Merlin's POV

Arthur stepped into the dank cell, he looked at me warily then said:

"Merlin." As though nothing important had happened tonight.

"Arthur." I replied, in the calmest tone I could muster. 'Two could play at that game,' I thought to myself.

"You're a sorcerer." He muttered, staring down at the floor with apparent interest.

Ugh, no I was not a sorcerer, If truth be told I found it quite offensive that so many people would immediately jump to that conclusion

"Well, technically I'm a warlock… but essentially yes, I am a sorcerer. I have magic at least- if that's what you meant." I really couldn't be bothered to expand on the whole warlock thing, it normally took a long time to explain.

"Ah. I see." He said, it sounded as though he was going to say more, but when he did not I spoke for him.

"So do I!" I said laughing, I leant in so that the guards would be unable to hear us, "I can see that you have magic as well."

"I do." He stammered, well at least he wasn't in denial like Morgana had been. That would certainly complicate matters.

"Hmm, Gaius said a long time ago that you might- left over magic from Nimueh's…" Whoops, I probably shouldn't have said that...

"Nimueh's what?" He asked, damn- I wish I had never mentioned it!

"Never mind. So tell me, why do you want to see me?" He looked at me suspiciously for a moment or two, confused at the sudden change in conversation. But luckily he began to speak again;

"It's my father. He's ill and you're the only one who can help him." Arthur's voice was quavering, and he looked truly upset about something. I frowned.

"But if you posses the gift, why can't you heal him?"

"Because I am weak. You've seen me do magic, the best I can manage is a small charm- and even that I cannot hold for more than a few seconds."

I control the smile that flickered onto my face, that was certainly something you don't hear often. Arthur's face crinkled in confusion so I thought it best to explain; "Sorry, it's just that you admitted you are weak. I've never heard you say that before!"

Arthur looked around, checking for guards and then turned back to face me. "I only know one spell." he said sadly. Curiosity grabbed at me.

"What is it?" I asked, now truly interested.

"Abiddan bigcwide." Mumbled Arthur, it was extremely odd to see his eyes burn gold. It was a faint shade at first but eventually it deepened and I watched, mesmerized, as my small supper dish rose off the floor. It whizzed up about a metre before he started to struggle. Without me even thinking about it my own magic soared out to help him, together we made the dish rise another metre up before Arthur's eyes returned to their normal blue tone and it crashed down to the floor.

"Wow, that's the longest I've ever been able to control it." He said, proudly.

"I think it was quite good." I Said, honestly, "But I don't really understand your magic. Gaius said that most young sorcerers are like you when they are at this stage- they can't control the power that well."

"Surely you know what it's like. How did you manage to control it?" Arthur was awkward about this conversation, it clearly showed in his voice. I wasn't that bothered, and that surprised me, this was our first open discussion about magic, yet it seemed so natural. So easy and free.

"Well…Not exactly, I'm not a sorcerer as I said earlier. I'm a warlock which means I was born with my power."

Arthur's eyes bulged, he looked really rather funny and I was half tempted to laugh. That was until I saw fear creep into his expression.

I smiled, a sad little smile, that wasn't meant to comfort but to confess.

"Merlin, how powerful are you?" He asked shyly.

I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment, I hated the subject of my power because it always made me seem so scary, and that couldn't be further from the truth. "Very." I said as quickly as I could.

For some reason Arthur didn't look shocked, instead he mulled over the situation for a moment until he snapped his head up and stared at me with great urgency sketched onto his face.

"Merlin, we must hurry. My father is sick- he is dying- and there is only one hope for him Please, I am begging you, save him."

I thought for a moment, if mine and Uther's roles were reversed he would not hesitate to kill me. But he was Arthur's father, and I could not watch him mourn when there was something I could do to help. It took me a while to reach my decision, but once I got there I knew it was the right one.

I nodded.


Me and Arthur thought for a while as to how exactly he could take me from my cell without the guards questioning him. Then the answer hit me, I whispered a few words of the Old Religion and the door opened with a click. We tiptoed through the dungeons as silently as was possible. The guards spun around in horror as they saw me standing there, but before they could utter a word I had cast a powerful sleeping spell and they collapsed like skittles in a heap. I felt guilty as we stepped over them, Arthur looked more and more surprised every time I apologised.

"I don't like using magic except in emergencies." I said. "Magic is special, not something to be used at every opportunity."

The walk to Uther's chambers seemed to take an awfully long time. Most probably because every time a person passed me and Arthur , I was shoved into the shadows until said person had gone. This happened on at least fifteen occasions (I stopped counting after that). If you don't believe me I'll show you my arm; it's covered in bruises from where that prat pushed me!

Eventually we had entered Uther's room, I crossed the space between the door and the bed with my head held high. I would not appear weak or cowardly in front of Uther, that I made sure of. I was unsurprised to see Gaius was already sitting at Uther's bedside, he was the court physician after all.

It was then that I first glanced at Uther. His eyes were dull and un-shining and his forehead was beaded with sweat. A mixture of dribble and sick hung to his chin and an overwhelming sense of death lurked in the air. Like that time when Arthur nearly died, you could feel the power that was beyond any of our control. I tutted at both the memory and the sight before me.

The king opened his eyes when Arthur grew nearer. I doubt he recognised me, such was his delirium. "Arthur? I'm glad you are here," Said Uther, his voice was strained and wheezy. "Morgana? Where is Morgana, Arthur?" I looked at Arthur to see what he would say. He was silent, thinking.

"She will be here soon." He eventually said.

Uther's eyes closed, and a part of me knew that they would not reopen.

Sighing, I whispered; "Arthur, I think I'm too late, he's too far gone. There's nothing I can do."

"Please try." Said Arthur, "Just try…"

I exchanged a quick glance with Gaius; the old man's face showed that he had clearly given up hope. I was Arthur's last chance and I knew that I had to try.

I raised my arms, they felt heavier than usual, probably because of the extra responsibility that now rested on my shoulders. For a moment I thought of what spell to use, I was never that good at healing spells. Then one popped into my head; "Batian pisses angelcyning aer mec," I waited for the power behind the spell to take hold, but nothing happened. Even as blue flames burst from my fingertips and wrapped themselves around the king, I was unable to revive him. Despite all the effort I put in. Gaius checked Uther's pulse and shook his head, sighing, as he pulled up the bed sheet and covered the King's face.

I peeked over at Arthur and what I saw made guilt erupt in my heart, Arthur had his face buried in his hands, tears were sliding down his cheeks and his whole body shook under the strain of his sorrow.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't-" I begun, unable to put the apology into words.

"-Please, don't worry. I know you did all that you could. I am very grateful Merlin. Truly I am." Said Arthur, regaining some of his composure.

Next to me Gaius stood up, mentioning something about 'pins and needles.' He walked over to the window where he froze and spun around quicker than I thought it possible.

"Arthur," he called "I think you should see this." Arthur stood up slowly and wiped away his remaining tears, I followed him about a metre behind.

What I saw made me gasp, it looked as thought the whole of Camelot was gathered below. Each was carrying a simple white candle stared straight up at the window. For a moment Arthur seemed to freeze, then he changed. Just like that. It was as thought he had suddenly transformed into this brave new person- a king.

And this king addressed his people with exactly the right amount of kindness and sorrow. Arthur shook his head; "King Uther has passed away." He said, "He was suffering from long term damage caused by the Lady Morgana and I will not allow my father to die in vain." The people down below were hanging on Arthur's every word, trying to figure out what sort of a king he would be.

"For Camelot." Arthur shouted and I watched, amazed, as the people followed.

"For Camelot." I chanted with everyone else, all my worries and all my cares momentarily forgotten.

Goodbye for the moment :) you've all been so lovely xxx

News: I've just written the plan for the sequel in my notebook, I'm quite optimistic about it actually :D

Information: My new story is well under way, it will not be connected to DMWM however it will share silimar themes- well... sort of... At the moment it's called 'The Witch's Vendetta,' but this might change :) x