Sorry for the long wait. I'm thinking about letting Roy and Wally show up again in the future. What do you guys think?

darkshadows3321: Thank you for telling me that. (It's been awhile since I've seen Teen Titans.)

thedrunkencupcake: Thank you to you as well. :D

(All of you guys are so amazing!) *is crying out of happiness*

Also Please tell me I'm not the only one super exicted for Thor 2: the Dark world! Loki is just badass. (My God, I just LOVE Tom Hiddleston. ((He's too adorable for this world)) OMG their hair is longer. And who can take Thor sersiously when he said he'd kill Loki for beytraying him. (((We all know it's a lie))) ((((Am I the only one thinking that both Tom and Chris are looking extremely good?)))) And now you see I'm uber excited for that movie.)

Please correct me if there are any mistakes.


~~~The Deadly Past~~~~

The Titans looked at Batgirl with awe. The redhead was talking to them about coming to gotham and meeting Batman! This was a once in a lifetime chance! The team quickly agreed and walked Batgirl out as she said she'd be back in a few days.

Raven glanced at the others with a frown.

"Raven, what is wrong," the only other female in their group asked. This question got the attention of BeastBoy and Cyborg.

"I don't think we should go. I mean there's got to be a reason why Robin left Batman in the first place."

The three realized their mistake of not asking the leader of the Titans. Guilt chased it's way into their emotions.

"But we already told Batgirl that we'd go."

"Beastboy is right. We can't just bail on her."

Raven thought for a moment,"We just need to convince Robin of going."

~~~The Deadly Past~~~~

Robin stared nonchalantly out of his window. The wind blew some of the ocean's pearly water onto his skin. He didn't know what to think. In all honesty he missed Bruce, Tim, and Alfred, but he didn't want to face Bruce so soon.


'Deja-vu, anyone?'


The boy wonder let Raven in and Raven quickly explained what happened a few minutes before.

"I don't think they'll take no as an anwser. They really want to go."

The magic user left the teen to ponder on what he should do.

~~~The Deadly Past~~~~

Laughter rang through Wayne Manor. A eight year old was running as if he was playing tag. You could hear the older man behind him laughing like he hadn't in years. The boy jumped from the stair rails and did some flips in the air before landing gracefully onto the wooden floor.

The man from behind followed suit and jumped from the same railing and quickly catching the child.

"Bruce," the child squealled while trying to catch his breath.

The man laughed," You weren't fast enough Dicky."

The two started to tussle on the floor, but the two looked up when they heard a throat clear itself.

"Sirs, I believe Master Allen and Master Wallance has arrived."

The eight year old shot out of his fathers hold and sprinted to the door. He crashed into one of his best friends, Wally West.



The ten year old quickly laughed and took off with his friend. Bruce made it to the door as the boys ran out of that hallway. The men smiled and watched them gallop off.

"So is Ollie and Roy here?"

Bruce shook his head," They should be here soon."

Not even a minute after he said that did the doorbell ring. Bruce opened the door and let the other two visitors in.

"They're already up there Roy."

The red head thanked him and took off up the stairs. Oliver smiled and followed one of the richest men in the world.

~~~The Deadly Past~~~

Robin came to the conclusion that it would be best if he went home for a few days. He told the other who where rather exuberant at the announcement.