and before I knew it, he was laughing. That bastard was laughing! I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"Never mind. I'm fucking pissed now. Who the hell is she?" I demanded.


"Mitchie, I love you more than words can explain. I will never not put up the insane mood swings and irrational fears. I made a vow Mitchie. Until death do we part, remember?" he said. I nodded.

"I meant that Mitchie. You're my everything," he said softly. I nodded.


"So now, Mitchie Torres. There have been some rumors bouncing around Hollywood that you're gaining some weight," Josh said. I nodded.

"You know, I hear them and I'm not going to lie, they really do hurt me. I've got a history of depression and anxiety, and when I hear those comments, I get low, but I know that it comes with the territory. If you gain weight and you don't have a reason, then people get vicious," I said honestly.

"What are the comments that affect you the most?" he asked.

"The ones where they take my 'weight gain' and Shane's 'Cheating' and mash them together. Like one where Shane is cheating on me because of my weight gain. That one hurts the most. Because even though I know Shane would never leave me over something that trivial, it still hurts," I said.


"I am gaining weight for a big role. In fact, I think it's the biggest role I'm ever going to have," I said.

"And what's that?" Josh asked. I smiled to the audience who was all quiet and prepared to react to my news.

"I'm going to be a mom!" I exclaimed.


Bam! Alright! We're excited! How about you guys? Alright! Follow us on Twitter: TiannaMRamirez And on Tumblr: bubblegumpenguinsfanfiction :) And let us know what you guys think so far about what you're being given and give us some feedback! Love you all!

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