Title: Is It Me?

Rating: Rated R

Characters/Parings: Finn/Kurt and others mentioned

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters or any part of Glee just borrowing them for a little fun and I promise to return them when I'm finished :)

Is It Me?

Is it me? Is there something wrong with me? Finn lay in bed not being able to sleep, so he started thinking. He was funny, good looking, star quarterback, friendly and a pretty laid back person. Ok so he may not be the smartest when it came to math, Spanish, English or any other school subject for that matter, but he was smart when it came to important things like family. So why was he was so unlucky when it came to girls and relationships.

Sure maybe things weren't great with Quinn but he loved her and when she told him he was going to be a daddy he was so happy although he still was sure how it happened. Sure he was scared out of his mind and had no idea how he was going to support the baby but he knew that he would have found a way and would have been a good dad. But when he found out the truth that she was having Puck's baby he was furious and yet relived at the same time. Sure he was sad that the baby wasn't his but at least he didn't have to worry about it now and could move on. Not only had she managed to destroy their relationship with her lies she had also caused problems with him and his best friend. Right now he couldn't even look at Puck without wanting to punch him in the face for what he had done, but he figured in time he would forgive him. He had known Puck since they were in preschool and he wasn't about to lose his best friend he just needed some time to cool down and he knew that Puck understood that.

As for Santana, well that was the biggest mistake of his life! Sure she was smokin' hot but he never should have had sex with her. He felt nothing, and after it was over he realized then he should have waited. Who cares if he might have been the last virgin in school, it would have been better than being with her.

Then there was Rachel. She was hot. He knew how everyone felt about her and he knew that she wasn't the easiest person to like but she was always good to him and she would let her guard down around him. He actually thought that he was in love with her. But she only cared about herself and she would do anything to get her way. When they first started dating he kind of liked the fact that she was always in control and she made all the decisions it made it easy for him, he didn't have to think about where they were going to go or what they would do Rachel always had a plan. The one thing he didn't like was all her rules. Man the girl had rules for everything! But the ones that really got him were the ones for making out. Seriously who does that? I mean come on we're teenagers, sure I wanted to have sex with her but she wasn't ready and I was cool with that. I'd never force a girl to do anything she wasn't ready for, but it really was a mood killer when she tried to tell him how to kiss.

Yup there had to be something seriously wrong with him, when the only person who truly seemed to care at all about him, was Kurt. Kurt was a really good friend, he listened to him when he rambled on about Rachel or Quinn and he stood beside him through the whole baby thing and he even told him that he didn't think that Rachel was right for him but Finn didn't listen. Kurt always seemed to be looking out for him and always had good advice and he found himself hanging out with him more and more. Finn was even liking the fact that their parents were dating it meant he got to spend more time with his friend. Finn admired Kurt for his strength it took a lot of guts to be openly gay. Finn knew that it was hard on Kurt, all the dumpster tosses, and slushies in the face, but Kurt never let it bother him (at least he never let it show) he just took it and held his head up high. Finn wished he could be that brave. Although Kurt never came right out and said anything, he was pretty sure the smaller boy was crushing on him. The thought of Kurt liking him that way made him a little uneasy Finn had no problem with Kurt liking guys in that way he just didn't want to be one of them. So why did his thoughts keep going back to Kurt? Finn was getting a headache and didn't want to think about it anymore, so he rolled over, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Kurt was finishing up his nightly routine thinking about how great things were going. He knew how much his dad loved him and accepted him for who he was but he also knew that having a gay son had taken its toll. So he came up with this great plan to hook his dad up with Finn's mom Carole, and it had worked. Ok so maybe it wasn't all just for his dad and Carole, maybe there was a little something in there for him too, like getting to spend more time with Finn. This was the best idea Kurt had ever had. His dad was happy, maybe even in love, and for the first time in his life Kurt was happy and even maybe a little hopeful that things just might go the way he wanted. The only down side to this whole big plan of his was how close his dad and Finn were getting. It bothered him that they had things in common and would sit around and watch football. Kurt had tried to be more like his dad but just couldn't do it. It hurt him to see just how much Finn and his dad were bonding. But he would get through it, it was a small price to pay if it meant being around Finn. Every time Kurt thought about Finn he couldn't help but smile. There were so many things he liked about Finn from his lopsided grin to his awkwardness. Finn was really tall for his age and clumsy. He was not as smart at Kurt was but that was all part of his charm. He was kind, caring, funny and really sweet and it made Kurt mad to see the way Quinn and Rachel had both treated him. He deserved so much better, and Kurt was just what he needed even if he didn't know it now Kurt was going to make him see sooner or later.

The alarm clock rang and Finn didn't want to get up. It was way too early and he didn't get much sleep last night with all that thinking, but he knew if he didn't get up his mom would be knocking on his door telling him to move it or he'd be late for school. He couldn't believe it was Monday already, where did the weekend go?

"Finn get up you don't want to be late for school." He heard his mom call from the door way.

"Coming mom" I yelled back as I grabbed a t-shirt and jeans from my closet and quickly yanked them on. As I headed down the stairs I could smell the breakfast mom had made me. Toast, bacon and eggs, usually she only did this on weekends but she must be going into work late today so she had the extra time. I walked into the kitchen, took a seat at the table and dug in.

"Don't forget we're having dinner with Burt and Kurt tonight." Carole said.

"Don't worry mom I won't. I'll go right from school if that's ok with you. I'm having some trouble with math and Kurt said he'd help me."

"Ok I'll see you there around 7." She said as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

I quickly finished eating, grabbed my backpack and headed to my truck. Sure it was a rundown piece of crap but it got me where I needed to go. I looked at my watch and still had 15 minutes before the start of class, just enough time to go and talk to Kurt.

He spotted Kurt standing at his locker talking to Mercedes which was no big surprise. The two best friends met there every morning before classes.

"Hey Kurt, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked looking anywhere but at him.

"Sure Finn what is it?"

Mercedes could see that Finn was uncomfortable for some strange reason so she decided to politely excuse herself and headed to class. She knew how Kurt felt about him and that worried her because she knew there was no way he would feel the same way and she couldn't stand to see Kurt hurt so she decided to keep an eye on things no one was going to hurt her boy and get away with it, she'd make sure of it.

"Um… I was wondering if I could come to your house after school and maybe you could help me with some math before dinner." It wasn't a question but more of a statement. Finn hated to ask it made him feel like the big dumb jock that he was but he knew he had to get a passing grade on the upcoming math test or he'd be kicked off the team.

"Sure Finn I can help you. Dad's working a little later at the shop tonight so we'll have the house to ourselves for a few hours at least." Kurt tried to keep the smile out of his voice but he was so excited he was going to be alone with Finn.

"Cool, thanks Kurt for helping me. Do you want to meet here after school?"

"Sure, did you drive that thing you call a truck to school today?" Kurt asked.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with my truck." Finn said trying to sound offended.

"Except that it's falling apart piece by rusted piece." Kurt said teasingly.

"Well it gets me around."

"If you say so…"

The bell rang and it was time for them to get to class. "See ya dude." Finn said as he headed off to Math. Kurt hated when he called him that and made a mental note to remind him of that later as he headed to English.