It's the Time of the Season-by PS

Aurora looked at her daughter as the doctor spoke.

"Because of her goddess abilities she will go into a mating season when she is at the age of twenty-six. Only the most feral of gods may mate with her to produce an heir that will have some sort of godly talents."

Aurora held her child close, stroking her hair, "is there nothing we can do?"

The doctor shook his head, "we can pray to the gods that her mate will be kind and gentle to her."

The small child gazed out the window, watching with satisfaction as the rain poured down outside.

Her mother tugged on her hand, "come, Ororo…"

Twenty Years Later

Ororo woke up and frowned, today was her birthday.

Outside, it was dark and gloomy, matching her mood.

To make things worse she couldn't remember the dream she was having, but it seemed important…

She shrugged it off and grabbed a towel to go and wash up before breakfast.

Freshly dressed she waltzed downstairs, trying to avoid anyone that might wish her a happy birthday.

She nearly succeeded, but then she passed by Jean's office, and her friend yelled out, "Happy Birthday Ororo!"

The weather witch stopped in her tracks and forced herself to turn around and smile, "thanks Jean."

The red haired woman smiled back, "of course, come on, let's o get you come breakfast!"

Ororo grimaced, so, it was this game was it?

She swung herself under her friend's seeking arms, "no thanks, I'm not that hungry."

Jean frowned, but quickly replaced it with a grin, "of course you are. Why else were you coming down on this side of the mansion?"

Ororo thought quickly, "oh, I was just going to ask Logan something."

Jean frowned, "oh fine! Go on then, but go to the kitchen right afterwards, you don't want to miss breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day after all!"

The white haired woman smiled ruefully, "right."

She hurried up the stairs to Logan's room, feeling Jean's eyes on her all the way there.

She knocked quickly on Logan's door and prayed under her breath that he would open, because she could hear Jean inching up the steps to come and get her.

Suddenly, the door opened and a nearly naked Wolverine stood there, his eyes tired.

She looked at him, her eyes big, "please let me in!"

He glanced behind her then opened the door wide.

Ororo turned back around to look at Logan, "thanks for letting me in, she's driving me crazy!"

He nodded and brushed past her to sit on the couch, "so, what did she do?"

She leaned against the wall, "she's trying to drag me to the kitchen, kicking and clawing all the way there."

A smile graced his lips and he took out a cigar, "why?"

She sighed, "probably to see some birthday stuff."

Logan looked up, his eyebrows raised, "oh? Who's birthday is it?"

Ororo blushed slightly, "mine."

The word was whispered, but, of course, he heard it.

He looked up at her, his gray eyes dark, and his nostrils quivered ever so slightly. "Really, well, do you want your present now, or later on tonight?"

The weather goddess looked at him, "excuse me?"

Suddenly, Logan jolted out of his seat and slammed her against the wall.

"Ah!" she cried out as her back collided with the hard wall, "Logan, what are you doing?"

He growled, the sound echoing in her own chest, "giving you your present."

Her eyes widened as he put his hands on either side of her shoulders, trapping her.

She let out a scream.

Wolverine clapped a hand to her mouth and leaned down, settling his nose on her throat.

He growled, and Ororo felt a shred of fear course through her system, "Logan, don't!"

He inhaled deeply and pressed a kiss to her neck. Ororo surprised herself by shivering form the contact, making Wolverine snarl again.

"You smell so good 'Ro. I just want to eat you!"

Ororo's eyes widened again, he raised his head, his eyes steely, he leaned down to kiss her, when suddenly the bedroom door was flung open and an unseen force blew Wolverine away.

Ororo turned her head to see Jean and Scott standing there, both grimacing at the feral mutant.

Wolverine sat up from his spot on the floor and snarled at the two mutants, "she's mine!"

Scott frowned once more and removed his sunglasses, and blasted Wolverine unconscious.

Jean and Ororo turned and stared at one another…

A While Later

"What's wrong with him?"

Jean sat looking over the lab report, Scott and Ororo close by her side. Wolverine was laying down on a hospital cot, hooked up to many machines, still unconscious.

"I don't really know, his testosterone levels are ridiculously high, and his heart rate his soaring."

Scott leaned against the wall, "but why did he attack Storm?"

Jean suddenly glanced over at her best female friend, "Ororo, can you come with me for a moment please?"

Ororo nodded, her brow furrowed…

Minutes Later

"Why are we doing this again?"

The weather witch was hooked up to numerous machines, and Jean stood by her side, watching each one.

"Because, I think that he didn't attack you out of malice, he attacked you out of sexual need."

Storm looked up at the telepath, "you mean he attacked me because he wanted to have sex with me?"

Jean shook her head, her scarlet locks flying, "no, he wanted to mate with you. It goes on a deeper level than just sex."

Ororo opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly a machine dinged, and Jena went to go and check the results.

She came back, her face set in a scowl.

The former goddess s stared at the Phoenix, "well? What is it?"

Jean bit her lip, "I'm not sure how to say this, but, I think Logan acted the way he did is because you're in heat…"

After the shock and Later On

Professor Charles Xavier stared at his X-men. "Logan is acting this way because of Ororo?"

Jean nodded, writing down in a medical journal, "yes. But, he's still Logan, it's just, his feral side is taking over, and he wants to, um…mate with Ororo."

Charles blinked, "well, what should we do?"

Scott spoke up from behind Jean, "we need to keep the two apart, we can't have them be together."

Jean nodded, "even though he's still Logan he could unintentionally hurt Ororo. He plans on marking her as his."

The Professor blinked again, "well, how do we keep them separated? They live in the same house, and they are on the same team!"

Jean rubbed her hands together, "Ororo's up in her room right now, and Scott's planning on reinforcing it with code combination doors, windows, and walls that only we know. Not even Ororo knows the code."

Charles scratched his bare head, "what about when there is trouble and we're needed? I can't just send the two of you out there alone!"

Scott took a step forward, "already taken care of. We've gotten Gambit, and Beast to come and help us."

The Headmaster shook his head, "alright then. You sound like you know what you're doing."

Jean nodded, a smile playing at her lips, "we've got it all under control."

A few Minutes Later

Wolverine woke up, his head pounding, his loins aching.

He sat up on his elbows and tried to remember what had happened.

His eyes popped open, oh no, Ororo.

He had attacked her, nearly sexually assaulting her!

He leapt up and was surprised to find his claws unsheathed and his muscles clenched.

He sniffed the air and froze.

The scent was amazing. Rain and lavender combined assaulted his nose and made his blood run hot.


The beast inside of his snarled, go, track her down, and make her yours!

The need for release was amazing, and he felt like he could never be complete without his storm-maker.

He went to the door of the large cell and sliced it like hot butter with his claws.

Then, he stepped out of the cell, and sniffed the air, ignoring the blaring alarms…

Minutes Later

"How did he get out?"

Jean examined the cell, "he just sliced his way out of the cell. We need to find him now!"

Scott's eyes suddenly widened, Jean looked at him, "what?"

He turned to her, "Ororo."

Jean grabbed the nearest phone…

About Two seconds Later

Ororo grabbed her phone as fast as she could, trying to keep a tight hold on her towel, "hello?"

"Ororo! You need to get out now!"

The white-haired woman frowned, "why, Jean, what's happened?"

Her friend sounded as though she were running, "Logan's escaped, and he's-"

Suddenly, the line was cut dead, and the room went dark.

Storm tried to feel around for a candle or flashlight, but she found none.

Sounds echoed around her, and she clutched her towel tighter around her slim frame.

"Hello 'Ro."


"Scott! Do something!"

The leader was trying his best to get into Ororo's room, but, "I can't! He's hacked into the system and changed everything, it could take hours for me to hack back in!"

Jean was panicking, "well, blast your way through then!"

He shook his head, "these walls are impenetrable, nothing can get through them."

Jean shook her head, "no, not impenetrable. How did he get in then?"

Scott turned to look at her, his face steely.

In Ororo's Room

She gasped and swung around; the tall silhouette of a man stood hear the window.


She heard a low growl and backed up against a wall, "Logan, what are you doing here?"

He stepped closer, "I needed to see you."

"You need to leave Logan."

He took three steps forward, inhaling her scent, "no. I want to be here, with you."

He heard her heartbeat, and her scent was intoxicating. He growled, pleased to hear her heart rate pick up a bit.

She shook her head in the dark, "no. we can't do this. Leave Logan, it's better this way."

He snarled and launched himself forward, catching her arms and pinning her against the wall.

Ororo tried not to panic, or react to him in any way, but his body heat and the scent of him was intense.

He leaned close and took her mouth with his.

She gasped.

His mouth was hot and tempting, and his body was scalding against her towel clad form.

He pulled away, "I want you 'Ro. Bad."

Ororo wanted to give into his so badly, she was weak in the knees. She was about to answer when he suddenly went and kissed her neck.

She moaned.

His tongue rasped it's way up and around her slim neck, then, he ran his enlarged canines over the same path his tongue had just traveled.

She grasped his jacket and held on for dear life, "Lo-Logan, no, we-we can't."

He growled, and she felt it on her chest.

He leaned back and kissed her lips again, "I can smell how badly you want me 'Ro. I want you more than that even."

She clenched her thighs together, embarrassed that he could smell her arousal.

He snarled and pressed closer to her, "tell me 'Ro, tell me. I want to hear you say it!"

She licked her lips and swallowed, "Logan, I want you to take me."

Meahwhile-in the Hall

Remy and Hank had joined Jean and Scott by that time.

Scott cursed, "we have to try something else, the scanners can't find anything!"

Jean sunk down to the floor, "we have to keep trying!"

Hank leaned against the wall, "until then, we pray. Ororo is strong, but no one can resist the urge to mate forever."

Remy's face scrunched…

Ororo's Room

Logan picked up his goddess and deposited her on the soft bed, following her down and climbing up her body like the predator he was.

"Ororo…" he whispered to her, shedding his jacket.

The woman beneath him bit her lip, she was scared and excited all at once.

Logan dropped his shoes to the floor and took off his shirt, revealing his muscled chest to his soon-to-be mate.

Ororo bit back a moan and looped her fingers onto his jeans.

Logan looked up at her face and kissed her, making sure that his tongue caressed her gently, and then, he took off her towel.

Out in the Hall

Remy took out a card and threw it at the wall, it exploded, drawing everyone's eyes to him.

He looked at them and shrugged, "what?"

Scot glared at the Cajun man, "what are you doing?"

Remy shrugged, "experimenting."

Suddenly, Jean leapt up, "that's it!"

Hank stared at her, "what's 'it?'"

Jean tapped at the wall, "Logan got in through the wall. But, in another part of the house. Come on, we have to find it!"

And with that she took off running, an excited Gambit behind her, a confused hank following him, and an annoyed trailing along…


Storm gasped as the cold air hit her nude flesh.

Logan stared down at her naked body with hot eyes.

She squirmed a bit, but he cupped her face in his hand, "don't worry 'Ro, you're beautiful."

She rose up from the bed and kissed him gently.

His hand still cupped her face and she fisted her hands in his dark, unruly hair, coaxing a groan from him.

He pulled away, licking his lips and staring at her with dark eyes.

He undid his belt and slid his jeans down his hips.

Ororo gasped when his member came into view.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, he was huge!

She felt his body cover hers, and his lips brushed the shell of her ear, "I'll be gentle."

She nodded and opened her eyes, then nodded for him to go.

In the Mansion's Walls

Remy coughed as they entered the walls of the mansion, "remind me to bring a rag and light next time."

Hank crawled in behind him, "why a rag?"

The New Orleans resident coughed again, "because, that way cobwebs won't get into your mouth as easily."

Scott scoffed, "can we please just move; Jean, you see anything yet."

"No, I-wait!"

There was a shuffle and then Jean cawed in triumph, "this is the way, this is Logan's lighter!"

Remy removed a cobweb from his hair, "why drop that of all things?"

Suddenly, a dim light filled the small space, Remy laughed wryly, "ah, a light source, how convenient."

They followed the small light source that was Jean…

At the Same Moment

Logan pushed forward gently, making Ororo gasp.

He filled her completely and she cried out as he went as deep as he could go.

He hugged her close, whispering in her ear, "it's alright, I promised to be gentle, and I will be."

She finally choked out, "Logan, move, please."

He wasted no time in moving shallowly in and out of her until she was writhing, "faster!"

He went faster, their hips collided, making her cry out with each thrust.

She met her end quickly and he came soon after her, roaring her name and biting into her neck, marking her as his.

She panted, "I love you Logan."

He pulled her close, nuzzling her new mark, "I love you too 'Ro."

About Three Minutes Later

Jean suddenly stopped, making all the others run into each other, but, somehow, she remained untouched.

She looked back at her friends, frowning as she took in their position.

"The Professor told us to come back. It's to late, they've already consummated the mating."

Scott sat up, "isn't there anything we can do?"

Jean suddenly smiled, "yep, start buying baby clothes."

Then, she extinguished the lighter…