The Witch's Cursed Doll

By aniAngelxx


Genre: Horror, Suspense

Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt. No matter how many airplanes or stars I wish on, it is just not possible to own something that was created when I just learned how to read and write.



Mai let out a heavy breath, desperate to rid herself of the sinking feeling in her stomach. But no matter how many times she tried to focus on calming herself down, or how many times she tried to enter a random trail of thought, the uneasy feeling she had seemed intent on staying with her until she reached base.

She was on her way back to their base after checking on one last camera. Considering the fact that there was only one more camera left to be checked and its location not too far from base, Mai let Bou-san and Yasuhara go ahead of her; besides, those two were quite ravenous already since they had an early lunch and had been without food for hours on end (and it was around 7 in the evening already). She convinced them both that it was just around the corner so they didn't have to starve themselves any longer. Eventually, and quite reluctantly, they finally left her.

Despite what she said about the room being 'just around the corner' from base, she somehow found herself inevitably, irrevocably, unintentionally and hopelessly, lost. She couldn't understand it either. She was so sure that base was just on the next hallway to the left! She even made sure of that but when she did, she found she couldn't recognize the hallway. She went back and tried to retrace her steps but when she did, she couldn't find the room she put the camera in.

"What the hell is going on in here? I couldn't have just magically transported to the opposite wing, could I? I could've sworn I have only been walking for a minute or so." Mai said, as she searched for that sitting room she had been in.

"Ugh, great; this is just great! No doubt that by the time I finally reach base, that narcissist would tell me off about my lack of sense of direction." She grumbled to herself.

She slowed her pace when the uneasy feeling in her stomach just reached its peak. That was when her mind finally registered the unnatural eerie silence in the mansion. The temperature seemed to be going down as well; she figured that any lower and she would soon see her breath in front of her.

This is bad. I have to get out of here fast! This place is too creepy for my liking. Mai thought; her 'animal instincts', as Naru had dubbed, kicking in.

Just as she pressed the speed dial button on her cell (Bou-san and Ayako gave it to her as Christmas present), she felt a strong presence watching her. The strands on the back of her neck bristled as she saw a dark figure at the far end of the hallway. She couldn't quite make out who it was but she knew it was nowhere to be found on the 'friend list'. She stopped on her tracks, her insides plummeting to dark oblivion and her heart beating loudly in her ears. She was too encaged with fear to notice that Naru had already been calling her name for several times on the phone; nor did she register the fact that with each time, the worry in his voice was becoming more apparent. Lowering her arms ever so slowly, she took a cautious, tiny step backward. However, as she did, the thing came forward, with so much speed that in one move, it was already hovering a few meters away from her; the overhead lights behind it simultaneously going off with a bang. Her breath hitched in her throat as she recognized the entity.

It was the old mannequin of an old Japanese woman, with thick, bushy black wig and a worn out plain white kimono on her slightly slouched form. Her face was partially hidden by her hair but still managed to show a creepy smile. What freaked Mai out the most was the blood running down the face of the statue coming from several punctured wounds made by a couple of arrows on its head; the same blood running down its hands and feet.

Mai felt chills run up and down her spine, her heart beating a thousand times per second. Inside, she was screaming in her mind for her body to move, run, with all her might but her muscles seemed to refuse to do such a thing. She was trembling badly with fear now; so much that it took her a lot of effort just to put her other foot backwards as well.

Again, the statue moved forward as well, more lights going off as it now stood, just a few feet from her.

"…Traitors..." it said in a raspy voice as it slowly raised its head, revealing glowing red eyes, wide open with a crazy expression.

"ALL OF YOU ARE TRAITORS!" it screamed as it lunged forward.

And Mai, with all her pent up fear in her, screamed as loud as she could, for all she was worth.

Then, the hallway became brightly lit again, a peaceful silence blanketing the whole place as if nothing had happened; just as her cellphone dropped to the ground with a loud echoing clatter in the otherwise empty hall.


The End :P

~I know, it's a freaking cliffhanger. That's actually the whole point. I made this during Halloween of 2010 but I couldn't decide if I should continue or not since I still have a multi-chaptered fic on the way. So, gimme your opinions, suggestions and stuff you want to see in this pending fanfic.


For those who've read my other ghost hunt fanfic, "Consequences" I am sorry to say that I will soon delete it already. I do not even know what came over me because in my eyes, the story was getting quite out of hand. So I sincerely ask for your forgiveness. I will most probably re-post it after some time (but not soon) such that it will be worth all those support you have given me. For the mean time, please enjoy this one. No, I am not stopping the other one. It will just be out for 'remodeling' if I may say so.


~yours truly,

aniAngelxx :3