Well, here we are. The epilogue of the story. *Tear* I'm very glad that you all stuck with me and reviewed all this time. It makes me happy knowing that you all liked this story and I hope that you will be as kind with future Tangled Fanfics that I write. So, again… thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I hope you enjoy the last bit of modern.

I just want to thank each and every one of my reviewers real quick,

Looka'sMagicHell, The139Blossom, ThatChickWithTheHair1, Romance and Musicals, Sweetdreamzz3116, AIOFanNCRM, kkdelabean, PrincessShahrazad, Kyoru-KiTTy-ArTist, shatteredreality, Tammy, Charmaine, Cmusiclover92, Soccermustang, 13Overload13, splattermusic, and IceSiren89. Your support means the world to me and I hope you will review the sequel which will be out soon. Vote in your reviews for what it should be about!



"And now I present to you, Corona University for the Arts' graduating class!" the headmaster of studies called out. Eugene and I stood happily next to each other, each in our own caps and gowns, diplomas in hand. As tradition, all the newly graduated students threw their caps in the air and cheered. It was a joyful day; I had graduated college with an art major, Eugene with a major in the culinary arts. Who knew that Atilla could be such a great teacher? Four long years of studying finally paid off as the blue caps rained to the ground and we all continued cheering.

"Congratulations Eugene, Rapunzel," Amanda said excitedly. "Rapunzel, someone special is here to see you as well," she added. I looked around, confused. Amanda pointed in the direction of a couple standing near the back of the chairs, looking around for something. Eugene and I linked hands and made our way over to the couple. The man stepped forward; he had bright green eyes and blonde hair with tints of gray. The woman had blue eyes and golden hair. I recognized them as none other than Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, my parents.

"Congratulations Rapunzel, we're so proud of you!" Mr. Phillips, my dad (still had to get used to that) said, hugging me. I smiled to myself that I finally had a family again. My mother, the poor soul, had gone mute when I was taken. But I could tell that she was thinking the same thing as she took me into her arms. Eugene smiled from the sidelines as I received many other congratulatory remarks from neighbors and friends. Eventually, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back behind the stage where we had received our diplomas. He looked around to make sure no one was around and he got on one knee.

"Rapunzel, we've been dating for five years now, and I was right to wait until we graduated from school, but I can't take it any longer." He swallowed before continuing. "Rapunzel Phillips, will you marry me?" I found myself gasping as Eugene pulled a ring from under his gown, placing it on my finger as I stared in awe. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I embraced my boyfriend… no, my fiancé, and we kissed. I cried into his gown and said yes probably a thousand times before we heard rhythmic clapping.

"How romantic," Amanda said. "You two are finally getting married." I laughed and put my arms around Eugene's neck, kissing him on the cheek. Amanda sighed happily and I left Eugene's arms only briefly to hug my friend.

"Thank you for everything you did Amanda, you're the best friend a girl could ever have!" I said. She took the hand that Eugene had put the ring on and examined the stone in the sunlight. We hugged again and I returned to Eugene. "I see it only fit that you get to be my maid of honor," I said in a sing-song voice. Amanda gasped and started squealing, jumping up and down excitedly. Eugene and I laughed, sharing another kiss. And that… was just the start…

Is there any need to continue? Nope. It's over. If you're still here, thank you again. It means so much that you stuck with me all this time. I hope that you'll review this final installment. However, I do need ideas for another story, perhaps a sequel? Ohohoho, tell me what you think! (I need something to do anyway). Thanks for reading!