Authors Note: Sorry its been a while I just had other things cramping my mind lately , but I buckled down and wrote another chapter just for all of you. ^.^ so sorry for the long wait...dodges bullets hope you enjoy it.^^' Warning: lil OOc-ness and violents and sexual situations and maybe a touch of vincent/cloud

Disclaimer: Nope, I can only dream. V.V

Rated: M

Chapter 4: The start of creating a new legacy.

It had been a long first day of life for him as he researched the data that had been stored in the Master computer, Formula after formula and page after page of research documents had strained his eyes until he finally stumbled upon the information that would start a whole new experiment; his experiment as his eyes drank in the images of what appeared to be the remnance of this Sephiroth that he earlier read about. He all but to capture the two dormant creatures to begin the path of creating a whole new breed of super human, a breed so strong and more powerful than even his late self's Sephiroth crusade. with these two under his control he would create a new legacy and with it change the world as we know it, but a few calls were to be made in order to obtain the two boys. only then could could he begin his masterpiece. Speaking to the super computers monitor he requested it to contact a few people that seemed to owe himor the older Hojo a couple of favors.


He had given the two ex-SOLIDER's a couple of hours before deciding they had had enough time to run what ever course they would have been doing, but was stunned when he walked in to the clearing to find his young friend collapsed nude on the ground with a smug Sephiroth looming over the unconscious body.

" So it's the keeper of Chaos that comes to collect his little friend?" Sephiroth grinned with a predators smile.

" I- we believe he has had enough time with you in his company." Vincent rumbled in his deep rich gravely voice.

" I have done what I had planned to do. He's no longer needed in my presence you may take the left overs away, but I warn you I will be back for the gift he carries for me." The ex-general chuckled his depraved amusement before wrapping himself in his wing and disappearing in a flurry of feathers.

Amber eyes traveled the small distance of where they had been to the peaceful face of the sleeping young man. It was rare to see the blond completely defenseless and without some form of concern or hindered look in his eyes, but now the honry tanned man was as he should have been ; at a peaceful state of mind. He had been observing the buster wielder and had come to conclude just like him the ocean blue eyed man wouldn't age like a normal person his body had been use in to may of Hojo's sick experiments with Jenova cells and probably had his body tinkered with enough that the ravne haired male knew a comrade when he saw one. The delivery was a failed project as was he, but he like Clouds company rather than the other. the boy was quiet his mind always wandering about the past and the would have should have beens. Vincent was a loner, but again something always reached out to connect and guide the other man when he was in need of it.

Surfacing from his current of thoughts he bent down and gently scooped the smaller body to keep the bare chilled skin warm with his mantle that drapped over the lower half of the exposed body keeping it out of sight. If anyone had stumbled upon them they would have figured it to be ab intimate encounter. The amber eyed gun wielder realized he couldn't bring Cloud back to the SHERA in his vulnerable state. Making a quick decision he opted for the make shift hime he had make in a near by ruin, clutching the limp body tighter to himself before he took off running and flipping away making a mighty show for no one of his almost living crimson cloak as it moved around them with a life of its own.

Somw where a little ways from the clearing high in the white stone tree a loud snapping could be heard as Sephiroth's strength snapped a rather thick branch with his gloved fist as a small spark flashed in his perfect being. He did not like how the demon was looking at the vessal of his offspring. He didn't really care about the boy, but the blond was his property a destined piece of the puzzle that would bring him further in to the game to bring down the planet yet the image of the dark haired man embracing the blond's soft perfect body close to his own made a flame of rage flicker n his chest. the boy was his.


After calling in his favors to the last man on the contact list of names and numbers he wondered just how low his orginal self had gone since the man he just spoke with sounded like he did his business out of the back alley in the worst part of midgar, but that didn't matter; all that mattered was his plan was coming to a start and very soon things would becoming very interesting.

AN: Okay tell me what you think and again sorry for the wait.^.^'