I closed my eyes and opened them to see a dark figure behind me. My pink hair was flowing down my back.

I felt bare. Nothing was covering me. I felt two arms wrap around me.

I struggled to get out of the hold and cover myself but the person or thing holding me was too strong…

"Stop… Calm down Sakura…" He whispered. My body reacted to his voice. It was so hypnotic… so smooth… so alluring… I stopped struggling and my muscles relaxed.

My mind went blank. I couldn't say anything… My lips felt like they were glued shut. My body leaned against his. I heard something ruffle from behind. I felt something soft brush against my arm, and it surrounded me. It felt so warm… so pleasurable… I wanted to… I wanted more…

I moaned out when I felt something wet on my neck. It was his tongue. He licked my neck and sniffed at it.

"You smell delicious…" He said. His voice was too much. I had to see who it was. I turned and saw his eyes. They were crimson red with three spinning comma's. It was all I could see now.

I stared into his eyes hypnotized before feeling something dig into my neck. It felt…so enjoyable… so pleasurable...

I gasped and sucked in air sitting up straight on my bed. I held my forehead.

"What the hell was that?" I thought.

"I have no idea… but I want it to happen again!" My inner said hyperactively. I breathed out and sighed…

"I don't know… It was…scary… I felt… out of control." I thought.

"Whatever…" My inner said.

I sighed… It was finally the first day of grade 10, high school. Oh… I forgot to introduce myself.

I'm Sakura Haruno! Honor Student of my grade in Konoha High, also the President of student council. I live alone in a quiet neighbourhood. My parents gave me enough money to buy my own supplies and have a rent. I currently work at the hospital.

My aunt, Tsunade, taught me almost everything I know and she offered me the job at the hospital to earn money. I took the opportunity right away. She's the head doctor of the hospital.

I walked downstairs and quickly did everything I needed to do… I packed for school and headed off to my first day of school.

I usually stay in school dorms with a couple of my friends but this year two of them moved away.

Ino's gone to a fine-arts school, Hinata is here studying under languages, Tenten is here under the physical education and history, and Ami left with her family to go on a family trip for a few years. So I'm only left with Hinata and Tenten…

I walked in school and everyone quieted down as usual. The boy's had hearts in their eyes like always. Hinata and Tenten walked to me and smiled. I smiled back. It was always like this since we entered high school.

Our group had been the best girls around. One of us was always on the top of the list on everything but this year, it would be only me, Tenten, and Hinata. Our lockers were side by side. We all walked to our lockers together and opened them. Huge piles of papers came out. I rolled my eyes.

We all sighed. "Fanboys…" We both thought and rolled our eyes. Luckily I had brought my garbage bag. I had always known this would happen and was always prepared because every year, my locker would almost explode with love notes from boys on valentines and the beginning of the year. Hinata's and Tenten's lockers weren't as filled as mine...

We dumped everything inside and shoved the overflowing bag inside the garbage can. Then we went to the auditorium.

I was President of student council this year. Hinata is vice president. Tenten is treasurer. I have no idea who the rest of the people are but I'm cool with them as long as they're on time and ready for everything and do whatever I tell them to. I walked up stage with Hinata and Tenten behind me. The crowd was cheering. I held the microphone to my mouth and grinned wide.

"Hello again everyone! It's nice to see you again. The school has changed a lot after a year. Many people have left the school and many have also entered as well. We all know very well Ino Yamanaka and Ami Kagushi have been replaced in their spots for student council because they have gone to other schools to continue to complete their goals in their education." The crowd groaned in disappointment.

"But, we have many new students as well! The new students please come up to the stage to be welcomed by our school as I call you up!" I said. Hinata nodded and gave me the sheet.

"In 8th grade! We have: Jushiro Yanuka, Wakata Amitori, and Nakuzashi Kinta!" I said. The three kids walked up nervously. The whole student council including Hinata, Tenten, and I shook their hands and we directed them to stand on the left side of the stage.

"In 9th grade, we have Konohamaru Sarutobi, Moegi Kishunto, and Udon Kazeshini!" I said. The next three stood proudly and walked up smiling and making faces. The crowd laughed a bit. We shook their hands and told them to line up side by side beside the grade 8's.

"In 10th grade we have: Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto Uzumaki, and Neji Hyuga!" I said smiling. The first boy had a blank stare. He had onyx eyes and black hair… in a strange style… but it fit him…

He looked really… familiar... I realized that they were all pale. When we saw them up close… The blond though was hyper and energetic… The brunette had long hair and white eyes. Like Hinata. Wait… Her last name was Hyuga so that meant they were…

I turned to Hinata who's eyes were wide. I was shocked and confused. Hinata didn't have a brother… I rose an eyebrow. She made the sign telling us to talk to her later. Tenten and I nodded. We would talk at break today.

The three boy's walked up and shook our hands. Their hands where unexpectedly cold though… Tenten, Me, and Hinata were shocked when we saw them close up… They were… HOT, HANDSOME, anything good you could name them…

The black haired boy reminded me of something… familiar... something screamed in my head to stay away from him… but I wondered why… My inner was squealing. "SASUKE UCHIHA IS SOOOO HOT!" She screamed. "Shut up…" I thought shutting her voice out.

"In the 11th grade, we have: Gaara Sabaku, Temari Sabaku, and Kakuro Sabaku!" I said. The three siblings stood up and walked up and shook our hands they knew where to go.

"In 12th grade, we have: Yahiko Amori, Saki Rangiku, and Itachi Uchiha!" I said. They did the same thing the other kids did. They shook our hands and lined up.

I noticed Itachi stared at me with a handsome smile. Wait a sec... His last name was Uchiha...? That meant... He was related to Sasuke! My eyes widened when I realized that.

"Now, let's welcome these new students to our school!" I said starting the clap for the new kids. The crowd whistled and clapped.

Once everything quieted down the principal came up. "I'd like to thank the student council this year for coming up to open and start the school year. Most of you know them and some of you don't so I'll introduce them to you. As president, we have the naturally pink-haired girl, Honor's student as well as girls dorm leader for this year, Sakura Haruno!" The principal said. I stood up smiling and waved. I was shocked that I was Dorm leader this year. Everyone cheered loudly and clapped.

"As Vice President, we have the quiet and young, Hinata Hyuga!" Everyone clapped loudly.

"As Treasurer, we have the athletic and energetic, Tenten Arukizashi!" Everyone clapped loudly.

"As your ., we have Kiba Inuzuka! Will you leave that dog outside?" Everyone laughed at Kiba, whose dog was on top of his head. I shook my head.

"And as secretary we have Shikamaru Nara…" The principal said before handing me the microphone. Shikamaru was sleeping soundly as always.

"Everyone please go to your homerooms. As for the new kids, you will be guided by one of us depending on your homeroom number." I said.

Most of the kid's left the auditorium but some girls were crowded around the new boys. "GIRLS! GET TO YOUR HOMEROOM CLASSES BEFORE I KICK YOU OUT OF THE FRIGGIN WINDOW JUST DOWN THE HALLWAY!" I yelled through the microphone which I was sure the whole school heard. We heard some laughing from the other classes. The girls froze in fear because they knew how strong I was and they ran for it. I smirked. Shikamaru had just woken up.

"You're finally awake Shikamaru." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah. Well… Your yelling is getting to be just as bad as Ino's." Shikamaru said. I rolled my eyes.

"I guess being her friend is helpful after all." I said.

"Maybe." He said yawning. We walked down to the new kids.