Thanks to: tinkerbellblu83, dolphinsiren77, Ranma, jj for the reviews! :)

Tony licked his lips as his own cock twitched at the sight of his lover and taking a step closer, he touched Gibbs' chest and asked softly, "Where do you want me?"

What followed next happened so quickly that left Tony's head reeling.

Gibbs moved so swiftly that before Tony could react, he found himself seized by his shoulders, pulled against his lover, turned around, and pushed against the slab.

Gibbs' breath was warm against his ear as he tightened his arm around Tony's waist, pushing and pulling the younger man until he was almost doubled over the slab, managing in the meantime to rub his cock hard against his buttocks.

Tony felt the first drops of his hot seed drip along the crevice between them and groaned. Gibbs then kicked his legs wide apart, planted his cock firmly between them and before Tony knew it, he rammed inside.

Tony's mind screamed, yet only a strangled sound came from his throat as air left him in a rush and his hands flailed, desperately looking for something to anchor himself to.

Gibbs then remained immobile, his forehead resting against Tony's shoulder, his huge heat throbbing inside of the younger man's ass. For a moment, there was no other sound in the room but their combined, rasping breath. Then Gibbs flexed his hips and retreated nearly all the way out of Tony's body and the younger man moaned at the delicious friction. His lover thrust back with all his strength. Once. Twice. Three times.

By the time Gibbs came, Tony was already squirming in his tight embrace, trying to somehow gain release for his own, aroused body. However, when he tried to shift position and move an arm, so he could reach his erection, Gibbs growled and gripped the back of his neck aggressively, the claws raking his skin, pushing him down on the slab. "Down...yes...mine," he snarled.

Tony stopped and bit his lip to somehow control the frustration that gnawed at his belly. Despite coming, Gibbs was still thick and hard inside him, filling him so completely that it was slightly painful yet the hurt felt good.

"Touch me..." Tony whispered, "Touch me..." but the older man didn't seem to hear. Or, if he heard, he didn't care.

With some effort, Tony rocked his pelvis, trying to have Gibbs change the angle of his penetration, or really, just do something, because anything was preferable to remaining immobile, impaled and unsatisfied.

Gibbs growled again, but this time he didn't restrain Tony. Instead, he kicked the younger man's legs wider apart then started thrusting again.

Tony moaned and gasped in rhythm with his lover's powerful movements, for each thrust jabbed against his prostate, driving him higher and higher. Yet, somehow, he knew he wouldn't come just from that. He needed to feel a hand around his cock. Whether it was his own hand or Gibbs', it didn't matter, as long someone stroked him to completion.

"Touch me, Jethro..." Tony repeated in a louder tone. "Come on, Boss-" He never completed the line for Gibbs roared like a lion as he came for a second time, slumping over his back.

Tony found himself pressed with his face flat on the metallic slab, his head spinning with frustration and arousal, as atop him Gibbs panted...and damn it! He was purring! Tony loved when Gibbs purred, he liked to put his head over his lover's chest and feel it vibrate with his low rumbling, but this time the purring felt like mocking. There he was, slammed against an autopsy table, bent in half, frustrated and horny as hell, and his lover had gall to dare to purr in satisfaction!

Then Gibbs straightened his back and raised Tony against him. The younger man relaxed a little as he rested against the heaving chest, their bodies still engaged. Gibbs took a step back, dragging Tony with him. Then, he took another and stumbled against the chair Ducky usually kept near the wall and out of the way, but which was now very much in the way.

Gibbs lost his balance and sat down heavily, pulling Tony down with him. The impact of the fall drove him once more deeply inside the younger man and he gasped at the unexpected, extra sensation. Gibbs somehow relaxed and rested his body against the back of the chair while he kept Tony tight against him, his clawed fingers digging a little into his skin. Exhausted, Tony rested against him, his erection having half deflated.

Somehow, Tony must have dozed, at least for a moment or so, because he lost the trail of his thoughts and the throbbing of his ass receded to a dull, tolerable ache. But he was brought back to reality - whatever reality had turned out to be – when he felt Gibbs shift behind him, his muscles rippling, his sweat bathing Tony and turning his body as slick as his lover's.

Gibbs murmured something Tony couldn't understand. Was he dreaming? Or was he getting ready to go again? Tony shifted his weight, and a grin appeared on his face.

During his Fever, Gibbs' recovery time had been that of two, sometime three hours, but this time it was different. Not only he had already come twice within ten minutes but, by judging by the hard cock in Tony's ass, it wouldn't be long for him to go after a third orgasm.

And this time, when Gibbs would come, Tony would join him.

Tony began to jerk off his cock as he gently rocked his hips. Gibbs moaned and moved in accord, his fingers digging deeper into the younger man's thighs as he increased the rhythm of his movements.

They moved together, rocking and thrusting, arching and circling and Tony cried out when suddenly Gibbs' hand let go of his thigh and wrapped around the one the younger man was using to jerk himself off. The pressure around his swollen cock became too much and Tony came. Hard. As hard he could ever remember coming, his body convulsing around Gibbs'.

When it was over, and Tony started recovering his senses, he noticed he was slumped back against Gibbs' chest, who, after coming a third time, had gone completely limp.

Tony closed his eyes and remained still until he regained his breath. Then, tentatively, he stood up, moving off Gibbs. The last orgasm had finally eased his lover's erection and Tony had no trouble freeing himself, but he winced and then grimaced when he took the first step.

He gasped as muscles he didn't even know he had ached, and blushed crimson when he felt come drip down his legs. Stumbling, he reached for the sink and the roll of paper towels nearby. He used the water and paper to clean himself off and to check for traces of blood, finding none.

Then he turned around and checked his lover. Gibbs was still on the chair, dozing exhausted and bathed in sweat, smelling of man, sex and satiation.

Tony touched Gibbs' cheek to check how warm was his skin, and he opened his blue eyes. Tony looked them and found that at least for that moment those irises were lucid. He smiled at the older man and Gibbs smiled back.

"Jethro," Tony told him softly. "I think it would be best if you lay down now. That chair seems on the verge of breaking." As he spoke, he firmly grabbed Gibbs' upper arm and tugged. Maybe his words reached the older man's mind or he simply understood the gesture, but he rose slowly to his feet and stood up. Tony guided Gibbs to the corner, looking for a bit of privacy in that too open room. At least there they would have a bit of protection if Ducky decided to come out and check on them. Once there, he spread a pair of green, *clean*, medical garbs on the floor and then pushed on both of Gibbs' shoulders, to encourage him to lower himself on the ground. By the moment he was horizontal, the older man was sound asleep.

Tony went back to the sink, wet some more paper towels and returned near Gibbs. Kneeling down, he washed away the sweat and the dried semen from his sleeping lover. While he worked, Tony wasn't able to prevent himself from admiring Jethro's body. He wasn't in perfect shape, of course; he had too many years on him to be so, yet he still had a body many a younger man would kill for. Tony wondered if his half-Bosavian heritage played a role in it.

Tony worked quickly and softly on Gibbs' groin area, not wanting to wake the sleeping tiger, but not enough to prevent his lover's cock from hardening under the touch.

Tony's eyes rose to look at Gibbs' and found them open—and burning hot. Wild. He was again in the throes of the chemical induced Fever, and before Tony knew it, a strong arm wrapped around him and dragged him down.

"Jethro..." he started but the word turned into a moan as Gibbs buried his face against his sternum and rubbed his stubble against the skin there. Then, he turned his face and captured one of Tony's already hardened nipples between his lips, swirling his tongue around it, and gently raking it with the tips of his fangs.

Tony moaned aloud, cradling the older man's head as that skilled mouth moved to his other nipple. Gibbs' hand instead slid down his body and between his thighs, looking for and finding his still slick and loose opening.

Tony unconsciously spread his thighs to accommodate the questioning fingers, while his own hand slipped down between their bodies, finding Gibbs' cock, and his heavy, tight balls.

The older man returned the attention by spreading himself to give Tony better access and by using his sharp fangs on his chest.

Tony cried out at the slight stinging sensation and his arousal spiked so high he felt dizzy with it. He quickly straddled Gibbs' thighs and taking hold of his erection, positioned it against his hole and sunk down.

Tony squeezed his eyes and gritted his teeth as the penetration burned all the way in despite the lube and the remains of their previous couplings. Yet, it felt good.

When they started moving, it was in unison, thrusting and rocking, their bodies damp with mingled sweat sliding against each other. Tony's cock was trapped between their tense, burning bellies, the friction as exquisite as the brushing of his prostate every time Gibbs pushed in.

Soon, Tony was digging his fingers in the older man's shoulders in a way that had to be painful. Soon, Gibbs was digging his own in Tony's buttocks in a way that would leave them bruised and sore as he urged the younger man to ride him harder. Tony obliged, moving with increasing urgency, undulating, sliding up and down the stiff cock, frantically riding towards his release and driving Gibbs' towards his...

Tony bit down on his lover's shoulder when he came; muffling his cries against his sweaty skin to avoid Ducky bursting in thinking he was being killed. Gibbs' own orgasm overcame him shortly after, and he had no qualms in roaring out his pleasure.

Tony went limp against his lover's body, barely managing to slide his arms around his neck to avoid collapsing on the floor. They remained like this for some time, panting and overpowered by the fatigue and the smell of satiation.

Then suddenly, Gibbs moved with the swiftness that made him lethal in close-combat situations and before Tony could protest, he was rolled onto his back, his thighs spread and pushed back against his chest.

Gibbs was towering darkly over him, his wild blue eyes fixed on his face. Tony briefly wondered if he was lucid. If he knew the man who lay naked and at his mercy was him, Tony DiNozzo, his lover and trusted second in command.

Gibbs growled low in his throat and as he started moving again, Tony simply ceased to wonder and gave himself over to pleasure. It was too soon for him to recover and have another erection, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy himself—and enjoy himself he did, as one coupling mixed with the next.

Sometime during the night, Tony dozed, only to wake up to a tingling sensation. He was lying on his stomach on the floor, with only a thin surgical garb separating him from the ground. He was exhausted, drained, and too confused to identify what had awoken him. He had never been taken so repeatedly. So deeply. So thoroughly. He had never come so many times. So hard.

He groaned when he suddenly identified the source of the tingling sensation. Gibbs' hand was moving on one of his buttocks. Fondling it. Dangerously sliding down its curve, his fingers becoming more and more inquisitive... No. It could not be happening again. There was no way Tony could take him again. He had to talk to him... He had to talk some reason into the fog caused by the chemicals in his blood... Tony gathered all his strength and tried to rise but it was to no avail... His aborted movement left him open and exposed to Gibbs' fingers...they found their way into Tony's body with the determination and knowledge of an alpha male animal bringing his mate into submission.

Tony started crawling on the floor; desperately trying to reach safety, dislodging the fingers and feeling them trail along the inside of his leg... He moved with desperate slowness and the awkward, dislodged movements of a landed fish...Gibbs' hand closed around his ankle with the finality of a cuff.

Tony stopped moving and held his breath while waiting for Gibbs to act and wondering if his lover's fogged mind would finally be able to grasp the situation and react... It did not. Instead, Gibbs acted. He dragged Tony towards him, and when Gibbs had the younger man close enough, he brought an arm around his waist and raised him onto his knees.

"Jethro... Jethro, please! No more..." Tony tried to offer resistance but his strength had been burned in the course the night and the delirium they had gone through. His struggle didn't achieve anything, but was rewarded with a hard slap on his already bruised buttock. Tony cried out as much in surprise as in pain for Gibbs' hand was heavy and hard as only a carpenter's can be.

He remained quiet for a moment, as Gibbs caressed the skin he had just slapped. Tony's buttock burned and little by little the odd heat spread along his body and seemed to bring it back to life. He sighed and let his head fall as Gibbs went on caressing his bottom. When his hand slid down between the buttocks, Tony stiffened for a moment, and then relaxed; knowing that whatever would happen next would be easier if he was relaxed.

Gibbs lightly touched his loose hole, then his fingers moved lower, making Tony shiver as they reached his half hard cock and began to stroke it.

Tony was ready to swear the older man was smiling against his back as his efforts were rewarded by a full erection and leaking pre-come. A moment later, when Gibbs pushed again inside him, Tony swallowed a whimper as his muscles stretched to accommodate his lover.

Feeling that he would not encounter any resistance, Gibbs' arm released Tony's waist and his hands moved freely over the younger man's body, caressing his thighs, his belly and then wrapping again around his cock, which was stroked firmly, in rhythm with the older man's thrusts.

They pleasured each other undulating, rocking, thrusting and caressing. Moving inexorably to the point of no return.

When climax crashed on them, Tony's inner walls tightened so impossibly hard around Gibbs' cock, that it elicited a cry of ecstatic pain from both of their throats. Tony's arms shook, and he collapsed on the floor, exhausted and barely aware of Gibbs erratically caressing his sweaty back.

Then he lost awareness of everything else.

He fainted.


When Tony woke up again, it wasn't because of Gibbs pawning him, but because both his stomach and bladder reminded him a long time had passed since he had food or visited the head.

Once his mind cleared enough, Tony looked at his watch – the only thing he hadn't taken off last evening – and checked the time. It was 0623 which meant he and Gibbs had been locked in Autopsy having sex for thirteen hours. Thirteen hours of wild sex with Ducky sitting – or lying, since there was a couch too – in his office.

Tony blushed crimson as he remembered the screams and other sounds they had made as they had mated again and again. I would be a miracle if he would ever be able to face the good doctor without blushing or dying of embarrassment...

Speaking of which, Tony didn't want to be caught bare-assed by Ducky. Nor did he want to be examined in any way. Which meant he and Gibbs had to leave ASAP. That is, if the older man had returned to normal. Tony shivered as he rose to a sitting position and took one of Gibbs' hands in his own, checking it.

Thank you God, he thought when he saw the claws had gone. As much he had enjoyed their wild night – and boy! he had enjoyed it a lot – he wasn't in any condition to see more action any time soon. His ass hurt—a lot. His cock felt raw. His balls were tender. His muscles were sore and aching—and he was ready to bet Gibbs wouldn't be feeling much better when he woke up.

Tony touched his lover's bare shoulder, until the older man groaned and rolled onto his back, mumbling, "I'm awake." They were the first coherent words he had said since the evening before and his voice was hoarse and throaty.

Tony watched as his eyes opened. There was a long moment of silence, as Gibbs blinked his eyes rapidly and looked around him.

"What are we doing here?" he murmured so low Tony barely heard him.

"Don't you remember, Jethro?" Tony asked.

Gibbs frowned as he said, "I remember interrogating Dempsey...and feeling very angry. Then nothing more. What happened here? Why are we naked? In Autopsy of all places?"

"Boss, the testosterone injection – you remember that, don't you?" when he received a small head nod he continued, "Good, you do. Well, the injection had a side effect. It caused you to change and enter in your mating Fever. I took you down here hoping Ducky would be able to help you, but there was nothing he could do. So, well, you and I did what we had to do."

Gibbs rose to a sitting position and looked down at his hands. "I'm normal now..."

"Yes, you are. Sometime during the night the Fever was broken, maybe when your body finally metabolized all that extra testosterone. I guess Ducky could explain it to you in detail, but if you don't mind, I would prefer not to be here when he wakes up."

Gibbs' eyes widened as he looked around the room. "Where the hell is he?"

"In his office."

"You mean he saw me changed? And that he spent the night in his office while we rutted on the floor?"

"And against the slab and on the chair..." Tony tried and failed to lighten the mood... "Boss, it was his idea. He blocked the Autopsy doors so no one could walk in on us, but he stayed in the office to answer to any calls he might get about the fact the doors were locked."

"Oh God..." Gibbs put his head in his hands and Tony felt his heart go to his lover. He knew how much the older man hated the Fever and the loss of control that came with it, thus it had to be very hard and embarrassing to know he had been seen and heard while he was the prey of his half-Bosavian, animal nature.

"Come on, Jethro," he said gently. "We need to go. I love Ducky dearly, but I could do without him checking me now. You too, I believe."

Gibbs' head snapped up and he scanned what he could see of Tony's body with his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm just very sore, with some bruises here and there. You didn't hurt me, Jethro."

"Ya sure?"

"Yes. Now come, let's get dressed and get outta here. I want to go home and soak in that big bathtub you insist was one of your exes' ideas for at least an hour. What do you think?"

"I think you won't have any problem in convincing me to join you in it," Gibbs replied, grimacing as his knee popped as he stood up. "And make it two hours. With very warm water."

The two men walked to where Tony had folded their clothes, and dressed as quickly as their sore muscles allowed them. When they were done, Gibbs went back to the corner and picked up the soiled green surgical garbs. Tony had found one of the red plastic bags were Ducky put the organs in after he weighted and examined them during autopsies and used it to wrap the garbs into. They would take them home and burn them.

They then walked to the door, and while Tony unlocked them, Gibbs removed the paper and the tape, and threw it in the bag with the garbs.

Finally, exchanging a tender kiss and relieved smile because they had escaped Ducky's examination, Tony and Gibbs stepped into the corridor. Neither of them knowing that not only the doctor had heard their entire conversation through the slightly open door of his office, but that he had also conducted his examination while the two men lay unconscious on the floor earlier that morning.

Ducky fondly shook his head and raising his cup of tea in the air, he silently toasted to the two sore but otherwise fine, happily in love men who had just left.

The End

I hope you enjoyed this short story, probably the closest thing to a PWP I ever wrote. As usual, please let me know what you think and if there is something you would like to see set in this AU.