AN: This is another Andromeda and Ted oneshot. I feel like I have a love for this ship more than any other. It's just so adorable! Sorry, I notice I have been posting mostly boring romance fanfiction lately.

Andromeda walked down the halls of the home, which her eyes glued upon the family tree. She knew she would soon get burned off, but she could care less now. It wouldn't have been worth it if it was anyone else other than Ted. If she didn't know that Ted could keep themselves both safe, she wouldn't even consider leaving.

Narcissa was the one that she would miss the most. Narcissa was always kinder, but she seemed to obey everything that she was told. Often what she was told wasn't what was right, though. If Bellatrix told Narcissa to do something, she would be the first to act on it.

The blonde walked down the hallway, and then she saw Andromeda. Narcissa's white nightgown was glowing in the moonlight, and her eyes were focused on the paper in Andromeda's hand. "Andy," Narcissa yawned as her blonde hair was swept from in front of her eyes. "What's that?" she questioned, pointing at the paper.

"Nothing," Andromeda replied awkwardly, trying to hide what the paper said. Narcissa still looked confused.

Narcissa took a step closer to Andromeda and said, "Why are your clothes all fancy? It would seem as if you were going out- oh." Narcissa knew this day would come, ever sense she saw Ted and Andromeda snogging in the broom cupboard at school. Her sparkling blue eyes began to fill with tears, and she said, "Don't leave us, Andy. Please."

Andromeda shook her head and said, "I have to. I don't belong here, Cissa." Andromeda sighed and added, "I probably won't see you again, so goodbye." Andromeda turned around and began to head towards the fireplace.

"Andy, you can't leave at three in the morning," Narcissa said nervously, when she watched her older sister put down the letter. "All for a boy?"

Shaking her head, Andromeda said, "Not for him. For me." Narcissa cried and then Andromeda said, "You can't stop me. I need to leave this place, Narcissa."

The blonde stood thinking about how Andromeda rarely called her Narcissa. It was often just "cissa". Narcissa said, "You aren't taking anything? At all?" Andromeda simply nodded. Then, Narcissa took out a handkerchief and unrolled it slowly to reveal a plastic bracelet. "Take this, Andy. I want you to remember me in some way," she said before hugging her sister.

Andromeda nodded and said, "Don't tell them you saw me leave. You will get killed for not stopping me. I love you Narcissa." Narcissa nodded and waved, with tears still showering from her eyes. "Be a good sister, Narcissa. Just remember, you don't have to be what our parents tell you." Andromeda stepped into the fireplace and mumbled a location under her breath before dropping the floo powder. Once there were green flames, Narcissa sobbed into a pillow located on the couch.

After Narcissa's tears seemed to have ran out, she picked up the letter that Andromeda had left.

Dear Family,

I don't agree with your brutal ways and beliefs. You are cruel, and I am sick of it. I love a muggleborn, and I can't live with you guys anymore. Narcissa, you will always be in my heart. Sirius will also always have a spot in there too, no matter how much of a pest he was. Bellatrix, Mother, and Father... you all can die and I will dance on your grave.

~Andromeda x

Narcissa smiled at the letter and then walked into her bedroom, hoping that when she woke up she would realize this was all a dream.

5 Years Later

Ted held Andromeda's hand, and the two walked down the streets of London. Narcissa stood there, staring, just to hope that it was truly who she wished it was. Then, Narcissa saw the bracelet and she waved at the couple. The two waved back, and made it on their way.