I guess I better start this off with a big big apology that obviously doesn't make up for me not posting but I've been swamped with exams and really I've just never had the motivation...until today. I know its not long but its a start right? anyway I hope this is ok...please let me know! x
Chapter 17
I must have been trapped in a coma for days, I seemed to be unconscious for long periods of time, and then, when I eventually gained conscious thought, I'd fight and fight to wake up. To do something! Blink, move, make a fist, anything! But nothing seemed to work. It left me exhausted, which is strange because my body was in a state of rest. I could hear voices now and then from the doctors or the people who came to see me; but it still sounded funny, like we had bad reception or I was underwater or something.
I was starting to lose hope, I mean, I'd read in an article somewhere that the longer a person is in a coma, the less likely they were to wake up. That thought seemed to constantly circle my mind. That's the thing with being in a coma; you're literally left with your own thoughts. It's quite disturbing really.
But then, after what felt like an age of fighting my body and mind, I awoke, gagging, choking on something. I tried to cough up whatever it was, I spluttered, my eyes watering, panic setting in. I blinked, bright lights blasting my eyes; sensory overload. As I blinked and blinked and choked, I felt a hand on my back and something being pulled from my throat. My vision cleared and I saw a kind looking nurse smiling at me, a tube in her hand. I was a bit grossed out by the gooey saliva on the tube. It felt weird when I breathed but it was a much better feeling that that of choking.
The nurse pushed reached into a pocket and pulled out a pager, she quickly tapped at it. She looked back at me at smiled again. The nurse had a soft face with warm brown eyes that were surrounded by laughter lines.
"Hi, I'm Nurse Jenkins, how are you feeling?" the nurse asked.
"I feel…strange…my head's all woozy and it's like I can't really think straight. Everything's all slow but I'm not really in any pain" I told her.
"Well I have to say, Piper, your situation is pretty unprecedented. You were in a coma but the doctors couldn't figure out why, and your burns healed miraculously quickly. You're most definitely a lucky girl!"
"Hmm" I shrugged.
I couldn't exactly tell her that it must have been the vampire blood that caused this; she'd have sent me off for psychiatric analysis. Nurse Jenkins slapped her palms on her thighs then stood up.
"I've buzzed Doctor Hagen; she'll be along on a minute. Would you like me to send in your mom?"
"Yes, please, thanks"
Nurse Jenkins smiled at me once more and left my room. A moment later my mom rushed in, with Aunt Jenna and Libby on her heels. Mom's eyes became glassy and then tears spilled over. She clattered her bag into the chair and hurled herself towards me. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight.
"Oh, my baby, I'm so glad you're ok" she sniffed, leaning away slightly, smoothing my hair back with her hand. She gave me a watery smile.
"Athena.." I croaked "where is she?" My voice still wasn't working properly an my throat was sore from the tube that had been shoved down it.
"Honey she's fine, she's with Elena and Jeremy right now, they've been a god send to us, and Jenna too of course! I'll go get Thea and Carter soon, they're dying to see you awake baby!"
She wrapped me in another tight embrace but eventually, she backed off, but still sat beside me in the plastic hospital chair, gripping my like she wouldn't ever let go. Libby hugged me next and then Aunt Jenna.
"You had us so worried!" Aunt Jenna chastised, winking at me, "and you had the doctors stumped!"
"Yeah, well, you know that Piper has always been the incident-prone twin" Libby teased.
"Oi!" I exclaimed "I'm not that bad"
"Oh really? The time you got stuck in the tree trying to rescue Mrs Prescott's cat, aged 15, and the fire brigade had to come get you down? Or when you were playing at the mall and fell, breaking Santa's foot! Just to name a few…" Libby grinned.
I rolled my eyes. Ok so over the years there had been a fair few incidents that some might find embarrassing or humiliating. But hey, everyone has a talent. Mine just happens to be the ability to show yourself up in almost every situation.
It was strange, even though, I'd been in a coma, getting all the rest possible, I was already starting to feel tired. I could feel my eyelids drooping. Mom squeezed my hand and smiled softly at me.
"You're going to be fine sweetie, a bit of rest and you'll be home before you know it!"
"Is it ok if I sleep for a while? I'm so tired and my head just won't keep up!"
"Of course, honey! I best go relieve Jeremy and Elena anyway, I'm sure they could do with a break!" Mom sighed.
She stood up and reached for her bag.
"I''ll come too Nic, I am in dire need of a shower! I really smell" Jenna said, flashing a quick grin at me.
Mom and Jenna headed for the door. Mom hesitated, biting her lip. Libby smiled and threw herself down into the chair next to my bed.
"Don't worry Mom, I'll stay here and look after our little invalid" Libby offered.
"Thanks Lib, I'll be back soon ok? I love you both"
"Love you too mom" we chimed.
I got myself comfy, closing my eyes and settling the covers around me. I was just about to nod off when Libby spoke up.
"Piper?" she drawled.
"You know when you were in the coma"
"Yes Libby…just spit it out!"
"Did you hear everything we said to you?"
I smirked against my pillow.
"I heard some things, and to answer your next question I know all about you and Tyler Lockwood! Now shush! Let me sleep woman!"
"Piper….Piiiiiiper….oi! Sleepy head wake up….there's something I need to ask you woman!" Damon cajoled in teasing tones.
I groaned, rolling over and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Damon was sitting on the chair next to me, looking as dashing as ever. I did notice though that his hair was looking unkempt and his clothes creased.
"Eventually!" Damon laughed, throwing me a wink.
"Oh I'm so very sorry that I was sleeping off a coma!" I giggled. God what was it about this guy that made me giggle like a little kid.
Damon smiled at me, leaned forwards and pressed a smouldering kiss to my lips. I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close. After a minute or so, I pulled away, chuckling softly.
"You look a bit…dishevelled shall we say?" I grinned.
"Oi!" he protested "I haven't had much time to worry about vanity when you've been stuck in here!"
"You stayed?"
"Of course!"
I smiled at him and took a sip from the glass of water beside my bed.
"Where's Libby?" I asked.
"Downstairs with your mom, I persuaded them to go get some food"
"Persuaded?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"I didn't compel them, Piper!"
"Don't give me that look, you know its possible!" I laughed, "So, you said you had a question for me?"
"Indeed I do, two in fact".
"Then ask away!"
Damon fidgeted in his seat then looked back to me.
"Why did you save me? You knew what Bonnie was doing was dangerous, yet you risked yourself for me…nobody's ever done that for me before" Damon remarked. He sounded vulnerable, it was strange for him.
It was a really stupid question for him to ask really. I mean to me the answer was obvious, it didn't need any form of clarification, it was obvious.
"Because I love you…duh!" I informed him with an exaggerated roll of the eyes.
Damon smirked cockily at me but his eyes told me how much my words meant to him.
"Good, that was the answer I was looking for…I mean really I should have guessed, I mean who wouldn't love someone as beautiful, dashing and charming as me!" Damon bragged.
"Yeah, yeah, Damon, you're one in a million that's for sure!" I mocked.
Damon reached forward, tickling my sides till I was crying with laughter and my sides ached.
"Is that sarcasm I detect there Miss Waters?"
"Stop! Stop! Please" I squealed.
"Who is the best boyfriend in the world?" he taunted.
"Damon…Damon Salvatore" I gasped "stop…tickling me!"
Damon stopped his torture and smiled down at me as I recovered. His eyes were sparkling and his grin was infectious. God I wanted to kiss him.
"Move in with me" he suddenly whispered.
My heart stopped, lurched, then thumped twice as fast.
"Excuse me?" I squeaked.
"Move in with me"
"Move in with you? Move in with you and Stefan? Move in to the boarding house?" I repeated.
Damon simply nodded.
"What about Athena? And my mom. I can't just leave them"
"Thea would come too…obviously, I'm not stupid, I know you two are a package deal…she's your daughter Piper. And as for your mother, well she'll just have to deal with it, you're nearly eighteen anyway" Damon informed me.
I closed my eyes. He was making some very good, very persuasive arguments.
"I understand if you don't want too, its early days for us and well, I'm…" Damon back peddled.
"Shut up Damon" I interrupted, "as soon as I get out of here I'll be happy to move it with you"
Damon grinned at me and kissed me passionately.
"Now we just have to tell my mother" I sighed.