I do not own the covenant. This fanfiction is based on an RP I did with a few friends of mine. Loosely, I had to change some stuff.

Friday 3rd November, 2006

"Don't move." Her voice is silky smooth but it has an undercurrent of danger, of a past too long to remember, of warning. Her eyes glitter with the same danger but her eyes are not where mine are. My eyes are trained on her overly pale hand, clutching the equally pale throat of my brother. "Don't think about trying anything either because I am far more confident in my ability to snap his neck like a twig before you can do anything to me."

"What do you want?" Only people that know him can hear the strained, worried undertone of my other brother's voice as he speaks from just in front of me.

"I want to walk out of here. No catches. Out of this school, out of your lives and you'll never see me again." I feel a persuasion wash over me and I know it's her doing but at the same time I can't seem to shake it. We need to give her what she wants.

"And let you kill other people? I don't think so." He's stronger than I give him credit for to resist her like that.

The same thought seems to cross her mind. "I'll kill him here and now if you want. I could kill you all before you could blink." Which begs the question why hasn't she? I don't doubt her ability, so why is she holding a hostage?

Her grip tightens on his neck and from my side I feel the tension rolling off my other brother as he steps forward. "No! We'll give you what you want. Just let him go." I question his motives, his eye catches mine and I see something I thought I'd never see there. Fear.

She smiles, her too perfect teeth flashing in the light. "Good boy." It's almost a purr. "Do yourselves a favour. Don't try and find me again, or I will kill you." With that she pushes her hostage at us with too much force, he stumbles and we all dive to catch him, by the time we look up she's gone. I wince as I regain my footing. That move may have re-cracked my rib. Dammit.

I sense a worried gaze on my face even though I'm not looking at him. "I'm fine." I've been saying that a lot recently, maybe if I say it enough it'll start to be true. I avoid his gaze and turn away, walking towards my room. I hear him following me. The others will want a moment then they'll be right behind us. That's how it always is. That's how it always will be. I just hope they don't end up like me and as I glance back at them I know in my heart I would never let that happen. That this needs to end. But how am I supposed to know where to begin?