A/N: I think this is the best idea I've had for a chapter yet. But the one I'm planning after this will either make you hate this story or like it more… hope you enjoy it! Oh, and I think you probably already know this, but I don't own any of these characters.

The group stood around Popo's body, a melancholy silence enveloping the scene. Nana began weeping. She felt as though half of her had died with her brother.

Kirby remembered the last thing Popo had said to him. Popo had said that Kirby shouldn't be depressed when he died.

Meta Knight, stoic as ever, spoke up. "We're going to need someone to inspect the food before we begin serving it again. I'd rather go a night without food than risk getting killed by it."

Olimar replied, "I can do it. My Pikmin know when something's poisonous…but you're right. I'll inspect the food tonight, and you guys can eat tomorrow."

Then it hit Pikachu. The food being poisoned…had been his! He was supposed to be dead, not Popo. Pikachu pitied his friend.

Falco interrupted everyone's mourning by stating, "There's something else, too. When I woke up from my state of unconsciousness, I went up to Master and Crazy Hand's rooms. I found them dead."

The Smashers in the dining hall were shocked. A few of them even began to tear up.

Meta Knight announced, "People who I spoke to earlier today, I'd like to talk to you again. You know who you are. Everyone else, return to your rooms."

Yoshi, trying to pretend like he wasn't part of Meta Knight's group, began to go back to his room. About halfway down the hall on the third floor, he turned around. However, on his trip back down the stairwell, someone was waiting for him. Yoshi, suspecting nothing, continued on his way. Suddenly, Yoshi was enveloped with a pain that encased his entire body. He was blinded, and his skin began to bubble like it was being boiled. Yoshi could take the pain no longer, and gave up. His lease on life had expired. Yoshi was dead.


Back in the dining hall, Meta Knight began discussing suspicions with his group. He stated, "Our numbers are dwindling. Surely there must be someone we're suspicious of!"

Wolf interjected, "Wait, where's Yoshi?"

Zelda replied, "He's probably doing some sort of patrol or something. Trying to see what he can find as clues."

Snake, finally replying to Meta Knight's question, explained, "The person who's most suspicious to me is Wario. After all, the person who knocked out Falco had to have been pretty strong. And the only night that someone is poisoned by food, he's the only one in the kitchen. Sounds suspicious to me."

Ness nodded. "Hmm…how about Falco himself? He could have faked being knocked out, then killed both Master and Crazy Hand with his guns. That's all I've got. I'll go on a patrol as well. Anyone who's out now is suspicious, and there's no way Yoshi could have covered all that ground on his own."

Wolf replied defensively, "No! Falco's much to honorable to have done that! He's the good guy! He can't have done that!"

Snake retorted, "So then it must be someone evil? An anti-hero? Like you? Or Ganondorf? Or King Dedede? By that logic, it's either you or one of your pals."

Wolf meekly replied, "I-I just know Falco too well. It doesn't seem like he's that kind of guy."

Zelda commented, "I'm suspicious of Pikachu. After all, he's in possession of Ivysaur, the killer of Link. And the food incident with Popo may have been to make himself look like a target. Nobody suspects the victim."

Snake added, "This is just my two cents, but why did Olimar volunteer so quickly to be food inspector? And why didn't the Pikmin know that someone had poisoned Pikachu's food? If they're so knowledgeable about food, they would have detected that."

Suddenly, the group heard Yoshi's cries. The four ran upstairs to find Yoshi's body in the middle of the stairway. Ness came down from the fifth floor sprinting, and almost stepped on Yoshi when he saw the group.

"What happened? I was looking at where the Hands' bodies were when I heard a scream!"

Meta Knight replied, "Someone killed Yoshi. We don't know how. But his skin looks unnaturally light. As if he's an underdeveloped photo."

Zelda commented, "We should get back to our rooms. The killer's still on the loose!

Snake replied, "No! We've got to search!"

Suddenly, a crash was heard from somewhere above the group.

Wolf interjected, "My blaster's in my room. I don't have any ability to attack. Neither do Meta Knight or you without weapons. We could all five get killed. Let's flee.

Meta Knight nodded. The fivesome split up and ran back to their respective rooms, unharmed.


Day turned into night, and it was uneventful.

Ike lay in his bed, unable to sleep. He heard a commotion out in the hall, and contemplated whether he should find out what it was. Ultimately, curiosity got the better of him, and he saw Fox shooting at DK, who was dodging. DK was slowly advancing toward Fox. Who should Ike help?

A/N: This is where this chapter gets cool. In your review, tell me whether Ike should help DK or Fox. After a specific number of people have voted (I've picked that number) I will unofficially close the voting, so no matter what future reviews say, I'll go with the previous ones! So if you'd rather see DK or Fox live, review!

People left:

Capt. Falcon, Dedede, Diddy, DK, Falco, Fox, Game and Watch, Ganondorf, Ike, Jigglypuff, Kirby, Lucas, Marth, Meta Knight, Nana, Ness, Olimar, Peach, Pikachu, Pit, Samus, Snake, Wario, Wolf, Zelda